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May 20, 2002 - Image 15

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2002-05-20

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, May 20, 2002 -15

Webb wins 1,500
meter at Big Tens
Putting an up and down season
behind him, Michigan freshman Alan
Webb won the 1,500-meter race at
the Big Ten Outdoor Championship
Webb posted a time of 3:49.27 and
was the Wolverines' only champion of
the meet. He also earned the honor of
being just the third Michigan runner to
win the 1,500-meter race at the Big
Ten Outdoor Championship.
The Wolverines finished with 39
points and in ninth place. Wisconsin,
which hosted the meet, won the com-
petition with 157.50 points. The Bad-
gers tallied 27 points in the
5,000-meter race alone.
- Staff reports

Women runners
take Big Ten title
. Behind three event titles on the final
day of the Big Ten Outdoor Champi-
onship, the Michigan women's track
team took home the conference title
for the outdoor season.
The Wolverines were sitting in sixth
at the beginning of Sunday's competi-
tion with a meager 24 points. But with-
in a span of 10 minutes, Michigan
more than doubled its scoring output
as it recorded 39 points.
With wins in the 800- and 400-
meter races by Rachel Sturtz and Vera
Simms respectively, the Wolverines
were in the hunt for the Big Ten Out-
door title.
A win in the 200-meter race by
Katie Jazwinski was the third event
win of the day for the Wolverines and
put them over the top.
- Staff reports

Nets down Celtics in East opener

- They ran at every opportunity,
scored without much difficulty and
never once trailed.
And with Jason Kidd doing every-
thing he has done all season, the New
Jersey Nets showed why they're the
No. 1 team in the East. ,
Picking apart Boston's vaunted
defense with surprising ease, the Nets
beat Boston 104-97 last night in
Game 1 of the Eastern Conference
From shooting percentages to
rebounding to the ability to dictate
the tempo, the Nets dominated the
Celtics in nearly every facet of the
game. Most important was the way
they produced easy baskets - 19 of
them layups or dunks.
"We didn't even play a lick of

defense all night," Boston's Paul
Pierce said.
Pierce stated before the series that
the Nets had no one who could
defend him. What Pierce didn't men-
tion was that something else - foul
trouble -could stop him.
Pierce scored 14 points in the first
quarter but was a non-factor offen-
sively the rest of the way. He picked
up his third and fourth fouls in a 16-
second span early in the third quarter,
and the Nets went on an 18-8 run
after he went to the bench.
Pierce didn't score again until 8:21
remained in the game. By then, the
Nets had built their lead as high as 17
and were able to withstand a rally that
got the Celtics within six with under
2 minutes left.
Kidd finished with 18 points, 13

rebounds and 11 assists, getting the
triple-double with 3:53 left when he
fed Keith Van Horn for a jumper that
gave the Nets a 97-86 lead.
Kerry Kittles, Todd MacCulloch
and Van Horn scored 14 apiece, and
seven Nets reached double figures.
"There's more than one guy who
can put the ball in the basket, and
being unselfish and trying to play the
right way - that's been our motto the
whole season," Kidd said.
Pierce and Antoine Walker led
Boston with 27 points each.
Much was made before the series
about the offensive talents of Pierce
and Walker and Boston's edge in 3-
point shooting, but the Nets negated it
by capitalizing on a factor that was
not highlighted in recent days - their
height advantage.


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