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May 15, 2000 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-05-15

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One hundred nine years of editorhdlfreedomv

Monday May 15, 2000

www.michigandaily.com .

Swoosh will stay -for now

0 While the University is looking for a
supplier, Nike stays around for a year
By Raphael Goodstein
Daily Sports Hitor
It isnt the end of an era for the University athletic depart-
ment and Nike after all.
Eleven days ago, the two sides broke off contract negotia-
tits that would have paid the University somewhere between
W and S26 million over six years.
But Michigan was left without footssear and athletic apparel.
With its six-year, S8 million-contract with Nike set to expire
August 31. Michigan had little time to negotiate with another
So the University signed a one-year deal with Nike. But
instead of receiving money to wear Air, the University will

pay S760,000 in order for Nike to outfit all of the athletic
teams. The University will also receive 7 percent to 10 per-
cent of Nike's royalties on any Michigan product.
"We'd ordered their merchandise in December," University
Counsel Marvin Krislov said. "The breakoff occurred very
late. We did talk to other companies, but it seemed in order to
have a guarantee for our teams to have the equipment the
teams need, we had to do this soon. The athletic department
is relieved that this problem is solved."
But the signing isn't necessarily a prelude of things to
come for the University and Nike.
"Michigan will continue to explore its options for longer
term relationships," Interim Athletic Director Bill Martin said in
a press release. "Our student-athletes and coaches deserve our
full support, and we believe this agreement will ensure that they
can concentrate on doing their best this coming year.:
See NIKE, Page 8

Union, Commons set for changes

Jamal Crawford sits on the bench in street clothes as part of an NCAA
suspension that clouded his turbulent first year at Michigan.
Crawford enters
June NBA draft

By Ahmed Hamid
Dailh Still Reporter
Little Caesars recently shut down
operations at the Michigan Union and
Pierpoint Commons. The Y&S sand-
wich store has vacated the Union as well.
Michael Swanigan, director of
Pierpoint Commons, said their leases
9 expired and the retail space was to
be reassigned by considering proposals.
"We had what we call a request for
proposal., where anyone or any business
can submit a proposal for considera-
tion" Swanigan said.
He said that a committee to look over
the proposals was launched in
September last year. Twenty-one propos-
als were submitted to fill three locations
e Union and one in the Commons.
"Little Caesars did submit a propos-
al, while Y&S did not" said Audrey
Schwimmer, director of the Michigan
The committee is in the final phases of
deciding which of the proposals to accept.
"The committee decisions were
based upon survey results from the past,
comments from the public and certain
criteria we had set," Swanigan said.
He mentioned that the one com-
n t echoed throughout the majority
the university community was
"more variety."
Businesses submitting proposals for
the spaces include Mrs. Fields
Cookies, Villa Pizza, and Magic Wok, a
fast-food Chinese restaurant.

By Raphael Goodstein
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan basketball standout
Jamal Crawford's tumultuous career
might be over after one year.
The star shooting guard declared his
intention to Is D ,
play profes- Is j:'lmis'
sional basket- s s
ball by entering
heNAdat analyzes Crawford's
the NBA draft . coie
"I would Phe1
like to take the
opportunity to
test the waters and put my name in
for the NBA draft," Crawford said in
a statement released by Michigan.
"After talking with several profes-
sional teams, it is necessary to look at
all my options and see if indeed it
would be in my best interest to play in
the professional ranks. Today's deci-
sion does not close the door on my col-
lege career, but it allows me simply to
take a look at this opportunity."
If Crawford is selected in the 58-
pick, two-round draft, he would
become permanently ineligible to

play college basketball.
Most scouts think Crawford will
be drafted somewhere between the
end of the first round and the middle
of the second round.
The sophomore has until a week
prior to the June 28 NBA draft to
withdraw his name and remain eligi-
ble to play at the collegiate level.
"Maturity-wise and socially, (play-
ers that join the NBA before graduat-
ing college) are not as developed,"
Toronto Raptors Director of Basketball
Operations Bob Zuffelato said,
In recent years, dozens of under-
classmen have exited the National
Collegiate Athletic Association for
the NBA's money and fame.
"The NBA likes players to stay (in
school for multiple years)," said Rick
Sund, the Detroit Pistons General
Manager and Vice-President.
"They're talented, but they'd be bet-
ter off staying" in school, he said.
Crawford can still play college
basketball if he withdraws his name
from the draft at least one week prior
to the draft.
See CRAWFORD, Page 14

A wall now stands where Little Caesars and Y&S once served food in the Mic
Union. A committee is currently reviewing restaurants to take their places.

"We are in the process of negotiat-
ing the leases," Swanigan said.
The Pierpoint Commons location
may be the site of a future McDonald's.
"We are hoping that McDonald's
opens tip because they were offering a
variety in their menus, McDeli wrapped
sandwiches, smoothies et cetera,"
Swanigan said.
University students were enthusias-

tic at the prospect of new places to eat.
"I will miss the Wednesday special at
Little Caesars," said LSA Junior Leigh
Callander, "but I am excited to see if
something better comes."
The target opening date for the
restaurants isAugust 15.
"Overall we believe that the selections
that were chosen best serve the interest
of University students," Swanigan said.



Safety in numbers 'Battlefield' blows
e Federal Bureau of Investigation reports a The Michigan Daily Arts section
crease of many serious crimes in college towns. gives out its first 'F' in history.
NEWS, Page 3 ARTS, Page 11

Fly Ball
Michigan softball -wins the Big Ten
Championship in Iowa.
SPORTS, Page 14
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