2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, May 13, 2002
Bilwill remove sales tax on Cntne rmHae:
the one," she said.
k f Obad added she did not expect to be
recognized for what she considered
CO le e teXtbooks p assed largely to be "just helping out."
"You never know. Things will happen
when you least expect them, and things
By Hiba Ghalib cent, would create a need for raising other taxes. you work hard for will be recognized
For the Daily "The impact on state budget is negligible," he said. later. Even though sometimes its not
"Yet, for students, you're talking about $30 to $40 per noticeable, others do see your hard
If state Sen. Leon Stille (R-Spring Lake) has his way, term, so it's quite sizable for them." work," she said.
students may have less to worry about when it comes to John Lindo, Ulrich's Bookstore regional manager, Obad stressed the universal nature of
paying for textbooks. Stille is introducing a bill which does not foresee the proposed bill having an effect on volunteering and the importance of tak-
if it becomes a law, would exempt college students the number of books sold. ing part in contributing to a communi-
from paying sales tax on textbooks. "It really doesn't impact us either way. I think it ty. "No matter where you're from or
LSA junior Jessica Boid said she would support any would be a nice benefit for students, but it shouldn't what background you have or what
measure to cut textbook costs. "I'd think it would be a have an effect on sales," he said. religion you're in, you can always help
good thing," she said. "Books are already expensive as Stille introduced a similar bill several years ago that not only your community but other
it is." passed the Senate but never got taken up in the House. communities," she said.
Continued from Page 14
not good landlords.
"I think they were kind of afraid we
were going to file a lawsuit against them
because of their shortcomings as land-
lords," Thal said. "I guess it was kind of
a preemptive thing."
Mayeux said TKE will not return
to campus for a few years despite the
lawsuit being dropped. He said he
hopes the new chapter will be one
where members respect each other, i
the house and the fraternity. He said
he believes the culture at TKE was
one where such an environment
could not happen.
"The risk of harm at the violation of
others ... was too high forusto continue
at the University of Michigan," he said.
Michigan Book & Supply Manager Christine Comer
said the bill sounds too good to be true and wants to
know more about how the bill would come into effect.
She also said she worries that with the current short-
fall in state revenue lawmakers would raise other taxes
to fill the hole created by a textbook sales tax exemp-
"Property taxes are already high in Ann Arbor
because the University occupies so much land, and if
the taxes would have to rise, I would be less interested
in staying in the area," she said.
Comer added that as a School of Art and Design alum,
she would like to see art supplies be tax free as well.
"The majority of my class material purchases were
not in the form of textbooks, but consumable art sup-
plies," she said.
But Stille dismissed the idea that exempting text-
books from the sales tax, which is currently at 6 per-
With a mostly different set of lawmakers in the House
this year, after term limits forced most members out in
1998, he said he thinks the bill has a decent chance of
"The store can't lose money because the tax money
isn't theirs in the first place. It depends on how much
revenue the government loses and how they plan to
compensate," Rackham student Connie Boudens said.
"Sure it's a great idea, but if they're losing money, they
have to make up for it somewhere else."
Lynell Shooks, Stille's legislative assistant, said the
proposed bill would aid students who are on a tight
"Tuition is rising, books are expensive and students
don't get a lot on buybacks. We understand it's not a
huge amount of money, but for college students, an
extra $18 would be nice. That could be one more book
to buy," Shooks said.
Continued from Page 1
Kathy HoganBruen, senior director of
prevention at NMHA, said "the biggest
symptom of depression is hopelessness"
and warns in some extremes cases, it
can leadto suicide.
Mentality member Susie Hamilton
said the group worked in collabora-
tion with Dialogues on Diversity for
the skit to portray a generic freshman
"(Mentality) is powerful because it's
speaking about personal experiences. It's
not an acting group," said Pat McCune,
program director for Dialogues on
Diversity. "(Dialogues on Diversity)
has sponsored a variety of programs to
stimulate discussion of diversity issues
ranging from disabilities to religious
differences to sexual orientation to
race," she added.
McCune videotaped the performance
for her upcoming documentary to help
people understand what a common
health problem depression is and to
remove the stigma associated with men-
tal health problems.
"Mental health problems area type of
disability," McCune said.
HoganBruen said depression
could start at any time. She also
said leaving behind friends, family
and the predictability of home is
hard for some.
"College is a big transition and can
cause stress," HoganBruen said.
After the skit, Mentality engaged
in a discussion with audience mem-
bers. Hamilton said Mentality tries to
open up a safe space to talk about
mental health and mental illness. The
group hopes the conversation contin-
ues at home.
"This is OK. Lots of people expe-
rience (depression)," Shereda said.
"People are actually pretty accepting
of things."
According to the NMHA, Shereda is
one of 19 million adults affected by
depression annually She said she found
that once people knew, "it didn't really
make adifference."
"If you take responsibility for your
life and actively work to make things
better, people will respect you for it,"
Shereda said.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$105. Winter term (January through April) is $110, yearlong (September through April) is $190. University
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