I ART ~ If Th^^ir^^ c~ ^^om^~ I"^^r^^ in^17 x10 4 is i ne micrn an uan - monaa , June it, :euu2 - i1 New HBO series 'The Wire' taps into summer programming Todd Weiser opens its series Duly AsWriter premiere with Avon buying off Quality television lovers unite! witnesses to get HBO, the Mecca of excellent, smart his nephew and provocative television programs D'Angelo (Larry has launched a new series to fill all Gilliard, Jr.) off those empty summer days between on murder seasons of "Six Feet Under" and charges. McNulty "The Sopranos." However, this time causes a ruckus Y execs over at HBO have become a in the police little bored with their usual over- department, most the-top, high action entertainment i m p o r t a n t I y and are providing a much gentler, angering the slow-paced crime drama. "The Deputy Commis- Wire" is certainly not for everyone sioner by provok- and even those who eventually turn ing a judge to themselves over to the season-long criticize the storyline will be put off at first. But department's lack have patience, "The Wire" certainly of action on does. bringing down David Simon, the writer-turned- Avon. television genius behind "Homi- Neither Nar-Just trying to catch a break. cide: Life on the Street" and HBO's cotics nor Homicide even have a heavily Emmy award-winning mini-series picture of the suspected drug lord. ical di "The Corner," has crafted a show An investigative squad is quickly nothin like no other. Comparisons to "24" created to appease the judge's wish- drivin or "Murder One" would es but it is not given The s not go unwarranted full technical support faithf with Simon putting the from the uncommitted Simon focus on a singular Bal- *l * department heads. Up show, timore joint investiga- and coming Narcotics fare. tion of a local drug boss THE WIRE Lieutenant Cedric- reveal for the entire season. Daniels (Lance Red- trade i Due to this limited con- HBO dick, "Oz") is put in Whe centration, "The Wire" Sunday night 10:00 pm charge of the investi- matica is a slow, methodical gation and McNulty the m exercise in television escapism. All quickly doesn't trust Daniels, who ested. those twists and turns that fly at is afraid of damaging his reputa- viewe you on shows like "Law and Order" tion. Daniels eventually proves his Bauer will arrive on "The Wire," just at a dedication to the case; he just wish- nator leisurely pace. Viewers can ponder es to avoid stepping on all the toes will ta the most miniscule of actions and McNulty continually'crushes with if Mc maybe by season's end, come to his own rebellious decisions. turn o some greater conclusions about the On the dealer's side, they have a gelo w war on drugs and the armies on hierarchy of their own. D'Angelo war's both sides of the war. tries to teach Avon the rules of this It Iv "The Wire" portrays both sides of brotherhood, which always means boring the investigation, nicknamed "The staying quiet among those who invest Law" and "The Dealers" according can't be trusted and sometimes examt to the show's website. Homicide means murder. ernme Detective Jimmy McNulty Directed by Clark Johnson, a for- the wa (Dominic West) is responsible for mer member of the cast of "Homi- If tha starting the investigation. Avon cide," "The Wire" relies heavily on provid Barksdale (Wood Harris) controls the powers of its script and action violen the most powerful drug trade in instead of impacting visuals. The soniet West Baltimore, and "The Wire" series opener relies a little too keep v Yeah, rip off MI:2, that's a hell of a good idea. Very little 1s 'Bourne' from Lucilum rehash y on expletives and stereotyp- alogue, giving capable actors ig to work with and possibly g away millions of viewers. econd episode, for all those ul HBO lovers (and David n lovers) who stick by the is much more entertaining The case slowly unravels, iing the intricacies of the drug n greater depth. ere the show is heading, the- ally and plot-wise, becomes agnet keeping viewers inter- . It took 24 episodes until rs could finally watch Jack kill the terrorists and saveSe- Palmer's life in "24" and it ke 13 episodes until we know Nulty can persuade Avon to n his uncle or whether D'An- ill once again defeat the drug efforts. nay be a slow and sometimes ride, but the factually based igation becomes a wonderful pie of all the obstacles, gov- ntal and personal, that get in ay of a normal investigation. t isn't enough, "The Wire" des just as much vulgarity and nce as any HBO show and times that's just enough to iewers watching. By Lyle Henretty Daily ArtsEditor In a move to distinguish his own career from that of ex (writing partner? Friend?) Ben Affleck, Matt Damon's CIA thriller "The Bourne Identity" was released this weekend, two weeks after Affleck's "The Sum of All Fears." Both films are based on novels by much- beloved lunatic-fringe suspense authors (Tom Clancy and Robert Ludlum, respectively) and both movies contain attractive lady- sidekicks. Also, both pretty-boys follow older hard-asses that origi- nated the roles for screen (Affleck follows Alec Baldwin and Harrison Ford, Richard Chamberlain starred in the 1988 TV version of "Bourne"). Other than that, though, the films are completely different. Kudos, Matt and Ben. Except, of course, that they are both pseudo-serviceable thrillers that are, on the whole, not that interesting. Damon is (still) the better actor of the two (if the less marketable), and he goes from befuddled to agitated in two hours. We find our hero floating some- where in the Mediterranean with BOURNE Going to or from the Airport? Call Metro Connection Airport Service Special Price: $39 for UofM students and Ann Arbor residents. Welcome to Corporate Accounts. One to four people. No waiting charge at airport. We provide Lincoln & Cadillac luxury taxis. For more info call: (888) 706-8080 or (734) 347-4007