LASSIFIED: 764-0557
One hundred ten cears of editoril reedom May
29, 2001
C¢V ri (S
Maria Sprow
News Eitor
Civil rights issues are poised to take a front seat
his weekend as a group of affirmative action sup-
orters prepares to lead what it calls a national stu-
ent movement but what others define as a
eft-wing extremist operation.
Students from around the country are to arrive
n campus for a leadership conference designed to
ationalize localized civil rights efforts.
The conference was put together by the Coali-
ion to Defend Affirmative Action and Integration
nd Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary
fter the Rev. Jesse Jackson, founder of the Rain-
ow/PUSH Coalition, came to campus in March as
art of a Day of Action rally and urged students to
et involved in what he dubbed "another great
"Today, I challenge you to have a national con-
ference on this campus, convene students from all
round the nation - from Seattle to Texas to Flori-
to Maine" Jackson said at the rally. "It should
a national conference here to prepare for a
jor logistical gathering," he later told reporters.
While BAMN does expect Jackson to make
Former Olga's
site approved
for rebuilding
By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Nnws Editor
The boarded-up, graffiti-covered former
Olga's Kitchen at the corner of South State and
Washington streets is slated to get a makeover
and a new identity.
A proposal for an eight-story retail and resi-
dential building to replace the vacant one-story
structure at 205 South State Street was
approved Monday by the Ann Arbor City
Council, 7-4. The proposal passed although the
planning commission voted not to recommend
the project.
According to the proposal, the current build-
ing will be leveled to make way for the new
eight-story complex. The first floor will be used
for retail, and the other seven floors will be
divided into 42 apartments.
Proponents of the plan said the development
will help meet housing demands and add to the
downtown environment. Critics argued the
building's height will detract from the atmos-
phere of State Street and dwarf other buildings
in a corridor dominated by two- and three-story
Mayor Pro Tem Jean Carlburg (D-Ward III)
said some local merchants and community
members expressed concerns that the large
building would disrupt the pedestrian feeling of
State Street. Carlburg said she was also skeptical
at the developer's insistence that the building
needed to be eight stories tall.
See BUILDING, Page 10
Shoppers peruse the selection of plants at the Kerrytown Farmers Market. The market is open every
Wednesday and Saturday during the spring and summer months.
i i
By Seth Klempner Administrators believe the less money from its reserve fund
Daily Sports ditor income from donations and roy- to make up the difference.
With slightly more than a
month remaining in the 2001 fis-
cal year, which effectively ends
July 1, the University athletic
department expects to have sur-
passed revenue expectations.
alties of University-licensed mer-
chandise were the two key
contributors to the increase in
revenue, both of which will be
larger than previously projected.
The decreased deficit will mean
the department will have to pull
"Being on budget doesn't
affect spending habits, but affects
how much we have to pull from
our reserves," said Jason Winters,
executive associate athletic direc-
tor and chief financial officer.
See REVENUE, Page 10
RC to perform wandering play
By Karen Schwartz porate the Arb into the work of the actors.
Daily Staff Reporter "It will be magical," Mendeloff said, "an
will really bring together the beauty of Sha
Those who choose to attend the Residential speare's language and the magic of the envir
College's performance of William Shakespeare's ment. It's a journey and a magical walk in
A Midsummer Nights Dream might not get the woods and a delightful experience where
amount of relaxation expected at normal plays. feel involved in the lives of these charac
Audience members of the play, set in Nichols while in this enchanted landscape"
Arboretum, will be walking set-by-set through "This is a really unique opportunity,"
the woods in an attempt to experience the show drama senior Kathleen Nelson said. "The s
in an environment tied to the play's setting. is set in a forest and you can't recreate a fore,
Residential College drama lecturer Kate a theatre. There's no smells, no sun, no anim
Mendeloff, the director of the show, said the goal Setting it in the Arb adds an element of rea
of the production is not to put on a play in the you just can't achieve anywhere else"
Arb merely for the sake of doing so, but to incor- See MIDSUMMER, Pa
d it
st in
ge 7
Top: LSA junior Shoshana Glick, RC junior Andaiye Spencer and
RC senior Corn Colbert rehearse their roles. Right: LSA junior
Kathleen Nelson and former RC student Ian Lawler play star-
crossed lovers Lysander and Hermia.
as prices are expected to go down soon
but are high enough to cause travelers to
rethink their holiday destinations.
Page 3
With the end of Memorial Weekend, Transfer Spencer Brinton comes to the
Summer Movie Season begins with "Pearl Michigan football team after serving a
Harbor," "Shrek" and "Angel Eyes." Mormon mission in South Africa.
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