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June 17, 2002 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2002-06-17

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 17, 2002 - 3

New group
started to
educate 'U'
about Israel
Michigan Student
Zionists hope to counter
anti-Semitism on campus
By Rahul Suri
Daily StaftReporter
LSA junior Adi Neuman is stand-
ing up against the anti-Israel groups
on campus - by starting his own
"This bashing of Israel that goes on
on campus is very similar to ... bash-
ing (Jews) before the Holocaust,"
Neuman said.
Neuman is the president of the
Michigan Student Zionists, a new stu-
dent group that formed to let students
know of the prevalence of anti-Semi-
tism on campus.
"There's a serious problem with
anti-Semitism in this country. We -
want to let people know what kinds
of libels are being presented," he
He said the group's other main
goals are to fight the justification
seen on campus of the use of terror-
ism and to fight media bias against
Israel. The MSZ plans to reach stu-
dents by staging rallies on campus
and by distributing informational
"I think a lot of people are taking
positions ... not really knowing
what's going on. We really want to
clear up some of the misinformation
being spread. Education is our num-
ber one goal," Neuman added.
The Michigan Student Zionists cur-
rently have about 25 members,
though Neuman said he expects at
least 50 for the Fall term, as more
interested students come back to Ann
Arbor in September.
Despite the group's projected
growth, some students are skeptical
whether MSZ's message will reach
LSA sophomore Jacqui Milton
said she feels although she sees the
diversity of viewpoints on campus
as "a good learning experience for
everybody," groups such as the Stu-
dent Zionists fall short because
"most students have their minds
made up (about the Middle East sit-
uation), especially after September
The Student Zionists have already
received funding from the Michigan
Student Assembly, which Neuman
said will be used mostly for the pro-
duction of informational booklets.
"The only requirements for being a
registered student group is that it
have five members and the majority
are University students," ISA senior
and former MSA President Matt
Nolan said.
He added that "a vibrant University
needs a broad range of viewpoints"
and that to the best of his knowledge,
MSA has never refused to recognize
or fund any student group.

Rally marks Haddad's
six month detainment

By Karen Schwartz
Daily News Editor
Supporters of Ann Arbor Muslim
Leader Rabi Haddad gathered in
front of the Ann Arbor Federal
Building Fridav to bear witness to

Abouzahr said the group gathered
to continue their request for due
process and fair treatment.
"The whole purpose of our wit-
nessing today is to say that the Rabih
Haddad we know is a good man who
does not deserve to he treated as a

his character and achievements. criminal," Abouzahr said. "We want
The group transformed the area to see him receive fair treatment and
into a mock immigration court with be released on bond."
a witness stand and prosecution Students and friends spoke of
wearing horns and a mask. Haddad's dedication, kindness and
"We're here because it's been six commitment, and his wife, Salma
months and Rabih Haddad is still in Al-Rushaid, read a letter from her
prison," said Kristine Abouzahr, husband, ALFRED SANTIAGO/Daly
event organizer with the free Rabih Fouad Ahmad, a friend of Haddad, Haddad's wife Salme Al-Rushaid takes part in Friday's rally with her three sons
Haddad Committee. drove over an hour from Flint to Rami, Ousama and Sami.
"We want people to continue to be attend the event.
aware of what's happening. We want "I know Rabih very well and I ate the things we always believed in, about the Constitution and their
to maintain our call," she added. believe he deserves better treatment like freedom and democracy, rights rights as much as possible and to
Haddad was arrested Dec. 14 than what he's getting,"Ahmad said. of human beings - why should work "to help justice prevail."
because of alleged visa violation. "It's really sad to see, in this coun- (Haddad) be deprived?" he said. Alexia Smokler, a legislative
He spent five months in the try, this going on for someone who Al-Rushaid said she wonders what aide for Rep. John Conyers (D-
Chicago Metropolitan Correctional is a good member of the communi- is happening with her husband and Detroit) attended the event, show-
Center where he waited to be called ty, to be held in jail for six months wishes she knew more. ing Conyers' support and
before a grand jury to testify about for almost nothing, no charges "Not knowing, the dark part, is real- expressing his concern.
the charity he co-founded and its brought against him, nothing at all." ly hard. Not knowing where he is, "His thoughts are with you .
possible connections to terrorism. He added that he feels Haddad is what's going to happen - six months We've been following this case very
The Federal Government recently being deprived of the basic free- is a very long time," she said. "I just closely," she said, adding that Con-
transferred him back to Michigan to doms and rights guaranteed in the keep hoping to hear from him soon, to gressman Conyers was "working to
the custody of the Immigration and U.S. Constitution. know that he's okay." make sure September i1 doesn't
Naturalization Services. "I think this country should evalu- She also urged others to learn mean the death of the Constitution."
Haddad moved back to Monro e County Jail
By Jeremy Berkowitz After spending five months under the custody ed Dec. 14 on a visa violation. After three closed
Daily News Editor of the Federal Government in Chicago, where he immigration hearings, another open hearing is
waited to be brought in front of a grand jury for currently scheduled for July 9.
Ashraf Nubani, attorney for detained Ann Arbor questioning about possible terrorist connections Carol Jenifer, the district director of Michigan
Muslim Rabih Haddad, said he feels the govern- to his charity the Global Relief Foundation chari- INS said while she cannot determine Haddad's
ment's case against his client is slowly deteriorating. ty, the Immigration and Naturalization Services guilt, the transfer back to Michigan was a humani-
"They've possibly made a big mistake in the case in Michigan regained custody of Haddad last tarian gesture.
of Pastor Haddad," Nubani said. "Whenever they've week. He is now being held in the Monroe Coun- "This gives him the opportunity to be closer to his
been challenged, they're losing ground." ty Jail, where he stayed when he was first arrest- family," she said.
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