12 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, May 29, 2001 A RT S HARBOR Continued from Page 11 "Pearl Harbor" the love complicationy among Rafe, Danny and Evelyn (Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett and Kate Beck- insale, respectively) is ineffectual. The more compelling connection is the friendship between Rafe and Danny. "Pearl Harbor" ends up doing a lot more storytelling than showing. Instead of witnessing interactions on the big screen, you only hear about them. Rafe and Danny's friendship is one example of this. Rafe and Danny are continually telling other characters about what good friends they are to one another. Yet, scenes depicting this are missing. The cinematography of "Pearl Har- bor" is outstanding. Michael Bay ("Armageddon" and "The Rock") seemed to be at his best during the action sequences, which were nothing less than spectacular. The actual attack sequence was able to give the audience a taste of what it was really like on that horrific day. The sequences when the Japanese planes start moving in on the unsuspecting locals of Pearl Harbor are both tragic and magnificent at once. There are a number of wonderful actors and actresses in this movie. Hartnett and Beckinsale, both fairly new to big blockbuster movies, were understated in their acting and convinc- ing because of it. Affleck, on the other hand, was not at his best. Throughout the entire movie it did not seem as though he were a part of his role but simply a big movie star playing a role. This was especially evident in his romantic script with his less-than-origi- nal and often repeated line, "You are so beautiful." Cuba Gooding Jr., who played Dorie Miller, has been played up a great deal in this movie as one of the few charac- ters that is a real-life hero of Pearl Har- bor. Gooding was excellent but his character was completely underdevel- oped. In this case one could say that his fifteen minutes of fame were portrayed in ten minutes of film. His part should have either been expanded or cut out. "Pearl Harbor" has had tons of hype. Because of this, many will be going into it with high hopes. A movie would have to do a lot to live up to such high expectations. "Pearl Harbor," while entertaining, does not deliver in all its epic proportions. Lopez, Caviezel light up AglEyes' I ti t 77 Jackson industrial I .AnnArbor,MI48103 I I i Climate controlled units available call I now for a reservation 313-213-5933 Sticking Around this Summer? Make Easy Money with FLEXIBLE HOURS ' Michigan Telefund $7 per hour + bonuses 611 Church, 4th floor 998-7420 Apply On-line! www.telefund.umich.edu ~F By Wilhelmina Maurltz Daily Arts Writer Going into "Angel Eyes," one is unsure as to what they'll be watching; all the previews for the movie were vague. After 45 minutes, it was still unclear where the movie was going. However, this does not mean the movie was unenjoyable. "Angel Eyes" was simply a movie that took time in setting up a mys- terious plot and Angel was careful Eyes (sometimes too careful) not to Grade: B+ reveal anything At Showcase too soon. and Quality16 "Angel Eyes" revolves around Sharon (Jennifer Lopez), a tough cop who is a bit of a loner. In a near-death expe- rience for Sharon, a mysterious man named Catch (James Caviezel from "Frequency") comes onto the scene and saves her. The two have an instant, inexplicable attraction for one another, but there's a hitch: Catch doesn't like to reveal any- thing to Sharon about his life. All she knows is that he lives in an empty apartment and wanders the streets daily. Being a cop, Sharon can't quite deal with his secrecy, yet she is still intrigued with Catch. There is a lot going on in "Angel Eyes." There are numerous stories playing out all at once, but the movie If you t call us- PROBL nyt Ful Cl 'n 0 never gets too complicated. Lopez is great in this movie. Having played a tough cop once before in "Out of Sight" she must have been used to the routine, but she managed to spice up the role and give the character in "Angel Eyes" a lot more dimension. Lopez can be the tough cop and vul- nerable woman in the same scene and pull it off very convincingly. Caviezel is a good-looking guy who wore nice-looking clothes, yet put little effort into the rest of his appearance. His hair was always hanging in his eyes and looked like it had not been washed for several days and his face was con- tinually unshaven and seemingly sweaty. At one point when he and Lopez were having a "moment" I want- ed him to jump in the shower first courtesy of warner because he looked too grimy. It goes Kiss me, you fool ... I am J.Lol without saying that this was a bit of a Caviezel's shaggy appearance. Ther mood killer, at least for me. also a scene where Catch gets in Other than that, the chemistry car with Sharon and appears to be between Lopez and Caviezel, which is nervous explaining that he doesn't I key to the whole movie, was totally to drive in cars. However, during believable. Bad chemistry between two entire car ride, Catch never puts on actors who are supposed to be falling seatbelt. Tell me, if you were ne for each other is the worst flaw you can about driving in cars, wouldn have in a romantic movie. It sounds wear your seatbelt? like a simple point, but it is surprising In the end, I'd have to say t how many movies overlook this (Helen "Angel Eyes" is a very good and o Hunt and Mel Gibson in "What nal movie. It is a romance but with Women Want" is a perfect example). any of the normal romantic touc "Angel Eyes" is not without its imper- that seem cliche and tend to mt fections. At times, the plot seems unreal- movies boring. Instead of coms istic. The many mysteries in the movie being the backdrop for the relations also tend to go a little too far on occa- between Lopez and Caviezel, there sion and then do not always wrap them- mystery. Most people will say t selves up in the end, which is frustrating. "Angel Eyes" is a dark movie, an "Angel Eyes" has some other minor At the same time, it is surpri* flaws that seem to recur, such as fresh and invigorating. snk you're pregnant... " PT'S -we Istep, we care. RECORDS d EM PREGANCY HELP USED CDS 975-4357 se any day, 24 hours. 617 Packard aemga.Upstairs from Subway New At Delis: Milkshakes $3.25 Everyday special of trVa'lery, Two Medium Cheese Pizzas $10.99 Chocolate, Extra Items $1.20 each per Pizza Caramel Chocate Chip, Peanuhuiter, -Only $7.99 Monday thru Thursday Special Mint, One Large Pizza with aspberry, Cheese & 1 Item and Tanana Extra items $1.30 Each OPEN UNTIL 4 A.M. 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