6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 17, 2002 the michigan daily 4 M9 con QI II - BED IFOR SALE. Full-size platforso with . frat ;idmrnatv s(2101 7114976. WIkNDOWI A/C UNIEI5.200 btu, new last esoer-nc. 100.302-0240. YR-ROUND LAKE RESORT har neeso all sps lase.(atstafe. 22 mriles N of .A2. *PARKING SPACES AVALABLE** lhdmtn, I6un soi. Ibath. Canadarpakg 665-8825. w/- Ig gas furntace. A,'C. dhl. panc windows, cable, antenna, dish. 2 pkg spra. Tennis, 76 HALITE POP-UP CAMPER. escellentpoo, leaaeh (intseon) ott site. Clstmspiotslip edition. for stmallee emr, all alttttisunt and golf nest door. $90/too-intaisl.ee ittclutdes teas. opass w! side rsass. sosue gear $595 uttossepluwing, gras Oestaint, bhhoteses, 10. 517-546-1959, oe 58(-530-56(4. l o, posilion, 1120 & mee.573,599, tteg. 517-546- 1959 or 58.50-5664. kDVERTIS ~MICHIGAN DAILY WOO)HOO! 2VWA CABRIOLET. Runs M y M- - goo. Manual tts, sew elutc.new tires. 12(k. $55010 00. Cal 248-348-7133. ACT'I'E COLOR LAllTOPS, $379, pante. 'ccessories. stenxx, IBMstfactorysehuilt, w atty, & itnteraet ready. 662-7193. NNVSW IAIEFERSONCOM3PUTEIRS.COM IBMs P11il tl , t 28tsb h se fasb. S299/ Sel NotebokPHt 233taslt, l8ttsh4gb rtlueb. 5499. P4 18 h hahz b21) bstem comsphete ays.w «'o Ss~ommi tor $499.734bb65 5669. 'Varsit! tVa'nagnemeunt Efficiencies 1 Bedrooms 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 625 Church St 668-1100 www.varsity)annag~ment.coIm q 4 i 1 yi I 1 L r G s i r i i Q 4 Q e Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 3 Spinal eolsmn 37 Oolong and 53 Shoe finish 1 Cincinnati team feature pekoe 55 Inspiration 5 eyggone despots 4 Look fur 38 Egyptian cobra 56 Sufficient lead-it 10 Issue a sum- Soductor's 41 Actor Milo 57 Depend (as) monssIs pacu 42 Ptesident after 58 Toaunt topping t4 "It's _i": 6 eairn raisers 0.5.G. 59 Sly cry 'Nobody winsl" 7 Hils hello 48 Urderstard 50 Disappear grad- 15 Splendor 8 Fat from frequent 50 14o1 under the ually t6 Designrt 9 Leave it, to an collar 61 Place for peas Cassiri editor 51 Phone arswer- 62 Dhabi t7 Writer's irspira- 10 Jazz group er's mord 63 Bowler's target lion 11 Stopoer is Ia S2 Different 18 Sculptor Henry met 19 Tell _ lies" 12 Gymnast's goal ANSWER TO THIS WEEK'S PUZZLE: 20OTreatl 13SAlter _ 111 23 200N.L. home 21"__Today' C1A a1 a3d11 e1 a s n a run champ 22pFirenze friends a a 7 N5 7 a Iao 24 Largestlmember 25seurning V517013 16700G 0454 of the deer fami- 26fAir combat mis- 4 0 0 B1 H 1a S 1abi ly sion3SOH 3Io 3 28 Staples Center, 27 Inventor with N 3a3aHS oSo eH a13a fot one suer 1,000 0 I a a S a d4t0 2 0 0 Nn 32lInventor Whitney patents S 1LI aI d SS 3a90 14 I11 14 Silent assent 28 Refer indirectly II14 4 2 I 7 8 1 I 3aNaIy1 3S Place for lovers? (Is) 36 Slartedltype 29 0idn'tljust 005l I 70 9501438d 39 Thu. follower drizzle 030S0O0Ot e S01S 40 Offer encour- 30 Embrace 8 b L09H1ld n N DIld agement 31tCourtdivider O0503W 3oeoo0aP ao'otno 43 Half dos 32 Threatlender 0100 L!87D29 01 1 44 Viems: Suffix 33 Pouting parts 301 13 1 490 LVS 1 SOnO9S 15 Pizazz 36 Aahualpa, for AAAr onhr one xwordeditolr1aot~com 065/112 COMPUTER SEAT ION DESK tar sale. uestiffee. Matt g917-523-713 I. LIKE-NEW FURNITURE: O)' annoire, ossertainmt center, cdintset, so& dbl. hod wids wrought-iro edb oard.Call Sasy (6/ 214/282-779 or emilsI (rslt(2'uicbodu 47 Suffers from 48 Radiance 49 Abert or Arcaro St Nylons 54 Vent ore's anger 61 Hemingway nickname 64 Indian territory or its cupital 65 Literary pen 66 Final story? 67 1974 Oscar win- ner Burstyr 68 Giae conditisnal- ly 60 Sand formation 70 Prefix with men- tiosed 71 Draft animal contraption DOWN 1 Grandstand access 2 Sewing case Stumped? Cali 1-900-226-4413.99 cents a minute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 169 70 71 i !!!LEASE CANCELLATION!!! 6 balrn apt Limos oppounityl!fiecas location! Too sany aiwiotitolist. b Call Cohin 734-216-5369. 1*! OWN ROOM isieb' sissg older homses. 31to 5 hlscks t aspussts455-5/too. to- eludes all utilities. Available mm' (ment5nc&far rsoaisader of'sunoser) oe Sep.741-8802 *!* AVAIL. NOW & SEPT. Eifes & I Mare. aptse (S45 to $785), 2 bdoo. apt. ($975), & 3 bdran. apts. ($12010-$1675). Isnectarming older hosses. 3mto 5hlocks to camps.741-11882. ifu younrnewes consecutively at UTowers University Towers 536 S. Forest Ave. 761-2680 Showing Hours: Men-Fri. 10-7 " Sat. 1ff-"sun. e,12-S u niversitytowers-mi.com eeiail:utsmersmi(>~al~cee **ALL SHAPES & SIZES * Wanst St Apaties. I mid 2 bdsrrs.ad huge 2 hdme?2 'basaeail. W1611 n. Fissm apileg. Call em. Mgrs., Rob&Katriuna at913-0159. ****AVAILABLE AUG. 1 and -ept. 1, 2(102 soar Mod. & Centual Campue. Modem I & 2 hrs. ups. Prkg. A/C, [dry., Bale., Fu & Unfast 8011 Fuller. 769-7520. ***1 BDRM SEPT LEASE. Perthet location!l 2 hIocks as Law/ Business school, centralcam- pu.In.scr-dible apartssent with toirs of wise dams, AC, huge elioetsand painig. Your going to hire ill $925. Call 395-120. Floosplmi at: as sow tnasentoose **NORSTH CAMIPUS** I & 2 bdnn ups avail sissemer/full. La . prix bahcon.ew/ woode noes. Prie. shuttle to eampus. 741-9501. *2 eDN!, SEPT LEASE. Amazisig loa- tionl 2 blacks to Law/' Business schools, cen- trl camus.Incedible aparmnithidtmas of windows, AC, hige cloms ad paring. $15101 You're going 10 lose i61 795-1120, floaat: snasmidlomoso' sagententeoai **3 LARGE BDRM APT. as'ail(bfafll 119 E. Libet. l1re, qaiet, piver. pain. walk to ean s.e Call 769-8555. **IPOREST TERRACE APTS**11011 5. Foreat. LoatIr a ssge2I onApts. Foe 2-4 peoleiaisihe.ParkingItaeonmEntrance Call Rei.Mgrs. 222-99113. 1 & 2 BRM. I URN .1P'S. 402 Still $1. Central sin .AviSmpI ,21102. A/C, dy I Lg., this. incl.Call 734332-6105. I BDR:NI AT 1126 VtAUGHfN, $8001 md 912 Syhil, b65ll Sept.leass. fall 769-7025. I BDRM. BRAND NEW oorrs . $500/o uable. Near.Mast., DntmSol . FeL.1pmef.1,n sm,& ' , ,,ldiy., f- o.,a'jC. 077-4303. 115 E. KINGSL.EY 5 bdn, 2 bath Iose Dswshr, gnrage disposal, fre- wshr/dryeron Jese. $1900/no, 0100. Call Chrbs as 734320.3489, or email ebni a/ gibeaseom 2 & 3 BEDROOM monms available fsall Beaifully mmetl l bi-leveh 1.5 b, prive bakyarcntral alew/d, 741-93(X). 2 BDRM W/ CHARACTER.Avail. Aug. Many windows, h'ardmood floors. Cm acndition.S asia sulk tm cmopus. 1/me btoo/water $1240'imo. Sarahb276l-5991 or Ann663-8989. 2 BDR.VL APT. in a quiet duphox. Free shfy., garage pg, 2 blk. fhomstadium.e Avail. shy 1. $9510m.215-877-7581. 2 BDRM. IN Km m to, clome moCM Hopi tl ihahr,be;a/c, lndty rg. $900. Avail- abtesnow. 994-5284. 3 BDRM. APT,- 3 perasnavallable July. Year lease. Pleasan rtmscs. Frame or sinfuss., $999/too. bnl tils L. Walking ditane tm emsr- pos, quietpft., hadwoodsfloor. No amok- ingor et4s665- 5577. 3 BDRM. HOUSE wood foors, fensced yard ishe/ahyereg s ok. Aevail.now. Foll ho ternt. 810OSylvan $1495. 945204. 4 PERSON APARTMENT: Tosts of storage. Walk-ini elesets is eaeh bdromt, 'bunt esiat closes for extra amrage, Bach deck fair aim- bhiing, bhrbecues...Htouse like a eastle! $100. 'all395-1120. 4 PERSON APARTMIENTS: Want the swankier.aparmlet on easmps'? This place is alth? Live like a kitg or queen its the oap of pare luesury! The biggest b- edrosottearo- pus? $22101.('all 395-11211. 4 4 4 Available Fall: " 1 Bedroom Great location Furnished Free ethernet $795 Call 734-761-8000 4 A (ritiltl teri ns MediaSeresices, Ine. 06/11/021