10 -- T Michigan Daily - Monday, May 30, 2000 ' ! t 7 & t 'T'om, .. a e v Woodson pulled over for drunk driving in Ai By Lisa Koivu Daily News Editor Former Heisman Trophy winner and current Oakland Raiders defen- sive back Charles Woodson was arrested Wednesday night in Ann Arbor at approximately 2:00 a.m. for drunk driving. Sgt., Michael Logghe from the Ann Arbor Police Department con- firmed the arrest and said Woodson remained in jail for "about II hours." The arrest took place shortly after Woodson left Scorekeepers bar on Maynard Street, where a celebrity party was held the night before the tournament. Woodson was headed back to the Sheraton Inn, where he was staying. According to the police report, offi- cers spotted a leased Mercedes-Benz traveling at 50 mph in a 35 mph zone on.Southltate Street. After running a red light and a stop sign, officers used sirens and a public address system to get Woodson to stop in the hotel park- ing lot. After Woodson got out of the car, officers said he "appeared very unsteady on his feet," and his "speech was very slurred and his eyes were bloodshot and watery," the report said. Woodson had nearly two and a half times the amount of alcohol in his sys- tem required to be legally drunk under Michigan law, The Ann Arbor News reported. He registered a blood-alcohol level of 0.24 percent in a preliminary breath test, police reports said. In later tests, his blood-alcohol levels were 0.20 per- cent and 0.18 percent. Logghe said "there was another person in the car, but we don't know who or what the affiliation is to Woodson." Woodson was in Ann Arbor to serve as a co-host to the Jim Harbaugh/Charles Woodson Celebrity Invitational golf event at the University's golf course. Due to his arrest, Woodson was seven hours late for the event which raised more than $900,000 to bene- fit local children's charities. "It's kind of disappointing because of this cause right here," Woodson said at the golf course to The Ann Arbor News. "I'm only a human being." FILE PHOTO/[ Charles Woodson poses after winning the Heisman Trophy in December of 1997. Woodson played at Michigan from 1995 to 1997 before being drafted by the Oakland Raiders in the first round of the NFL draft. Pharmacy school to divide into four departments By Ginnefer Cox for the Dily The University Board of Regents has approved the adoption of a departmental structure withinthe College ofPharmacy. As of July 1, there will be four academic departments in the college. A faculty member will lead each of the four academic departments that are to be established based on similar disciplines in the College of Pharmacy. The departments will be the department of clinical sciences, the department of medicinal chem- istry, the department of pharmaceuti- cal sciences, and the department of social and administrative sciences. I c i i r i Earn $10 in a one session computer-mediated negotiation experiment that is being held in the Business School throughout May, June, and July. Experimental sessions last under an hour. Days: Sunday through Thursday Times: 5:00 and 6:30 PM. To be included in the pool of possible subjects, register at: http:I/ddm.bus.umich.edu/~summerOO To participate, you must be over the age of 18. The College of Pharmacy has been preparing for this change for some time. The dean of the college, George Kenyon, was appointed in the fall of 1998, and wanted the col- lege to move towards a departmental structure. Kenyon was dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of California in San Francisco, which held a departmen- tal structure. In January 1999, four of the University's pharmacy faculty became appointed to divisional chairs, which led to the formal departmentalization. Frank Ascione, a professor in the college and associ- ate dean starting this fall.. said he felt that faculty and staff were well informed about the upcoming change in the departmental structure. "Organizational structure was a key question asked of all dean candi- dates. Dean Kenyon clearly stated in his interview that he favored depart- ments," Ascione said. The new departmental structure at the college will result in a decentraliza- tion of the College of Pharmacy admin- istration.The leadership of the new aca- demic departments will now have more authority over decisions made about their specific departments as well as faculty decisions. The academic depart- ments will be able to handle issues including faculty hiring, teachingmeth- ods, and student scholarships. Staff of the college saidthey felt the new structure is essentially beneficial to its progress. Dennis Gilbert, Director of Communications at the College of Pharmacy, said he felt the new decen- tralization of the college could o enhance the administration. "The concept of decentralized man- agement is that it delegates more deci- sion-making and problem-solving authority to smaller administrative units. By empowering people in this way, our intent is to create an environment that nurtures the type of independent thinking and adaptability that distinguishes the best organizations," Gilbert said. Assistant Dean for Student Servi Valener Perry also said she supports the change to a departmental structure. "This is a more formalized approach to giving people responsibility. Faculty are supportive of it," she said. The changes in the departmental structure of the college will not have much of an effect on College of Pharmacy students. Ascione said that although there may be a slight change, the new structure will be beneficial to the quality of education in the Colle "The underlying question is how this departmental structure will affect students, especially our pro- fessional graduate program. I think it will be subtle. I believe that the departmental structure will create a more consistent educational approach to these students because the issue can be addressed more gen- erally," Ascione said. "In addition, faculty are -likel to held more accountable for their efforts because the department heads will be ina better position to assess and review their educational activities,' he added. 0