S: 76-DAILY Monday SSIFIED: 764-0557 .michlgandally com One hundred ten years of editorifreedom July ±6, 200± tate to give 'U' 1.5%o funding increase Io Melzlsh The report got a lukewarm response from Cyn- Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Twp.), a the budgets are facing very slow growth and I think y News Editor thia Wilbanks, University vice president for govern- member of the Senate's higher education subcom- we have a rainy day. The governor doesn't think it's ment relations. mittee (although not a member of the conference stormy enough, I guess." A conference committee of the Michigan Legis- "With a 1.5 percent increase we face big chal- committee), said Republican Gov. John Engler's Smith also criticized the governor for failing to ire recommended Thursday that the University lenges. I think it will be clear in a few days what the lack of support for using further appropriations put off this year's portion of the state's income and eive a 1.5 percent increase in appropriations for final (tuition) recommendation will be," she said. from the state's budget stabilization fRtd, or rainy single business tax phase-out, which she said would 2001-2 fiscal year. The University requested a 7 percent increase. day fund, doomed any further increase for the Uni- have provided universities with $315 million. This year's proposed appropriation, $363.6 mil- Facing a similar increase in appropriations, the versity and most of the state's 14 other public col- Sen. George McManus (R-Traverse City), one of t, does not keep up with the previous year's Michigan State University Board of Trustees voted leges and universities. the conferees and a member of the Higher Educa- flation - 3.6 percent - as indicated by the this past week to raise tuition 8.9 percent for the "We took some money from the budget stabiliza- tion Subcommittee, was opposed to any delay of crease in the Consumer Price Index from May East Lansing school. It is not believed that the Uni- tion fund, up to $77 million. That's not what we the phase-out and said many legislators would want 00 to May 2001, reported by the U.S. Bureau of versity of Michigan Board of Regents will raise needed to take. We're sitting on a $1.2 billion rainy access to those funds for other budgets. or Statistics. tuition that high. day fund," Smith said. "The economy is slow and See HIGHER ED, Page 2 U' gets 99 BOTTLES OF COKE Music student dies 600 K in rollover accident t By Elizabeth Kassab M-115 in Clare County, and the vehicle Daily News Editor rolled over. Livesay was thrown from the vehicle and pronounced dead at the scene. y Elizabeth Kassab Ellen Livesay, an 18-year-old Music The driver and another passenger, whose aily News Editor sophomore, was killed Friday night when names have not been released, were taken to the vehicle she was riding in rolled over. Clare Hospital. The accident is under inves- The Ford Foundation announced According to police reports of the one- tigation. hursday its intention to give the vehicle accident, the driver lost control on See LIVESAY, Page 2 niversity a two-year, $600,000 at prompted by the University's Three fairs to take ation. The money will be spent earching the benefits of diversi- a higher education, as well as utreach efforts to explain why over city W ednesday ffirmative action is necessary. The Ford Foundation maintains O By Maria Sprow couple of blocks to Stucchi's will take ffirmative action helps to remedy Daily News Editor hours. ast discrimination and ensures Anywhere from 500,000 to 700,000 at all applicants an equal oppor- It's that time of summer. The streets visitors are expected to roam the unity to be admitted, said Alan ABBY ROSENtAUM/Dally of Ann Arbor are about to be overrun. downtown area. enkins, the organization's deputy Jim Ward, who describes himself as "Just a guy from Indiana who likes bottles," Come Wednesday, parking is going to The cause of the craziness? irector for human rights and inter- has collected over 300 special edition bottes of Coca-Cola. Ward sells his be impossible, driving will be an unfor- The Ann Arbor Art Fairs, a combination nal cooperation. bottles at Depot Town in Ypsilanti for anywhere from $3 to $20. gettable experience, and just walking the See ART FAIRS, Page 2 See FORD, Page 2 /,: Research conference attracts minority students By Marta Brill week program designed to raise the number of research project with the help of a faculty mentor. Daily StaffReporter underrepresented minorities in graduate pro- During the program students are able to given the grams, Allen said. opportunity to better understand the graduate school The University hosted the annual Summer The CIC is an academic consortium of the Big experienceAllen said. Research Opportunity Program conference this Ten universities. The Universities of Chicago, Illi- At the conference, students from all participat- Seekend, drawit g tmnoi tshan 560 minority stu- nois-Chicago, Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Indiana and ing universities came together to share their expe- ents ror atoutid the country Purdue University sponsored the conference. riences, create alliances, and have fun, she said. "The enthisiasm, the interest tud just the obvi- This- year's keynote speaker was former U S. "I hope some of the relationships established this ons g od imnt o citine inolsed is its pin- Surgeots Geieral Joycelyn Elders. 'Each confer- weekend will last their entire academic and pro- grair is cry itnspitin said Barbara Allen, ence," Allen said, "we like to select a speaker -ho fessional careers." eo of e of the Committec ott tiitutinal wil in pise both the stude s and the faculty and Mihigan State University SROP coordinator provide a role model as setl" Nettia aurry agreed that the program builds a 1he coiserence was the timinatiotn of a six- Acer being accepted to SROP sudeits develop a See SROP, Page 7 ARTS _ _____ ___:,PORTS _ Journey and rock legend Aerosmith Hobey Baker fTinalist and Michigan venture into Motown to prove they've leading scorer Andy Hilbert announces still got it ...he's leaving for the Boston Bruins. Page 10 Page 13 ormer U.Sd Surgeon General Joycelyn ElersA adresses a research conferance Saturday. iversity physicians develop a FDA- approved helmet to smooth the flattened heads of babies. DA0d