The Michigan Daily -- Tuesday, May 30, 2000-7 .How to be gay' course under fire from House By Manna LoPatin Daily News Editor Budget talks in the Michigan House of Representatives became heated Tuesday night when an amendment that some representatives called unconstitu- an tal came to the floor. WEight Republican representatives sponsored a proposal to set aside 10 per- cent of a university's budget if it holds a class "promoting or facilitating the par- ticipation in a sexual lifestyle or pmactices other than heterosexual monogamy" The amendment was directed at the Uiniversitv's fatl class "How to Be Gay: Male Homosexuality and Initiation," taught by Prof. David Halperin. Although a majority did vote for the amendment. 56 votes were needed for it pass and it failed by four votes. Had the amendment passed and made its way through conference commintee with the Senate, the University would have had to drop the class or forfeit the 10 percent to be distributed among the state's 14 other public universities. University Vice President for Government Relations Cynthia Wilbanks said even if the amendment had passed, she does not believe it would have survived in the Senate. "These kinds of actions have been attempted before, but thecy don't pre- vail'" she said. Rep. Valde Garcia (R-Clintots), a sponsor of the amendment, said the pro- posal was more of a symbolic gesture so speak to the use of taxpayers' money. "I don't believe we should be spend- ing taxpayer dollars to teach a class to teach someone to violate the law' he said. Homosexuality "is still against the lass and it offends many people's deep- seated religious beliefs" Jack McHugh, a legislative aid for another of the amendment's sponsors, Rep. Robert Gosselin (R-Grosse Pointe), said he was not surprised that thse amendment didn't pass. "Traditionally, ideological amend- ments have a hard time becoming part of one-year budgets'" McHugh said. Dut those who voted against the amendment said is didn't pass because it violates the State of Michigan Constitution, which gives all state uni- versities complete autonomy in teach- itng and choosintg classcs. "The legislature cannot dictate the nature or content of university context or a uriversity's individual courses." said Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor). Mart Sweeney, legislative aid to Rep. Sandy Caul (R-Mt. Pleasant) said Caul "didn't feel that even if it svere to pass that it would hold up constitutionally." McHugh argued that the legislation was drafted in a way that prevents it from being colled unconstitutional. Although a university is granted autonomy, "the legislature is not required to appropriate any particular amount of funds,' he said. "To claim that the Constitution prohibits (the amendment) is an excuse." While the debate over the amend- ment lasted well into the night, Garcia said he was not familiar with the actual content of the class. "We had some information about the class and that it exists," he said. "Devond that we don't know much about it." In a passed ametndment the House added another 515 million to its higher education budget recommendation-- giving each of the stare's 15 public utti- I don't believe we* should be spending taxpayer dollars... to teach someone to violate the law." - Rep. Valde Garcia R- Clinton versity's an extra 1 percent. This brings the University up to a 6.4 percent increase in appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2001. The bill now goes back to the Senate. Also, all universities are itn line for another 3 percent in a pending supplemental bill. 0""" 'tRlmtit 5 ltlt'('ST Sl'ORTSII R II. r1 'skis' Ilkatsr l alsyis.ants shiatd ti, .rlc cr. 'Ii t k l h rda ct aIo lc s Ssdctlr-up 'el:itr F \.i. lasst p \' ',2 per storry'' lntc i cpoi ion at ibti. niSL NI01t. InprS I \'t ItheMIN .* I2,Iist soill~c~ t 171" rarid msisrlst all- rr i 'n fulaso 1111t: i Artl ii nelitc. Ci asioto " 754 91 IIGIF EARN AI Illti 734/HRNis2 hiiii97 i osheirti.l ItIsItkt pcsir arid erspuruicaiiull- Ihub ahitlrrttau 6ititgatIirurrs'ir Im"ctr ir t'wtm sial, fat n I hrhiroie S. S/r aid sriing rifitri ailae.Must hei 18+i liit isisisahetorialIrnpad ttoiinn r/fr ttrirsii o isN 'itip disiRirg1 'oi/il h r Lirt tirari 'the crl~rr ts r. Fle/iblet evnigs&vks-styor v I. I' II111. ttIOtlNS sillil 11wIs ' issi ,i,, ~ i 1 llandI~ill. po'as o ('all Junl c l iori ill il al aii i cai S hith :\\c.. Anni Arboss5/Ot li. leiletihulas"Ca ll (s/s-798i) LOB1AL PHIOTOGRAP1HY is islooki'iiing~ trai vessIcinal itsl. I trusts.arid sei-nustrde phtsgraphy.(iristp'). flesihblassos" s734-741-7487. GYMNASTIC COACH Astr Abor Y.M.C.A. 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