2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday. May 30. 2000 L IIIV 1111VIIt6Mi1 V4.11IJ VMNJI i w vv) rvv+ _. School of Dentistr receives $3M gift . Laura Deneau tion of Dr. Marilyn Woolfolk who will be in charge of distributing funding the education of School of Dentistry students." said Jerry Daily Staff Reporter the need-based financial aid/scholarships fund under the terms set Mastey, Editor of the School of Dentistry. forth for deserving students. Although many dental students are not yet aware of the endow- A recent gift to the School of Dentistry by Dr. Norman J. Dahn, "Student indebtedness is an ongoing concern of ours," said ment and how it will affect them, Rich Fetchiet said he believed it expected to be worth between $2.6 million and S3 million, will large- William Kotowicz, Dean of the Dental School. "Scholarship support will be received with enthusiasm and appreciative sentiments con- ly benefit School of Dentistry students by enhancing scholarship for deserving dental students is among our highest fund raising pri- ceming Dr. Dahn offerings for dental students with financial need. orities." Dr. Dahn received his DDS degree from the University of "The endowment has only one purpose - support for scholar- Reception of the endowment was anticipated as the trust was put Michigan School of Dentistry in 1930. His career of providing ser- ships for deserving dental students." said director of external rela- in place many years ago with the School of Dentistry being the final vices to low income families in central Michigan and Detroit as tions and continuing dental education Rich Fetchiet. "It will not be beneficiary. After Dahn's death in 1981 and his sister's recent death, as sereing in the Army during World War II, culminated with s distributed to any other part of the school or used for any other pur- the estate plan was given fully to benefit the Uniersity School of retirement in 1965. poses" Dentistry. "We are delighted to be the recipients of Dr. Dahn's generous gift," The Endowment fund will function in perpetuity under the direc- "It's an estate plan where (Dr. Dahn's) assets after death go toward Kotowicz said:" Keith Elkin named new director of OSCR By Man Wai Sze For the Daily The Office of Student Conflict Resolution is going to have a new director starting this summer. Keith Elkin, currently the associate dean of stu- dents at the University of Rochester, will begin working as the OSCR's director on July 10. The OSCR's last director, Marylu Antieau, left in the summer of 1998. Since then, the OSCR has been led by two interim directors - Sean McCabe and J. Silva Goncalves. The OSCR is part of the Division of Student Affairs. Its main task is to administer the Code of Student Conduct, set forth the standard ofnon-acad- emic conduct for students and to conduct the conflict resolution process, said G"yn Hulswit, student ser- vices associate from the Office oftheVice President for Student Affairs. Ifa student feels that the code of conduct has been violated, the OSCR reviews and investigates on the complaint, Hulswit said. If a violation is found, the OSCR works with the individual to understand why their behavior is different from the community values, and helps the individual acquire new skills. The OSCR also does community outreach, which Hulswit said she hopes the OSCR will expand under the new director. Keith Elkin, the OSCR's new director, hasbeen the associate dean of students at the University of Rochester since 1996. He was the assistant dean of Students at the same university from 1994 to 1996. He has a law degree and a master's degree in high- er education and administration from the University of Miami in Florida. "When you're talking about student discipline, (it's) important (to have a) legal background," Elkin said. Elkin said he believes his two years of experi- ences in student discipline has equipped him for his new position at the OSCR. Kern Borland, the chair of the search committee from the Career Planning & Placement office, said she thinks Elkin's experience at a school with a similar student body is an important reason why Elkin would excel in his new role. Hulswit said Elkin has sub- stantial judicial experience, has managed mediation and main- tained systems, has a strong the- oretical base, and has "strong enthusiasm in for- warding the office". "The office has undergone both internal * external review a couple years ago, we hope to incorporate many of the suggestions put forth in the reviews," Hulswit said. She added that the three major recommenda- tions from the review include more outreach, consistency between the Code of Student Conduct and the other policies on campus, and an emphasis on educational objectives. "I feel that there was (not enough understand- ing of the code), but I feel that there was a pert. tion that the code was quasi-legalistic system.We want to move away from that perception to empha- sis on education objective, Hulswit said. "Keith is enthusiastic and he is very well pre- pared to move our office in an educational direc- tion. I feel that someone with Keith's talent and experience and commitment will help shape our office in a way that will best serve the students of the university," he said. Elkin said he was excited about his new position. "It is a tremendous opportunity to be a part of a great university" he said. "I'm rea ly ex - ed about joining." 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