The Michigan Daily - Monday, May 8, 2000 - 9 ,S tudents must reveal crime on application By Meghann Kelley For the Daily The University's incoming class of Fall 2000 had to answer two questions on their application of undergraduate admissions concerning their crimi- nal background - something no applicant has ever had to (1o before. @ le questions: "Have you ever been expelled. suspended, placed on probation, or been subject to any other disciplinary action at any secondary school or collece you have attended"' and "Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation, or been found to be delinquent by a juvenile court, or are there such charges currently pending against you at this time?" are similar to ques- tions that are common on undergraduate appli- cations throughout the country. Before the revision of the application, the University had no way of knowing the criminal record of applicants unless notified by the students school counselor, the police department in that area or if the members of the admissions board hear or read about the crime. Diane Brown, University facilities and oper- ations spokeswoman, said along with the added questions to the application, the University is now going to include the web address for a site that has a registry of sex crime offenders in the Student Safety Handbook. The site informs the student body of the whereabouts of people who have committed crimes of this nature. University spokeswoman Julie Peterson said that although the stUdents will not be directly informed that they're living with or near a convicted sex offender, the access to the site will allow anyone with suspicion to look up the informration. Peterson also pointed out that since the offender must register for the list once they've established a' residency for at least 10 days, community mem- bers will not have the information before the - offender is in the area. Peterson explained that although these steps are being taken, there are actually very few people in the Ann Arbor area registered as sex offenders. Sixty-six live in the local zip codes and only one of those is a student at the University," Peterson said. Profs tour state as Road Scholars N I a n ipp ric _4 h o 'ee s asi 0m 1Mh eil s The tc faculty membebcr s itih i tp ated in te i cdv sci ' ci a i m Road Schrolais o tor tsci. to ciMPris It 11 O IF \s a costant learniint scot iii' said Suni ni rit. aihe t ch r is Sbe trencly a coclsfi in - conrcin th e di cos T It cimn ite s in ii ,'-.)nlsysteits. li In iri lt[Ir '! c iI-n last h ips apparn Os"c ccss ~ ~ ~ mk ia, imtdPoo t a pnaneot leatoe atl the Seonae Yea (left) and Laura Olsen get off the bus after spending five days on the read as Michigan Road Scholars. LI1\ISt.-h tours have been trereoroslo successful ini nonctm, tie Uversity to the cctrt11irtitrs in Michtigan.t Barnett recalled riteerting a 9th grade strident or It's a ternric w av to educate the State of Michigan about us Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy who had started his 0 and to educate us about the State of Michigan," she said. business. "Those are the voices to me that are the m "The diverse group of faculty and variety of personalities important," he said. was always interesting," Froelich said of the group composed While the group traveled as far north as St. Ignace and as forn 13 diffierent colleges. south as Kalamazoo, Froelich said there is still more to see. SThe faculty "ot a chance to interact with people outside of "This tour was just a glimpse," she said. "I hope it their field, peaked the faculty's interest and given them entry to the "I never imagined before, from a professional standpoint, ferent communities of the state." that I could collaborate with an architect and a musician,' Engineering Prof Joanna Millunchick said that "(the t said Robert Barnett, at associate professor of English at the at least made introductions so that we can go back and fol University's Flint Campus. up on issues that interested rIS. It has opened doors for us School of Music Prof. Michael Gould said it was "impor- those that we met." tant to understand how the experience we've had this week While most of the faculty said they were pleased with vill promotc change. The importance of this pr41grar ill be trip there was just one request fir improserent. "It shoul proved over many years to cone." longer," Gould said, Lwo 'U' profs elected to NAS the awn nost far has dif- rip) loW and the d be CAIBBE-AN (One Week to Seven Week Volunteer Positions Available) Orhaag Outreach is a non-profit organization working with orphanages in the Caribbean. This summer, we ace conducting the Touch the Future 2000 Summer School/ Camp in the Dominican Republic. University students, fac- ulty, and volunteers from around the world will provide a unique learning experience for orphaned and abandoned chil- dren. We will be working at two different orphanages. Our focus will be on helping the children learn English. We will also be conducting programs in math, art, science, music, thea- ter, and recreation. Volunteering for this program is an opportunity to combine your skills with a chance to make a difference in the lives of orphaned and abandoned children during this unforget- table summer experience. Each participant will be asked to raise funds to cover their expenses. For information, e-mail us at, or call us toll free at (888) 305-4405. "The trip was absolutely amazing. It was both life changing and self-motivating. It aroused within me a sense of urgency to help others. I left confident that I had made a difference in the children' lives. The memories Imade Iwill always hold close to my heart, and I will never forget the smiles that I helped to create." ...Molly Case, Providence College "A completely unique experience that lets one not only make an impact on many children's lives but also learn about a whole new culture. ...Sonia Liang, Yale University "There is not one word or phrase that I can think of that sums up thefeelings that I encountered within myself when thinking about the trip. It is truly indescribable. I loved every part of this experience. It changed my life." ..Ryan O'Toole, University ofMassachusetts at Amherst (888) 305-4405 By Rachel Green For the Dalt Nobel Prize Winner and University Prof. Emeritus Martinris Veltman, and Prof. Jack Dixon were elected Tuesday to the National Academy of Sciences, or outstanding research achievements the fields ol physics and biological cheriistrs Veltmian and Dixon were two of 75 scientists elected to the NAS this year. bringing the total number of University faculty to receive this award to 21. Vefimrman, who lives in the Netherlands. was recognized by the NAS as one of 15 foreign associates selected by the council each year. Last Oar Veltman won the Nobel Prize in physics for his work dealing with the mathematical properties of sub-atomic particles that eventually led to the explanation of the top quark in 1995. Dixon is the head of the biological chemistry departme Dixon transferri 1991, and has done in the introduction cells to reduce the main focus is on th gene, Phosphatase T "PTEN has rema affects how many p1 on other molecule Vice President for P Omenn. It makes divide and become' Dixon said he wa delighted by the new really gratifying, ber by our peers who thi entific work," lie sai "I'm delighted to I have many other de at the University of hopeful they will coming years." The University sc nt at the University. currently ranked 25th in the nation. cd from Purdue in Dixon explained that one of the crite- extensive research ria often used to rank science programs of phospates into at universities is how many members of risk of cancer. His the school's facUlty have been inducted e turoor suppressor into groups such as the NAS and the 'eisen. Institute of Medicine. rkable properties. It Dixon said lie believes this new hosphate groups are recoignition may help boost the s, said University University's status in future rankings by Medical Affairs Gil attracting more talented science-orient- cells less likely to ed staff and students to the University in cancerous, he said. upcoroing years, particularly to the life s both surprised and sciences department. 's of his award. "It is "For a scientist, election to the cause we are elected National Academy of Sciences is the ink highly of our sci- highest award we have here next to.the d in a press release. Nobel Prize," Omenn said. be selected, but we The two men were notified of their serving people here acceptance early Tuesday morning. f Michigan and I'm They will be flown next spring to the be elected also iii National Academy of Science head- quarters in Washington, D.C. for a for- icnce department is nial ceremony.