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May 30, 2000 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-05-30

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, May 30, 2000 - 3
LGBT, Poli. Sci.
minors now offered

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Ann Arbor mayor Ingrid Sheldon will relinquish her position in November after having served five terms. She said she
wants to leave so that she can spend more time with her family.
Mayor Sheldon decides to
leave others ready to step in

By Jodie Kaufman
Daily StaflReporter
Since the fall semester of 1999, stu-
dents have had the opportunity to
receive an academic minor. There are
currently 34 minors in 21 departments.
This spring, there are many new minors
for students to choose from.
The Department of Women's Studies
is offering a new academic minor in
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
According to the departmental web-
site, the minor "is designed to provide a
basic familiarity with the field of
LGBT studies. The minor offers an
opportunity for students to explore how
various practices, institutions and
beliefs intersect with sexualities and
sexed bodies, in a range of cultures,
geographies and histories"
E. Frederic Dennis, director of the
Office of LGBT affairs, said "it is
important that students have a sense of
different communities, cultures, social
movements, and social reforms. The
minor is very contributive to an educa-
tion that is diverse."
Dennis said he thinks "many students
will be interested in the minor, just as
white students are interested in studying
the cultures of African Americans,
straight students will be interested in
LGBT studies"
The political science department also
recently added a minor. "The reason we

created this minor is because students
requested for it," said Political Science
Student Service Assistant Lili Kivisto.
Kivisto said the minor will give stu-
dents the opportunity to gain the back-
ground knowledge without havingto take
all the requirements of the concentration.
She said it will be especially helpful for
those students who combine political sci-
ence majors with economics or history.
"They don't have to meet the require-
ments of two strong concentrations,"
Kivisto said, "it will work well."
Academic minors in the departments
of Biology and Economics, are also new
additions to the academic minor list.
There is no limit to the amount of
minors a University student may receive.
However, students are not permitted to
create individual minors or minor in a
subject within the department of their
An academic minor is composed of a
minimum of 15 credits and must be
approved by a minor advisor.
Students completing academic
minors will have a notation on their stu-
dent transcript, bunoton their diploma.
Also, students may not take their
minor requirements pass/fail, and only
one course can double as fulfilling
requirements for their minor and concen-
tration plan.
Minorcredits may be attributed to dis-
tribution credit, Quantitative Reasoning,
Upper-Level Writing, Race and
Ethnicity, and Language requirements.

By Anna Clark
Daily Staff Reporter
Ann Arbor mayor Ingrid Sheldon recently announced
that she will not be seeking a sixth term in November in
order to have more time for her family and personal oblig-
"It was a very tough decision," Sheldon said. "I really
do enjoy my service to the community. But it'sjust time to
take a pause."
Sheldon said her five terms as Ann Arbor's mayor have
kept her extremely busy and she didn't want to push her-
self too far
"I pumped up my balloon as full as it could get. I decid-
ed to let out some steam before it burst;' she said.
Sheldon, a Republican leading the largely Democratic
city council, said this is only the beginning of several
changes for the council, as two members will not contin-
ue after the current term.
"I think the whole dynamic will change. There'll be a
lot of new faces," she said.
Sheldotn said she supports Republican candidate Steven
Repundalo in the city's upcoming mayoral race. John
Hestje, a current city council member, is the Democratic
Both mayoral candidates have "experience in commu-
nity involvement," Republican city council member Joe
Upton said.

While some council members lamented Sheldon's deci-.
sion, others supported it.
"I think she'll be sorely missed in Ann Arbor," Upton
said. "She put a human face on the office of mayor. She's
not just a policy maker, but she's down-to-earth."
Upton is also looking forward to the changes in the city
"There'll be new blood, new energy," Upton said. "It
should be an interesting election"
Democratic council member Elizabeth Daley said she
thinks it's time for Sheldon to leave her office.
"I am glad Ingrid will not be running for re-election in
November because I think it's time for a mayor who does
more than weddings and showing up for luncheons,"
Daley said
Daley said she thought Sheldon's primary reason behind
her decision was fear that she wouldn't be re-elected.
"She didn't think she'd win," Daley said.
Daley also said she believes Sheldon's family will be
glad to have her around more and she "fully supports"
Hestje's candidacy for mayor.
Sheldon said she was satisfied with her years as the
mayor of Ann Arbor
"We've had a good time," Sheldon said. "Ann Arbor is a
very diverse community. There's a large student popula-
tion, as well as a very traditional small town family.
Leading a little big city has been very challenging and

IK According to The Detroit Free Press,
IKE in February 1998, Goss wrote Nike
Continued from Page 1 executives and said, "Nike has taken
out customer service concerns very
well as Adidas, Puma and Reebok. lightly:'
But Nike's Director of Global Issues Goss mentioned poor quality, late
Management, Vada Manager said, deliveries, improper sizing of mer-
"unless a company will agree to open- chandise orders and a situation in
endedness, the same problems will which Nike sent Penn State merchan-
exist." dise to the University.
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ontinued from Page 1
ing anything from Biniarz, but that he
was simply more motivated than
Biniarz to lease the comer.
"I understand that he was here for 18
years, but he was leasing the corser and
I want to lease it too -- it was first
come, first serve," Escalada said.
But City Administrator, Neil Berlin,
said "There is no provision in the ordi-
nce that says first-come-first-serve
and there is no provision either for peo-
ple who have previously held the per-
mit for a particular area."
Both parties have hired lawyers.

Escalada's met with City Council on
May 8. Although he was fighting for full
ownership of the North University and
State Street corner because he signed his
lease first, his plea was overruled.
Biniarz awaits his hearing on May 31.
He plans to argue that according to the
Law of Reliance, leasing priority is given
to those who have leased the same prop-
erty for more than seven years.
While the new competition has
forced Bieners Wieners to drop its
prices to S2 for a hot dog, a soda and a
bag of chips in an effort to compete
with the prices of Hot Dogs on the Run,
Biniarz said he has not seen a signifi-
cant decrease in his daily business.

Business for Escalada has also been
quite good, he said he believes he is tak-
ing about 40 percent of the corner's
The hot dog brawl has so far
remained strictly between the hot dogs
and not the men. Both say that they feel
this new competition is only making
them work harder for customers.
"He was lazy. I don't have anything
against him, but I want to make money
too," Escalada said.
LSA senior Mike Monroe is a regu-
lar customer of Biener's Wieners. He
said he has tried the new hot dog stand
and finds the quality to be about the

Classes start June 3''
&June 24tu!'



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