VIEWPOINT Peskowitz is 'confused and confusing' Tuesday, May 28, 2002 - The Michigan Daily - 5 Democratic solutions for a global problem ZAC PESKOWITZ TIE OWER REQUENCiEs BY PETER MARSHALL You hope that when someone writes a column, especially a cri- tique, that it is presented fairly, and that an effort has been made to get facts right and make sure that opinions or issues critiqued are represented accurately. "Brother, can you spare a dime?" (05/13/02) by Zac Peskowitz belies those premises to a signifi- cant degree. Not only did he get many facts wrong, the ad hominem attack, done in a connotative fashion throughout his article, was unnecessary. I have never spoken with Peskowitz, who could have easily contacted me and found out about the coalition I am representing and what it . truly hopes to accomplish, instead of relying on second- hand information. I most certainly do not want to "sanitize" Ann Arhor, or "remove the vaguely threatening, the foreign and the distressing," nor does the State Street Initia- tive, as if it were like a Chinese government dictate set forth to sweep the streets of Beijing clean of undesirables. Rather, the peti- tioners want, inter alia, to get panhandlers into treatment and out of a life on the street that puts them seriously at risk: 80 to 90 percent of them suffer from life-threatening addictions. And contrary to Peskowitz's view, many of these petitioners from the business community - actively engaged in volunteer community activity - recognize the need to do more for the at- risk street population. Indeed, business community members signed onto the petition because it stressed the need for enhanced outreach services along with a proposed ordinance revision. The SSI has consistently called atten- tion to gaps in existing services and outreach and advocated for their remediation. The ordinance revision pro- posed by the SSI would ban solicitation of money, i.e. pan- handling, "where such money is reasonably likely to be used entirely by the solicitor for his or her personal benefit." This pan- handling subsidizes substance abuse, making it very difficult for substance abusers to get counseling or treatment for their addictions. Often addiction to drugs or alcohol is the principal reason someone is on the street. The initiative does not ban panhandlers, but rather panhan- dling. And not "in a 1.7 mile radius surrounding the State Street business district," as reported by Peskowitz, but only on a very few streets in down- town Ann Arbor, where much of the enabling solicitation for funds goes on and almost all of the deleterious effects of panhan- dling occur. Thousands of service calls are made each year to address complaints related to panhandlers and panhandling by the Ann Arbor Police Depart- ment. Some of the calls are very serious. Over 100 times last year, ambulances had to be summoned to rush collapsed and dangerous- ly overdosed street persons to hospital. Many times, people col- lapse inside stores. Is this the kind of "Midwestern quirkiness and bohemianism" Peskowitz seeks to preserve? Ironically, Peskowitz praises the Loose Change for Real Change campaign emanating from the Mayor's Task Force on Panhandling and at the same time derides the SSI. Had he done his homework better, he would have realized that the LCRC campaign seeks to stop the flow of all com- munity funds to all panhandlers - aggressive or not - through- out the entire downtown Ann Arbor area! This is a far greater area of impact on panhandlers than that proposed by the SSI, which, yielding to First Amend- ment concerns, leaves ample venues throughout the city still open for panhandling. Moreover, the LCRC project has two critical flaws that the SSI seeks to address. First, the donation of funds is voluntary: Some people may choose to continue giving money to panhandlers, and hecause of this, outreach funding is effectively held hostage to the discretion of the donors and the consistency with which they donate. This is very hit or miss for such a serious need. Second, in eight months the LCRC boxes have collected only around $8,000, not a small amount, but one that falls woefully short of what is needed to support even one full-time outreach counselor ($40,000 per year). SSI support- ers believe that the city, county, the University and private entities should join together to provide or obtain guaranteed funding for such outreach on an annual basis. This is possible. Limited by available space, this rebuttal cannot address other unfounded assertions alluded to in Peskowitz's confused and con- fusing column such as the vague conspiratorial "plan" by local businesses and the city for Ann Arbor's homeless. Nor can it dis- cuss the many other humanitarian proposals to enhance outreach and treatment so cynically dis- missed by Peskowitz as "callow" solutions to assuage guilt. Finally, a romanticized view of the street people in our midst serves no one. They need help. And businesses need relief. I urge Peskowitz and like-minded individuals to take a deeper look at this grave issue affecting the community - and mostly the panhandlers themselves. Marshall is a University alum. As President 01 ,.Bush posed for the internation- al press while signing the Treaty of Moscow in St. Catherine's Hall, the minds of his advis- ers were far from his cavernous surround- ings and global nuclear arms reduction. Bush's trip to Russia was solely a symbolic overture to the past. As The New York Times described the summit, it was a "final elegy to the Cold War." The most significant work of the presi- dent's European visit was in Germany and France where he attempted to smooth divi- sions with the European Union and much of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is clear to everyone that many of the United States' traditional relationships are becoming irrelevant. What now matters are far-sprung events in Marquetalia, Columbia, the Chechen frontier and the passes of Kashmir. The local reactions to the perpetual threat and acts of terrorism and political violence will now be the laboratories that shape and dictate future United States policy. Over the past two months, political vio- lence has expanded inboth its ferocity and worldwide scope. The most shocking mark of this expansion was the assassination of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn ina Hilversum parking lot, the first political murder in the Netherlands since the 1600s. But the trend is seen in Columbia andVenezuela, Ireland and obviously the Middle East. Political violence now stands on the world stage as the intellec- tual challenger to the continued endurance of the liberal democratic state. The unpredictable nature of political violence's outbursts and the perpetual threat they pose causes many citizens and politicians to seek repressive solutions and abandon civil liberties. Terrorism's focus on institutions of daily life and its ability to instill numbing fear in the population cre- ates an environment where democratic institutions can be quickly dismantled. Leaders see democracy and civil liberties as concepts that are irreconcilable with a campaign against terrorism. In Columbia, this is now happening. The burden of numerable kidnappings, guerrilla murders and systematic arson has so threatened the Columbian way of life that Alvaro Uribe's call for military expansion and the curtail- ing of due process and military oversight won him a true majority in Sunday's presi- dential election. While Uribe's proposed solution and Fortuyn's plan to end immigration to the Netherlands and amend the Dutch constitu- tion to allow for discrimination have enjoyed popularity in many nations, these are infeasi- ble solutions. They focus on the most super- ficial manifestations.of global terrorism and only aim to temporarily stave off the danger. Instead, the only method to permanently dis- rupt andrminimize terrorism is a global com- mitment to democratic liberties and the opportunity and freedom they create. The problem of terrorism is so broad that it requires the fostering of democratic bodies worldwide. This is the only way to prevent systematic alienation and discontent in a global environment. True democracy's unmatched ability to actively involve citizens in the rule of their states discourages the exercise of violence to express opposition to specific policy. The expansion of democracy allows individuals to peacefully utilize civil dissent. This reality makes the United States' actions since Sept. 11 very troubling. There is an attitude that central tenets of democrat- ic governance - privacy rights, judicial transparency, the rights of the accused and the sanctity of dissent - are expendable. The United States is losing international authority and respect and allowing nations to justify their repression of opponents under the guise of combating terrorism. The stunt- ing of the development of democratic regimes will only lead to more resentment and political violence. The realities of modern technology and interdependence mandate that neglecting or excluding a portion of the world from the benefits and operation of the democratic state is a short-sighted solution that can only create future tragedy. There is now a global theater that is divided between two visions of the world. One vision is willing to use any means to justify its goals while its neme- sis must act within crafted restrictions and follow the development of law. Democra- cy must not compromise with the methods of terrorism. It cannot accept this desire and risk perpetual violence. Zac Peskowitz can be reached at Running into the wind: Affirmative action LUKE SMITH CRP IS IN THE HOLY LAND n the late '80s, I was a world-class sprinter. You may -,a not remember me, but there are those who do. The 100-meter dash was my specialty. I ran like the wind. Few men could outrun me, and only a handful of ani- mals had faster jaunts over land than I did. My speed and notoriety threatened Carl Lewis and he challenged me to a race in my specialty. With a smug grin, I accepted and pulled down my shiny Adidas tracksuit, laced up my sneakers and walked to the starting block. Carl, Mr. Lewis to you slow- folks, walked by me and to his starting block ten meters ahead of mine. Osama Bin Laden strode up and slid into position five meters ahead of me. He was in especially good shape with being trained by our military and all. His beard was well trimmed. Very well trimmed. I, a veteran of many races know that different distances are staggered, but the 100 meters - it was always a straight shot. Lewis kneeled into the track-starter-upper position (technical term) and I looked up and asked "Hey Carl, what gives? This is the 100, there are no stagger starts in the 100, why are you starting ahead of me?" "Because," Carl smiled, "I'm black." And with a bang, the gun fired. The race is being run now, and people are losing, choking and gurgling on a system that wraps more than a spare tire around the waists of the majority. Everyone is losing in some way, shape or form. Whether or not people want to admit it, affirmative action is a sad attempt first at a constant apology to the minority community of the United States and second, an admittance on the part of those who utilize this flawed system that they are lesser people. Carl Lewis certainly didn't need a head- start on that windy August morning, but because he took his 10 meter bump to the front of the line, he did. Is this right? This essential handicapping of a race, a competi- tion for the good of even-keel society? So why do minorities need affirmative action? I can only defend affirmative action on the grounds that life isn't fair. Some people are fat, some are bald, some are pretty, some are ugly, some are rich and some are poor. Life hasn't ever been fair, and affirmative action serves as little more than a desperate reach to cultivate some level of 'fairness' in the United States. The absurdity of "every- thing being fair and equal" is a naive con- cept, a philosophical optimism, little more than a pipe dream, so much in fact that to pursue it corrodes ideologies even further. In the creation of affirmative action in its present state, the champions and recipients of its benefits are minorities and women. The white male receives no such benefit. Most problematic is the exclusion of finan- cial status in consideration for affirmative action's fringe benefits of elbowing one's way to the front of the admissions, corporate, or whatever line. With the exclusion of financial consider- ation, affirmative action ineffectively segre- gates those who receives its benefits. The impoverished white individual hailing from somewhere in rural middle America, receives no such added consideration on the assumption that whites need no extra push into college. This is a nauseating principle. It's even more disgustig when the side of the coin is flipped and you see perfectly able, educated and financially secure minori- ties receiving special "considerations" that they don't need. Just read that again. Thanks. Anyone with half of a brain can see that the system is flawed. Those championing minority rights and handing out flyers and making their voices heard should rationally be able to see the inherent flaws in affirma- tive action. In creating a system that is designed to include minorities, it must dis- criminate the so-called majority - this con- cept itself is an oxymoronic one. To those applauding the court case and its result, smile and enjoy. It is a victory for you and your cause. Those who chant and scream with mouths wide open have earned it. Do keep in mind that you champion a sys- tem that is flawed, inherently discriminatory and a conceptual leap of idiocy at an ideo- logical nirvana that cannot nor should be attained. Life is not fair, there is no reason to try and equalize it. The sweatlpoured from my arms, I saw the lights on Carl's L.A. Gears shining through the mist as I trailed behind. The world beside me was a blur and my legs were on fire. I saw him cross the tape and I followed, less than a second behind. When the mathematicians had factored the meters/second traveling, I was faster, but that 10 meter edge was just enough. Fair, isn't it? Luke Smith can be reached at