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May 28, 2002 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2002-05-28

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, May 28, 2002 - 3

Purse stolen
during Markley
home invasion
An unidentified suspect stole a
purse from an unlocked empty room
in Mary Markley Residence Hall
around 12:00 p.m. Saturday. Some
of the items were later discovered in
a nearby stairwell.
Although a crime alert normally
warrants a suspect description, DPS
spokeswoman Diane Brown said
because of the large number of
home invasions that occurred last
semester, DPS justified an alert in
this situation. This is the 10th home
invasion DPS issued a crime alert
for since January 2002.
Male suspect
steals money,
wallet in CCRB
Central Campus Recreation
Building staff confronted an 18 to
20-year-old black male with a mus-
tache and short afro wearing a light
blue shirt or jacket Saturday. The
man, described by witnesses as hav-
ing a dirty appearance, was attempt-
ing to steal money from a main
office cash register.
Though nothing was reported
stolen from the register, the thief did

Construction needed
but brings problems
to pedestrians, drivers

By Ashley Fdoman
For the Daily
Due to the high amounts of construc-
tion coming to Ann Arbor in the next
few months, pedestrians may have to
think of some creative paths to get to
their destinations.
State Street area construction began
in March and will continue throughout
the summer in phases to add improve-
ments, including new streetlights, side-
walks, trees and bike racks. Maynard,
East Liberty and East William streets,
as well as the south side of North Uni-
versity Avenue and the west side of
State, are anticipated to be finished by
mid-July - just in time for the Ann
Arbor Street Art Fair, which begins
July 17.
"There is just construction every-
where," Washtenaw Community College
freshman Rebecca Owin said, who
added that construction makes driving
through Ann Arbor longer and brings
unexpected delays.
Susan Pollay, director of the Down-
town Development Authority, said con-
struction is being done one block at a
time. "Each block should take three to
four weeks to be completed," she said.
No businesses will be blocked at any
" ;+ II in ha(+r~te rin A'. d dla

taking place during the summer to dis-
rupt as few students as possible.
"Construction is a temporary incon-
venience that brings convenience later
on," she said.
But Education junior Amber Guess
said the appearance of the city may have
an effect on potential University stu-
dents visiting this summer.
"The construction causes the campus
and city appearances to be temporarily
less aesthetically pleasing, especially to
visiting new students," Guess said.
Despite inconveniences during con-
struction, the renovations to the area will
make the downtown area safer and
brighter, Pollay said. "One of the best
parts of this project is the lighting
scheme, which is designed to make it
feel comfortable and safe," she said.
There will be additional lighting 24
hours a day in the State Street area after
the project is complete.
The first construction project to begin
was at Maynard Street between East
William and East Liberty.
Matthew Kelly, a vendor at Hot Dogs
on the Run located at the corner of May-
nard and East Liberty, said business at
the stand has been cut in half. "The
construction is noisy, it's dirty," he said.
"But at the same time, it's got to be
The next phase of construction will
be work on the south side of East Liber-

Abbot Construction employee Francisco Vargas directs traffic on East Liberty
Street due to the construction.
ty and is expected to be finished by Ashley's restaurant on the corner of
early next month. Construction on the State and North University, said the
south side of North University from eatery will have to use a temporary
State to Thayer Street is expected to be wooden plank as a walkway to the
completed by mid-June. door during construction.
The last project to be finished before "It will more than make up for it by
the art fairs begin will be work on the having a nicer area once the project is
south side of East William. According to fully completed," More added.
the State Street Area Association's phas- Improvements to the State Street area
ing plan and schedule for 2002-2003, will continue throughout next school
there will bea break in construction dur- year and are expected to be completed
ing the fair. Construction will pick up by Summer2003.
again in the third week of July on the The DDA is also working with the
north side of East William. University to improve the corner of
The State Street area project will North University and State Street
continue with construction on the west near the entrance to the Diag, where
side of State beginning in the third they will add a bus shelter and new
week of August. Jeff More, owner of seating areas.

get away wiii a waniei stolen irom a point auing the constructon, sne aadea.
nearby desk. Vice President of Students Affairs E.
Royster Harper said the construction is
- Compiled by Daily News Editor
Jeremy Berkowitz. M KE SURE
For more information on this week-
end's incidents, read the story online at
www.michigandaily.com .
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