The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 1, 2002- 3 'U' psychology prof., women's movement leader dies By Andrew McCormack For the Daily A retired University Social Psychol- ogy professor, whose impact on the Michigan community and the Women's Rights Movement is found not only in the books she published but from the words of her colleagues, died June 15 from congestive heart failure. Elizabeth "Libby" Douvan was an activist in every sense of the word, friends said. At the forefront of the Women's Rights movement, she advanced the opinion, controversial even to many hardened feminists, that women's social liberation should not interfere with family dynamic. A boy and his hors F "She was committed to women's female founding member of the Insti- at various ages, thereby crew rights, but that did not make her hate tute for Social Research in 1948, a pro- framework where she could males," said for- fessor at the University for more than adolescent growth. She publish mer University 50 years, a member of the Society of findings in a 1966 book title Prof. Joseph Fellows and a founder of the women's Adolescent Experience." Sh Veroff, a long-time studies program at the University. went on to study the psychol colleague who co- Douvan also ran a program at the women, the way they felt abot authored three Fielding Graduate Institute, where position in the social order a books with Dou- black and white women shared their way that made them feel about van. experiences to come to a mutual selves, Veroff said. With Libby, "it understanding about their gender. In her later work, Douvan, w wasn't about com- "She wasn't the kind of teacher that chology Prof. Martin Gold, c peting," added had an agenda," Veroff said. "People felt develop an idea of social psycho Sonya Delgado, a Douvan as if she cared when she talked to them." a practice that should encompass friend and former student of Douvan. "It In Dr. Douvan's early career as an of anthropology, sociology and1 was about educating women." intellectual, she worked with others ality theory. "Most social psyc When it came to education, Douvan to study the ways in which boys' and concentrates on the individual's meant business. She was the only girls' notions of themselves differed him or her self in society. She at le An A2 Independence Day sating a study bed her d "The he also ogy of wt their nd the it them- ith psy- ame to logy as aspects person- hology idea of nd Gold resisted that. They were interested in the real relationship between people and society,"Veroffsaid. Friends said they'had no doubt Dou- van loved the University. She was a tireless educator, approving a student's dissertation one week before she passed away. She was a director of the Residential College. Throughout her life, Douvan was an open-minded intellectual that never tired in her pursuit of the betterment of society, friends said. "I argued with her once in public,' Delgado remembered. "I later apolo- gized, and she held my hand and said: 'I can learn from you, Dear' ... When she said that, that was her essence." By Karen Schwartz DailyNews Editor Though there are no local fireworks in Ann Arbor, many students are still trying to find ways to get a bang out of their Independence Day while staying in town. Hosting picnics and barbecues, watching movies and spending time with friends are just some of the ways people said they plan to spend their time off. Attending the 12th annual July 4 parade in downtown Ann Arbor is another popular holi- day pick. The parade starts on campus and trav- els down Main Street and up William Street, featuring musical guests and community groups. "The best part of the parade is the comnmuni- ty involvement," parade chair Tara Sniezek said. "We have so many different groups --sthe par- ticipation is unbelievable" Last year's parade, she said, was attended by around 20,000 people. She expects even more people to line the streets and watch this year. Sniezek said she has found that people really "just want to be a part of it" and added that she feels the eventstruly belongs to the community. Riding her bike down to the parade is LSA sophomore Kelly Jackson's favorite July 4 memory. "It took awhile to get downtown, but it was fun," she said. Jackson said watching the parade and barbe- cuing at Gallop Park equals def-iite fun on the 4th. But, she said, something is missing from the festivities. "It just always seems like you should have the fireworks." Bob Kovats, a high school student from Portage, Mich. who will be in Ann Arbor until August as part of a summer program, said he always sees fireworks on the 4th but that this year he is going to have tomake other plans. "I'll be disappointed because it'll be the first 4th I haven't seen fireworks but I'll get over it," he said, adding that he does not feel out of options. "Ann Arbor is a really neat city, they have a lot to offer" Top of the Park's July 4 festivities will feature a picnic, the Ann Arbor Civic Band, percussion ensemble and the movie "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." Also this weekend, the Ann Arbor Jaycees, the junior Chamber of Commerce group, will be holding their 51 st summer carnival from Wednesday to Saturday at Pioneer High School, Ann Arbor resident Omar Imran picks out fireworks at Busters Food Mart on Platt Road, offering games, face painting and rides. in addition to parades and picnics, security is at the front of many people's minds this 4th of July weekend. And though there are no direct threats in Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Police Depart- ment Chief of Police Daniel Oates said there will be extra police at community events. Since Sept. 11, he said, there is a list of sensitive and critical locations around the city that are also being visited by extra patrols. "We're just redoubling our efforts to remain as vigilant as possible," Oates said, adding that while extra caution will be taken on the holiday, he thinks that everyone should relax and have a good time and celebrate the 4th. asses rus 5/5z JESSICA YUR.ASEK/ Daily Josh Czaplewski grooms his horse Mandy at Sleepy Hollow Equestrian Center in South Lyon last week. BUILDINGS Continued from Page 12 sion to the grossly painted inside walls, poor ventilation and unreliable elevators. "It feels institutional and doesn't uti- lize its space very well," LSA junior Clair Morrissey said, expressing dissatis- faction with the MLB. "The basement of the MLB is definitely my least favorite place to have class," she said adding that "it feels like a dungeon and we all have to take so many classes down there." Right now there is over $126 million going into construction projects on cam- pus. Senior Information Coordinator of Facilities and Operations Diane Brown said it is necessary to balance the needs of the different academic units when considering which projects to take on. "Two years ago, Haven Hall would have been the biggest complaint," Brown said, adding that "there is only so much that (the Literature, Science and Arts College) can handle while limiting student constraint." Brown said the Frieze building is "clearly" in need of work and that a complete demolition would be neces- sary for any major improvements. This type of long-term project is not pending, though she said low cost improvements are being explored. The MLB is in better condition than the Frieze Building, Brown said, adding that she was unaware of the building's unpopularity with students and profes- sors. Though no major updating of the building is planned, it will soon benefit from a chiller plant that will provide air conditioning for the MLB and Hill Auditorium. The large amount and fast pace of University construction will continue. "It's a never ending process if you are a good steward of resources, and the University takes a lot of pride in being a good steward," Brown said. This ongoing process of updating the facilities was delayed back in 1997. "We did slow down a little because (former President) Bollinger asked for a company to come in and do a compre- hensive master plan on campus, Brown said, adding that "it provided a road map of possibilities for planners to have a cohesive and coordinatediplan to-tbllow." Upcoming projects for LSA facilities include work on the Literature, Science and Arts Building and residence halls. Students can expect the yellow tape and cranes to be around for some time, Brown said, emphasizing the importance of continuous progress. "It's a place we know needs to be fresh and new in order to deliver the kind of education this University expects to be delivered," sh said. c4brO Cafe YmrsA 326 !MaynardSt G[reat Coffee jreat Trwces Espresso Cayncfl~ lea Tastr~s !Mondy -yrtfiy 74mu - SuTda .rr mtsArcade 0y n arnd'gVeIuaatryI