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July 15, 2002 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2002-07-15

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 15, 2002 -11

Continued from Page 10
scoring defenseman in just his first
season in what Michigan assistant
coach Billy Powers called "as good
of a junior league as there is."
"The instincts that he has are
really not something you teach,"
said Steve, who was Danny's coach
last year with the Steel. "He was
always taught when he was younger
to use his offensive skills that he
has. He's worked at it, and luckily,
coaches let him play and be cre-
The Michigan coaching staff is
planning to give Danny free reign
and let his instincts take over when
the Wolverines take the ice this fall.
Powers, who recruited Danny, is
looking forward to having him
along with sophomore Eric Werner
as two "play-making offensive
"He had great poise and presence
on the- ice," Powers said. "He just
competed so hard - he was fero-
cious. He had the puck a lot and
loved to be creative with it, and he
was good at it. When he didn't have
it he wanted it hack so badly that

he'd do anything to get it." has wonderful hands. Defensively,
"At this time in the game, I don't he's very, very sound and he does
think it's necessary to be a 6-foot-5 like to get into the mixups.'"
defenseman who can't really move His mixups earned him 129
well," Danny said. "There's not real- penalty minutes last season, averag-
ly a place for ing more than a penalty per game.
that. You've got Richmond thinks it's important that
to be able to people are afraid to play against
move the puck, ' him and-has always tried to match
not just wing it the intensity that characterized his
around the boards father's style.
every time." Steve and Danny have a relation-
Steve, who ship that maybe only Bobby Nys-
played for the trom and his son, Eric, a Michigan
NewYork Rangers, sophomore, could understand.
Detroit Red Richmond Danny has been a "rink rat" his
Wings, New Jersey Devils and Los entire life, following his dad from
Angeles Kings during his nine-year NHL lockerrooms to his various
NHL career, said that it would be coaching jobs. Last season was the
difficult to give differences or com- first time since Danny was young
pare the way that he and Danny that Steve played the dual-role of
play. But he fully admitted that father and coach.
Danny is the swifter of the two and "He was treated like all my play-
that "there is no comparison" in ers," Steve said. "You treat them all
their offensive skills, which should like your kids. What made it smooth
be a scary thought for the rest of the was we never brought it back to the
"I think Danny's more of a finesse
player, although he has that same
toughness that Steve had," Jeanne
said. "I think Danny is probably a
little hit more skilled offensivel. He

"Obviously, hockey brings us a
little closer and the same with
Bobby and Eric. It makes you closer
because you feel the ups and downs
and when he's having a tough time
and you can sympathize, or you can
give him a kick in the pants. We're
close because we spend so much
time together."
Steve wants his son to experience
everything for himself and is trying
hard not to talk about the unforget-
table sensation of stepping on the
ice at Yost Arena with the band
playing and the fans on their feet.
"I getgoosebumps thinking about
it," Steve said. "I'm not much of an
emotional guy, and he has no idea
what's in store for him. It's a feeling
you can't describe and it never goes
away. I can think about games I
played in 1979 with the crowd and
the feeling. It's incredible."
In less than three months. that

It's heads
In the quaint village of Stockbridge,
Michigan hockey coach Red Beren-
sosn and Michigan State hockey
coach Rick Comley gathered or their
first contest since comley was
named the Spartans' coach. The two
coaches met to decide where the
fourth game hetween the schools
would he played. The decision rested
in the hands of Ken Moffit, Stock-
bridge's president, who tossed a U.S.
half-dollar with the Michigan logo on
one side and the Michigan State logo
on the other. The Wolkerines proved
victorious as the hlock M' loped
face up on the Town Hall lawn. Two
games will be played at Yost Ice
Arena next year, with one game at
Mont Ice Arena and one at Joe Louis
Arena as well.
"These are huge games," Berenson
said. "You can just about predict that
these teams will be in contention for
the race for first place."
Date Location
2/14 - at Yost Ice Arena
2/15 - at Mut Ice Arena
2/28 - at Yost Ice Arena

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for a research study involving visits
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