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May 20, 2002 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2002-05-20

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12 -The Michigan Daily - Monday, May 20, 2002 A RT S
'Velvet' goldmine
By Lyle Henretty drug dealer/maniac Frank Booth
Doily Arts Editor (Dennis Hopper, who gives the per-
foEt re of his career), who has kid
H eineken lovers can once again napped her son and husand.
feelthe wrath of Frank Booth. The Violence, red curtains and Dean
"Blue Velvet" Special Edition DVD Stockwell lipsinking Roy Orison's
contains the cleanest (visually, cer- "In Dreams" into awork-light follow.
K tainly not thematically) The DVD also
print of David Lynch's s includes awonderful
revolting Americana. s documentary, "Myster-
Even at his most BLUE VELVE: i e s of Love," which
coherent, . Lynch's SPECIAL EDITION ( n ain s wir-
asthetics are off-putting Pic pe/Sounds**** views with Hopper,
and often jarring. The ovirty t rh** MacLachlan, Laura
superior picture and Dern and Rossellini, as
a nssound quality showcase Featurest fm e well as archive footage
9 our alternativ9'9musicdsourge, the care Lynch takes in MGM Home Video of Lynch .
each shot; How he cre- The DVD case
ates madness from perfection. claims the disc contains a "deleted
Jeffery Beaumont (Kyle.MacLach- scenes montage," which is simply
tan) is honhr from college to help his production stills from deleted
nNo rssdfamily after his father's heart attack. scenes set to music. The original
n E" iAfter finding an ear in a field, Jeffery scenes (nearly two hours worth)
gets involved (through a little peeping were lost years ago and proraly
tommery) with lounge singer Dorothy destroyed. This is a rather weak
Vallens (tsabella Rossellini). inclusion, hut doesn't take away
VVallens is tortured and forced to from the fine film or the presents-
99 99 induldge the sexual fantasies of local tion it has so long deserved..
ThsLbsdgou ie okail fgag ~th Yu'epobbly headteb ut if n o , t edy
obetefrm on Fer iga
HGrasy arkAyie
Jeremiaoh FreedWak

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