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One hundred nine years of editorialfreedomv
donday, June 5, 2000
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Iospital may lose jobs
y Sara Fedewa
)ail Staff Reporter
Tension has arisen among members
f the University community after an
rticle that appeared in the Ann Arbor
flews suggested that 350 positions may
e cut from the University Hospital
taff. This cut would be part of an
ttempt to slash costs within the hospi-
il's budget.
&oyd Jacobs, chief operating officer
re hospital, said that this number
as preliminary and explained that
othing has been decided yet.
"Every academic health center in the
country is struggling to reduce costs,"
acobs said, adding that the goal of the
ospital is to "not just cut people off but
> try to get work done in more produc-
ve ways."
Se method that the Hospital is con-
ing is the outsourcing of labor.
osts may be able to be cut by hiring
ontractors and temporary workers who
re not associated with the University
> take over certain tasks.
Although some are beginning to
ssume these positions would be those
f janitors and security guards, Jacobs
aid, "there is no certainty in the posi-
ons to be outsourced."
Some members of the University are
p osed to this idea as it would result in
iss of hundreds of jobs for current
Jacobs said there are currently about
25 open positions at the hospitals and,
f those 350 positions are cut, most of
te employees will be able to shift into
ne of the open positions, but some
say be left without an appropriate posi-
tion to transfer to.
This potential shift and job loss is
problematic for doctoral candidate and
University employee Michael Dover.
"Reducing the number of decent jobs
with benefits, such as nurses aides,
security guards and janitorial services
only contributes to the very social prob-
lems the public and nonprofit sector
should be working to solve, such as the
marginal employment experienced by
many individuals and families who are
periodically unemployed, on welfare,
forced to ear money in the so-called
underground economy and through ille-
gal means," Dover said.
"Contracting such jobs out to private
employers will result in less security,
more turnover, sub-standard benefits,
absentee supervisors and a profit mar-
gin which will not result in long-term
cost savings," he said.
Bargaining Chairman for the
AFSCME labor union, Warren Jenkins,
is also troubled by the possibility of
workers losing their jobs.
While Jenkins understands the
necessity of a budget cut for the hospi-
tal, he said, "the key is, what pennies
are getting pinched. It's always at the
bottom end:'
Jenkins said, while the hospital
claims to be "financially challenged" it
continues to provide pay raises and
bonuses for those in administration and
the higher eud of the pay scale, while
cutting jobs of those working in lower
paying positions.
Similarly, Dover said, "it seems that
Strummin' away Media Union
.r A
By Rachel Green
Daily Staff Reporter
After two years as the director of the
University's Media Union, Barbara
O'Keefe announced her resignation on
Monday, May 15, and her future plans
to assume the position as Dean of
Speech at Northwestern University.
The Media Union is home to the
largest computing site on campus,
which houses 360 computers, as well
as four libraries, including the engi-
neering library, an art gallery and a host
of classrooms. The Media Union has
grown tremendously since its opening
in 1996, particularly in terms of its
multimedia recqurses.
O'Keefe, who was hired by the
Provost committee in 1998 as the
Media Union's first director, said she
worked to create a solid infrastructure
of employees within the building's var-
ious departments. The various subcom-
stRO tQUINNly mittees housed within the Media Union
Shira Olevsky-Abercrombge, an Incoming junior transfer student to the School should provide for a smooth transition
of Art and Design plays her guitar on the Diag on Sunday. of management once O'Keefe leaves in
raylor ves testimony in Martin trial
By Jon Schwartz
See OUTSOURCING, Page 2 Daily Sports Writer
As the Ed Martin saga continues to unfold, several for-
mer University basketball players are once again ascend-
ing to the forefront of the case.
Robert Traylor, a former University basketball player,
testified on Wednesday before a federal grand jury in
Detroit after being subpoenaed regarding his relationship
with the former University booster.
Traylor, a former star who left the University after his
junior season, currently plays for the Milwaukee Bucks
in the National Basketball Association.
Due to the nature of grand jury testimony, all informa-
tion in relation to the testimony is sealed.
Later this month, Louis Bullock, another onetime
University basketball standout, will continue the pro-
ceedings by making his own testimony. Both Bullock and
Traylor are represented by Steven Fishman, an attorney
out of Detroit.
Fishman did not return calls made by The Michigan
It is not yet known whether the grand jury will sub-
poena any more basketball players, however Chris
Webber, Albert White, Maurice Taylor and Jalen Rose
have all been linked to Martin.
Martin is accused of running an exten-
sive gambling ring through Ford Motor
Company's River Rouge plant.
The case also involves the University
because of Martin's contact with the bas-
ketball team, with accusations of giving
gifts to players.
Traylor It is unknown whether or not Martin
ever gambled on University games.
After agreeing to a plea bargain last month that would
have landed himself and his son Carlton in jail for no
more than 15 months for gambling and tax evasion,
Martin backed out for unknown reasons.
Currently, the University must wait for the grand jury
to make a decision on whether or not to indict Martin.
"Whatever happens, we'll deal with it," said University
Vice-President and General Counsel Marvin Krislov.
elin' a draft
rid Parrish's future at Michigan
Sdepend ontoday's draft.
TS, Patie 12 1~
The University's hospital may be facing the cut-back of 350 jobs to help reduce
Meeting postponed Aged Alternative
University's meeting on tobacco divestments Alternative pioneers The Cure and
been postponed until June 15. Sonic Youth each plan local stops.
NT QV .Page 2 A IS. Patne 8