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June 17, 2002 - Image 16

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2002-06-17

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16 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 17, 2002

Continued from Page 15
The dues and fund raising also
require all members of the team to be
fully dedicated to the team's goals.
"We don't have anyone on our team
that does not want to be there," Scholz
said. "I think in some of the scholarship
programs they have kids that have
already rowed four years in high school
and might be a little burned out."
While the Wolverines have had more
success than any other club program,
they are not yet satisfied. The team
hopes in the next two years to finish in
the top five at the IRA and have its top
boat, the varsity eight, finish in the
nation's top six. The team also plans to
enjoy itself a little along the way.
"We've got a lot of good guys just
going for it," Hartsuff said. "These are
hard-working guys that are represent-
ing the university well and having fun
doing it."

June, LeSueur get down

Continued from Page 13
defense's ability to create turnovers did
as well. The defensive groups coached
by June and LeSueur had the most suc-
cess recovering fumbles and picking
off passes for 70-yard scores. And just
because the two defensive backs
weren't participating in the game did-
n't mean they didn't get involved.
Located in the endzone, the two
sprinted to their new students to
accompany them on their touchdown
runs. Since endzone celebrations are
frowned upon in actual games, June
and LeSueur didn't pass up the oppor-
tunity to do a touchdown dance with
the women playing in their positions.
"I thought Cato June showed a lot of
enthusiasm," Carr said. "That's the one

thing - (the players) seemed to enjoy
themselves, which is really a positive
thing. It's not exactly their element, but
the ladies' concentration was very
good and they pay attention, so that
makes it more fun for the coaches."
As for next year's academy, Carr
was unsure whether to add more par-
ticipants as there is only so much that
his staff can handle in a half-day peri-
"Somewhere there's a number that is
ideal in terms of making sure everyone
can still have a good time and yet get-
ting as many people as we can," Carr
He also said that the thought of
adding more was a possibility, but he
would have to talk with Erik Campbell,
wide receivers coach and the emcee for
the event, and the rest of his staff first.

Michigan safety Cato June was one of many football players who helped teach the
women some of the Intricacies of playing defense Saturday.

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