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July 09, 2001 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2001-07-09

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In riiitau~ailg
CLASSIFIED: 764-0557
wwwmichigandallycom Onie hu-dred ten vears of P(d;norA- ' redm
Jaye plans Former s
run for old drowns i
Senate seat By Elizabeth Kassab la
1 Daiy News Editor iff
By Loule Meozlish h
Daly News Editor K: Steve Kuzak, a spring 2001 se
AbBY ROsENBA/Daly University graduate, drowned
Independence Day had a double mean- LEFT: Three-and-a-half-year-old last Monday while swimming re
ing this year for former state Sen. David Amelia Marks views the 11th in the Detroit River with ne
Jaye as he proclaimed his political come- . annual Independence Day friends. at
ack. parade from mom Jan Mark's Nancy Mouradian, chief of b
"The significance of the Independence shoulders. staff for the Wayne County ri
Day announcement was to declare inde- ABOVE: Halsley Girl Scout Sherriff's Department, said ar
pendence from the Lansing party bosses Troop 1204 waves to parade- Kuzak was swimming in the
and to declare independence from the goers as they march by in the Stony Island area and did not K
Lansing special interests, he said. event sponsored by the Ann return. di
Jaye was expelled from the Senate May Arbor Jaycees. "We started the search later so
24 due to allegations that he struck his that afternoon to no avail,"
fiancee Sonia Kloss, mistreated Senate E Mouradian said. The Coast an
staff members and maintained semi-nude Guard station at Belle Isle con-
ictures of Kloss on his computer.
Jaye, who is leaning UFFREEDOM
toward a run to reclaim TOP OF THE WORLD
his seat in the Senate, A2 lights up despite lack of fireworks
along with his support-
ers, formed the Women By Sarah Scott grilling of the year.
Supporting Jaye Com- Daily Staff Reporter Katie Flaherty, a senior in the School of
mittee to "test the level Education, did what she does every year
of community support Red, white and blue were the colors of for the 4th of July - attended a family
to enable me to run for the day as throngs of festive celebrants barbecue at her aunt's house and lit fire-
the state Senate." lined the streets to watch the 11th annual works.
Jaye "The Republican from Independence Day parade wind its way Her only complaint was that "it was in
Washington Twp. in through downtown Ann Arbor. the middle of the week and I had to come
acomb County said his role in advocat- "It was nice to see the whole community back and make class at 9 a.m." the next
ing the state's new concealed weapons law come together and hang out down on cam- morng.
and helping the female plaintiffs in the pus," said LSA sophomore Brad Kline, LSA junior Andy Guzowski would have
lawsuits against the University regarding who attended the parade between work also liked to make it a longer weekend, but
its affirmative action policies show that he shifts. after a full day of golf, barbeque and fire-
is an advocate for women. In addition to parade-going and relax- works in Trenton, he had to come back to
The 12th District Senate seat has been ing, many students took advantage of the work Thursday. Guzowski, who barbeques
vacant since his expulsion. Jaye demanded day off to get together with friends and nearly every 4th of July with family or
See JAYE, Page 2 barbeque on the most popular date for See HOLIDAY, Page 2
Academic standards for athletes may drop
By Steve Jackson attacked as unfair because of disparate impact on minorities and ath-
Daily Sports Editor letes from lower-income families, could be redrawn as early as 2003.
The appeals challenged whether standardized test scores could be
The NCAA appears likely to revise one of the most controversial used as criteria for initial eligibility. But Bates is confident that the
rules in its history, reducing the role of SAT and ACT scores in deter- test scores will remain a par of the re-tooled plan.
mining the athletic eligibility of incoming freshiren. "You need some baseline to start from," said Bates, who also is a
The NCAA's current system, which uses a sliding scale but professor in the University's School of Education. "There is a big dif-
requires at least an 820 on the SAT or 16 oil the ACT and a 2.0 grade ference between a student with a 1400 and a score of 850. The current
noint average in the core curriculum, was recently upheld in the guidelines are not outrageous. We are not putting up a bar that is
,ourts. impossible.'
"We realy couldn't do anything while the system was under Bates said he recognizes that some individuals do :not test well. He
appeal," sai Percy Bates, co-chair of the NCAA's Management Coun- added that the sliding scale, which has been in place for more than
cil. "Now we are going to move ahead and look at making changes. foui years, addresses that part of the issue Jerry Mack sings and John Ailesee pl
We are committed to making things as equitable as possible." Bates said he expects some small changes to be made to the current the Terraplanes at Top of the Park. S
The academic standards known as Proposition 16, which have been See NCAA, Page 2
University Regent Katherine White is one Dido hits Detroit with songs from her David Terrell and Anthony Thomas
of 12 U S. citizens to be named a White platinum album "No Angel" and special ready for the pros after both were
House Fellow, guest Travis. by the Bears in the 2001 NFL Dra
Page 3 Page 10 Page 8

July 9, 2001
n river
Eted the Wayne County Sher-
T's Marine Unit, which then
andled the
The search
sumed the
xt morning,
nd Kuzak's
ody was
ecovered A
ound noon.
Donald 1
u z a k Kuzak
escribed his
in as "a real loving kid."
"He was a great kid. He was
avid golfer"he said.
See KUZAK, Page 2

ays bass as they perform with
ee story, page 3.
get '

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