Monday, May 21 2001- The Michigan Daily - 5 SL E TT0E3S TO THE EDI0TO jpIrresponsible reporting' harming Vieques TO THE DAILY: What do you have to do with the bombing on Vieques? It's obvious that you know nothing about it, but that b doesn't seem to prevent you taking a stance and espousing an uneducated, incorrect opinion. I have lived here for seven years and have found Vieques to be one of the hidden treasures of the Caribbean. The island was quiet, laid back and full of friendly people, most of whom welcomed or at least accepted the Navy presence here. (You should do some research on how the Navy came to be here.) There is no evidence that there is a !higher incident of cancer here. There is no proof that if there was a higher incidence of cancer it would be caused by the Navy. The Navy is not killing off the sea life or the animal or plant species living on land. What is harming Vieques? It's the irresponsible reporting by the media. A few radicals have started the "Fuera La Marina" movement and fed sensa- tional propaganda to the media who have jumped on it like stink on shit. When the media hype begins to die the protestors rekindle the fire with new absurdities. One thing that is correct: The peo- ple of Vieques are suffering, but not as a result of the Navy's presence. Tourism, the main industry here has dropped off significantly since the adverse lime light has shone here. And everyone has been suffering either directly or indirectly from it. Thanks to articles like your editorial. That's what happening here. I would you suggest that you get your facts in order, possibly do a little research, prior to picking up the ban- ner and waving it. If you're interested in the truth, sometime you have to hunt a little. If you're interested in media hype ... keep up the good work. D.H. JOHNSON Vieques, Puerto Rico Taking aim at the business-as-usual Life Sciences Initiative D on't ask me why I did it. Some- ered springboard laser beam attachment matter to create new form and fu times the rules need to be bro- at home. And in the view of Western ken. Sometimes creative thought So I concentrated my efforts on the everything is waiting for our v and risk-taking needs to come into play, other tower, which was protected from discovery. Yet no other cult especially when we're talking about life. outsiders somewhat more medievally. I assumed it can compile a rigo Sometimes the forward momentum of found the foundation of this crane in a of understanding life by pinning consensus reality needs to be examined stony pit some thir- as geneticists do. Likewise, noc from a different vantage point - on the ty feet below, sur- tare has encountered the risks in outside, from afar, from the top. So I rounded by a moat. Charting the genetic code climbed to the top of the crane of the Life I almost turned gous to the Manhattan project. Sciences construction site, risking my away. I couldn't entists involved in that project own life to understand the future of life. hide from the pass- they were advancing humani I was trying to imagine how a big ing traffic. researched without knowled hole in the ground would translate into a Now my heart eventual use as an implement of some-say-necessary $700 million-dollar was pounding. I same unforeseen consequences expenditure that purports to some day waited patiently for uncharted territory of life. Th connect Central Campus with the Med- the traffic to clear. genome has given us our firstr ical Campus and provide a cross-discipli- josH After a nerve-rack- new landscape, but we're still i nary approach to the new science of life. WICKERHAM ing moment in the of fools stage. Gaining entry to the site was a s .I '; spotlight, I slogged Whereas the construction o breeze. Without warning, I was trans- - C;'y through the mud ing and the assembly of a kick- ported into an imaginary digital reality and sat at the base ty resides entirely in the real akin to something from Goldeneye, the of the metal erector set of yellow lad- understood, the unraveling of lit James Bond videogame, which was fine ders. Thoughts raced. owed in mystery. We must m by me. I was be better off with the con- Premonitions ofgenetic mutants. Up. for the holistic. And we must viction that my actions didn't have con- Go up. Don't think about it. Just climb. for surprises. We must fostet sequences. Plus, while channeling the Humming, light, power being gener- acceptance - or, if need be spirit of James Bond, I'd be harder to ated. Hands shaking, partly from exhaus- resistance - to the LifeS spot while snooping around that forbid- tion, partly from adrenaline and fear. machinations and manipulat den place. Courage swelled and, hand-over-hand cannot sell life to the highes Tiptoeing through the mud from the like a comunando, the ladder was taken. However unlikelj this is to ha freshly fallen rain, I clung low to the Damn, I shouldn 'have wornmy cannot stay locked within oar ground as I worked my way toward the Bir kenstoclo. digms. point of interest: A phallic, metal appa- Band over hand. Band over hand. No one knows what to exp. ratus a few meters wide, cemented in the Monotonous like a scientific experiment. other side of our take on life. S ground and climbing to the sky. The At the top, I perched and surveyed. which has for most of huma crane. Yes, the crane, with its over 150 There was nothing below me but a been out of our control is nov feet of modernism, towered ahead of screen-like metal floor and 150 feet of within our grasp. We must take me. free fall. I was higher than the bell tower hand and understand it, nots But there was only one problem. The and Dennison. There, above it all, I saw highest bidder. Otherwise, th perimeter was secured via high-voltage the construction site as an allegory. ences initiative is obsolete befc chain link fence. Normally I would just The Life Sciences Initiative is a way gets off the ground. burn my way through. But fiddlesticks, I of putting the pieces of life together in had forgotten my specially outfitted new ways, just like the construction of a Josh Wickerham can be reached Handspring Visor with Palm OS-pow- building is a way of displacing earth and atjwickerh@ nction. n science, voyage of ture has rous way g it down other cul- volved. is analo- The sci- assumed ity. They ge of its f war. The he in the he human maps of a a the ship f a build- ass facul- .m of the fe is shad- ake room be ready r creative creative cience's ions. We st bidder. appen, we -old para- >eel on the omething n history w5 coming e it by the sell to the e life sci- ore it even via e-mail International community justified in ousting United States F rom its inception, the United States was intended to be beacon of freedom and justice. It was a place where those being per- secuted could seek asylum and those being oppressed could seek justice. Unfortunately, over the years, capi- *alistic greed has taken precedence over environmental and human rights, and American politicians have let their selfish desires dictate policy. Earlier this month, the rest of the world took a bold stand against the United States by not reinstating them into the UN Human Rights Commission. This is a positive step for the world as a whole and should be taken as a sign by the United States to shape up. Most recent on the list of U.S. defiance is the proposed Bush plan addressing the energy crisis. This plan would rely on oil, coal and nuclear power resulting in the destruction of Alaskan wildlife. All of this follows Bush's rejection of the Kyoto protocol, a measure intended to fight global warming. Without the United States in the mix, there is a serious threat that the protocol will fail. Although many countries are environmental crimi- nals, we are on our own level. The effects of U.S. actions are the most threatening to the environment and the United States' environmentally disastrous proposals are only further distancing us from the rest of the world. The United States has used its seat on the UNHRC as a way to expose the human rights violations of unfriendly countries, while clos- ing their eyes on the crimes of allies. Israel, with perhaps the worst human rights record, is exempt from inter- national sanctions and monitoring, all this being ensured by U.S. veto power on the Security Council. In fact, UNHRC director Mary Robin- son led a delegation in November into Israel and the Occupied Territo- ries where Israeli soldiers shot at her car. Her report was fair in its criti- cism of Israeli crimes and consistent with Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch; yet the United States rejected it. And as a result, violence and war persists in one of the most volatile areas of the world. Bush's National Missile Defense is nothing but detrimental to world stability. It is an unproven technolo- gy that will cost taxpayers billions over the years and in the end could possibly lead to another nuclear arms race. Our opposition to a treaty banning anti-personnel mines (Israel left 130,000 of these in Lebanon last year) and an international criminal court (a slew of Turkish officials would qualify to be tried in this court for their oppression of free religious expression) to prosecute war crimes fueled more internationalj criticism. There is a great chance that the United States will regain its UN seat in 2002. However, until then, we need to change our mentality and stop feeding into a downward spiral of inhumanity and environmental injustice. As a progressive and not some pansy crybaby kissing any political party's ass, I say kudos to the international community for not bowing down to the great oppressor; and I say grow up to the U.S. House which responded to this stand by voting to withhold the $244 million of back dues owed to the UN. -FadiKiblawi, Daily Editorial Writer Flirting with disaster Dorothy Parker, when asked to use the word horticulture in a sentence, replied: "You can lead a whore to culture but you can't make her think." Funny. But after all, she was a writer, and who to preserve the sanctity of high culture but a writer? But Dottie also said, "Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glass- es." She's sending a bit of a mixed message here. Which am I supposed to be: The Cosmo girl or the four-eyed recluse? Do I really have to make a choice between sex and smarts? You wouldn't think so. But it might be fun to test this theory. Here's the scene: a party on North Thayer. Miles Davis, glasses instead of red plastic cups, boys in black turtlenecks. I don't know anyone here. I heard about this party in an e-mail forward. I stand at the chips and drinks table looking for victims. A few people are attempting to dance. I'll leave them alone. Couple guys talking about imported beers. Nah. Wait. Here we go. There's a certain kind of "smart" guy I've encountered at this Universi- ty. He excels in his field of study - business, economics, history, law, lit- erature, philosophy - but he usually dates total zeros. I'm talking brain dead. Pretty, pretty girls with the self- confidence of brine shrimp. I've also encountered girls who like to play dumb. I know at least a few brilliant women who turn into Twinkie filling when one of these "smart" guys walks into the room. Instead of bragging about their latest paper on the Post- Romantic Consciousness of XYZ they blush, trill and del- icately sip beer from plastic cups (or glasses!) while Smarty expounds on his particular flavor of neo-Clas- sicism. If they're lucky, the music at the party is loud KATIE enough that every- MULCRONE one's happy. Also, sRAT 1C : beer tastes better \KN when you're bored. According- ly, these guys seem a little less pedan- tic when you're drunk. Not to say that all smart guys are jerks. Some of them are adorable and let you make up little songs about them and play with their hair. Some of them like to go bowling. But these are not the guys I'm here for. So here we go: Three guys stand- ing in the corner, one in a black turtle- neck, two in sweaters. They're talking about Joyce. Think mixed messages! First I'll stand here and look pretty. I'll nod at appropriate points in the conversation. I'll sip my beer. Good. Now it's time to throw them off: "If you think about it, a lot of Joyce's work is literally masturbatory. Think about what this means for the art of writing. Dubliners, Portrait, Ulysses. It's there, guys." I should mention that I'm wearing a pink dress and lots of gooey make up. I wander over to the drinks and chips table and do two shots of vodka. They're watching. Ooh, they're con- fused. Should I wander back over there yet? No, I'll wait until they lose interest. When I wander back over they're talking about postmodernism. I twist the ends of my hair around my fingers and flutter my eyelashes. It's working! One of them smiles. It's the perfect synthesis of Cosmo, Ms., and Bedknobs and Broomsticks: Confuse the hell out of them. The only problem is that those shots of vodka are starting to get to me. Time for a coup de grace and then a quick exit. I make my way back to their little corner. Ingratiate myself with smiles and nods. "Actually, I think that Fred- erick Jameson was basically writing a bunch of crap." Polite, cold stares. I decide not to bother following that one up and drop my purse instead. "Oops." Giggle. Not one of them moves to pick it up. So much for Cosmo. - Katie Mulcrone's column runs every other Monday. She ran be reached via e-mail at