Thp MiriFstaotf~lh,-.. nri MnvQ ')AAnt help wanted In t,%iring cooik". \Xatalf. a il H001n tIesI t &a S1k IDII natante -(nI i ikig puaclual appglicants soueldl apl Scre(,k6egers Il0 M aynard atcross, D OoT I ItN OPPORI11iNIIX $$ [Lt nca Inrnet 'Iiiriup seeks I i~i clps &, Student rit ers NI Ct tiit ti' \ ,0 NI ib111l 11~j0I11 AI wshtl lmmt * Imw tniitlon'ic Butilder Fall N- Part- antd IDenio 0croitl airk~d cIdeal candriidae ,inn ll hr IIII SI I i a nnd (utuIlpaunst lolhilr ItS:it) 7 1 I 9-Ijin NitIL 1-tral li air as it r ~ is ori In al t o lit (Itihi i:w i tn. An\rbt Sor Ml 4h8lil M OTOR 01 OPHI RS svate I'm Auitii Mairbrl in o111 n 101F huom1-5 (1111111FI JUL iiri-cittt and abilitto dive; jnmil tr l 1 ii IS1,0 s,'6h Fix resume.r w ith 1%w i it ) (cr~.ii734)1194-11 i,3 An Ki. 1) N I INI SlI- V11V1E ASSISTrANT lto Dirllii Ad oll rrr Stroor PC &trrietI 1I*,tn i/;tirir I ski'll-t ivtteenn FF o.0hlici lsn 1,1,: hl FAX- I reslittrteliccnli At l it D ii tot iricatitnt. till Ic liiih Irirnith ASit iAthnit NI. AD1LT 1 I 1151 E PIIOTOG RA I'll1ER tl~d* 1il Nit experiece ticcennal 111IC li II all tn ren titnl enhleCiall) h'Lill- 55515SN I 5 (OINTIN(. MANACERZ creri ri ekirrcoe.t t-Nicit-ie Ilnd. 'I, ti Ul a11 recn grradua te t 1 MluItt ii i I-tltiotil BAl tImlti aontiL ocr IA I C 1,nLd til hm il onl llcitic pwiic m it S iin Con11tct Ryn al i Iilt)(1, 6,04 \\ii I iiliiindltinnciia lnl oirr r mk. htilt 11111 Athirt iici $9/hr. aid tirirti- hecir Irs aoaihle.Minm he 18+ muIr anns to r iahlnt aprd Ihonie. fittiealatn.opningstiin73497 1 R(IF BARTON HILS 001UNIRY CA1 FolandnaIrt-timeln litiottl tlO in tlaln kitrill hbanuteatd coctaiil nnin shusenkeprin, dishiwanhernnrldo irtitbait inkehait am ,aid bhSItonnGin Crc i ieninlttlice lilt)If l~eiehour. Aply iii init7911koutrlty Cliuh Roadtil.1993;ill BIANCHI-ROSSI ITOURS io Iirri'g positioutln liii20001-1001,L ooItrkig li itdiviittnas ekiitiadvicett ard iilillitattiy. SkilI i n n ati ad itarkeitg iiclereil [itt a lint to 1111it. ittitsi altO aVailaile. (11 I i~ U t l 1-8 07-42 ettcliil kalii 9i lo dii itillr11 (ANIP (CAN ISRAELI in lorkigltri cerrptinson itr.u (tSir i tnnancetceier & MIaICrire Itetnlri un 39 Ag4. I ncctdcall itlierit91 -) 1)1.(real pay (:LEANIN(; 011F1IC1S P/T 9in-ecit c\etir. 5 dvnits wneek 7/Itt97h20l DIRECT (SEP PROFESS IONA LS $9 $11 P1 R HOUR EinhoerliCetteller iii lOcur Ii companyltthas.tan enelillsepaiei adt IidtnIkuI- tlime, Iml-ite tanl ilt caleinginid irec care that can11 tllerat ecilillii 11iii1111113 and111Prriiiit Ieture 1 i i a great oi11illiii14)lai li ii tlrietce ii health cree trirle eating tiriny li titi o iiothe Eliis. ene s tJOt-clc b~ ljulry. reailttionr iilaiily that iofers eC\ellelttibenfit,, Irr ll lile stal: Emipltoe Stuk (li inlnitltPlait ESOP. 4011K. subsidizedni itidial and detial bnftlie itintratce.and gettrititoPT. (Panid itte 011ff rogetteIt.Applicatitns arvailale itt Etsnheilnkters Ntth Hll. Eisnhoer Center Ann Artttr, MI 48t08 Photne 734-677-M)70, xl242 Fax 734-77-0890 DIRE(CT CARE'iWORKER lit provide etote modeling.. addiitoIntterettintoli roIt~atn d hlrtteless Yriith in ia resietial setling. EpIrelce nlkig m ith ldlleneetin. 111111 ~ltni. and fleiility itt schedulinig inlititn.l FulH-UmI fi erneirn tiledut nihli aphpliionsouth sead ieilet (I/1CHim tttann17119 Wanttnnmt AnntiAetmiti-,4S114atit Kis Witliter. AA/F(IE. FAUlLY POSIINS IN ITAlMtAN. Seeking qtltitidIn 111111 nn tAnsliliit Annuciate. ad IFtll PItilennitin for Aliltiel and Bsines, Ful -Tie ettilnI itild, naidl VaCaOL inSLIt. iltlit H,\nId 0 nLI nd itil aIllit workig edrontttin.lrl I ltnileslittitle(lite in AIgitni 211111For worenitnitlit cntat D 1i. ,laink Lee atltttrrr I ikcln n rtiltienal io tliihkopsi edit FINDYOURK SUMNIMIR JOB NOVV!!! We ate MrANY tll Md al littlhumpanitilIti itt tie AnnitArlitr & sktnor iinlltt re-i. Pinkaitrig Ptay rnge: S8 13 Aptply Monttthitin 1:311 lii 9111111i: 511911Jakson RIttiindpndncee Plan. AnnitAilili 0Iicall nit looe 1111 7419998-933 Pictue it)ad 990 td rilnled. isl l l ahntn at FRONT IDESK, lln thin pait ite. Ponlie aind light 11ffie t(ki /t r 'iPstaesittito Melatti Cnittlin t (7;4IiI 2.5ioticatlill i (77341 995 -10101 (ININASIlk (15(1 Arnn AboriY S MOAS kin itttic lub is1 looikr knglta l i~e r cnn-re he nTntlrtrl is aai lahie nd artsrriinldlethtle. Y.M C. -S tnllhelip &ihe him In iclde.(kfll ientrler 3-t5hit) t il liout ll iilierltiiion 35119. Fifh v.L Ot 11 HORSE BARN HIP 2 3 aleittiln/llek Appointment Secretaries CALL NOW START NOW Appointment Secretaries Looking for a fun lob working in a POSITIVE ATMOSPHERE? CALL TODAY We need fun positive people for our newly expanded office. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS CALL BETWEEN 9-6 ONLY (734)677-5511 ANN AROR'S PREMIHER HOTEL 01W 'SEKING * 111 StOEFPEII I'lltI Y AS4I NIINT P.t12 FtI I t5. 51 1119 19111 [,,. loutt l l tnl 1 Ilk I RNllI S1)111111C Ill M101 It 0 111 (SIN /SI91 - kill I SHOtP 951LtS -P/ F We nid hum rtsehennn fitinte ieshet set ink"tolitutilgulests nd-ittu l ninia ig sages onil hntlits to o11111nttplttnnnn I h ~me0apuin hi lis it niireil t -fic l i-n tukllace. LOW l .in l trni lntMucnn at 7341 lmuni lt l1111 lm? un-SI c NIPEISINN -Su : 0it I-hot. Ml 11 Vict oo * 01 -Slll.SRNT IOSPERSON NI suift'AT AIS.,F B5 ekeQ[lTA %ATrurrurn *n II S cill t t 99 ple91 o S I S 0L1-II -10~ tern-ce i:n, on 99 ti cl or m\as and Oenclito ndtleitt. neuntotnidrug-Free utirkphiut.nPin tn. cal Human iReouriesenat 71-lu 769t2247 etacnetliian at utt IsI liw, tirti.hrS-t POl- CASII IS INN tiltFt Hun Srtti Suin Sttu NMIl-1114 INTlRESTIlD IN DISCUSSING PO0LITICALSIDEINTITY Join ni ocus thOint)ttnnttti itflnuirtld innplitial identity and inerentsn Prtiipts nmmuill e paid $211 to nniic hir sn rot ilt a smtal group in a I atcie nntteParticipanlimitare sked t tlidnt.2 mm nnsessin trmntJuit. 3.0.9. or 12. ,1intc re I Ni t. unp in I ite eul P lease etr1Iuci Suri irnt ho minim Imtiitttiet t r iiiioh Suni. tStrut tu Awnninot uincheitit IN tI Nt 1 11)151-OR 511 Ni 51(110 slitun ttiiiig liitt'co silin itriep latinirl tun neptonati im/ni 0111111 iii ii lt Init onio 8.. nII)rtt ork i liotirli tinef~t. n it~t~r. oru t. nil l t er t.ti FebcNbd lfoilll andSummerru.rFll tai prahmiI--to enntins tntotll/u401 1 0till tR illootorI itaply onrlneunat Kiii RINI- SI 511RINC:3WE NEl) itndr tnt n rma on tiititySiS Ineit. 1.53 IINIRM SII KS Frlltmie Leal AIM;1rinrru P03119 5talsnict t inrin StAn Slnautni511 491081etinIna 74HronS1993 LIFE GUbARD Ann Snbort YMCA oseekocetifielrd hiheerido K itune-it trs utrn. Ftxrhle mitten nexct.lent ri tningt poirniutenn Y.MI,.( Amentrhinhp & his pssincttlude.d Call Thtotso)(at69930939 nxt.3230nut illot tppict iotnuC&Pt3911 SFih An. EkIF LOOKING TO EARN MONEY this fall in unu anti eciting ways? Apphly ni"to- inecoome a nuurenrrep kite nioege s) Were seekitg initiaeil canutiis leder tn prrinte he siodegrreen Weh site. If -eleced. we'hh sed ymu trimises all nuiitner CVlng atd kik tft orientartiontolugther i te fall. Are yum ready? Write In unnonitntey ha-idgres.cotn now and get the ituli iruationtt sonneed. MACKINAC ISLANDS Mutray Htel tueeds srruner help. No exp. e. Huising avail. t1-800i-42-24 IMP. 9 .t.-ptn.. MEET INTERESTING Interational nstudentsn frmntiarondthe world. Natie Errgmsh sieakers are neded to joii th ccmrdraioutparoter uproi at te Michigan [angurage Center. Help airtiiteratinal vsitioreimpuronv his Eglish. Pauctice speakingp aithe latguge. The cost in free aird itheteefisre to' y. Cal 663-945 111Cml~Sa@ nterrduet.attet! OWN A COMPUTER? Ptit11o wrk 25 S73/hum. P/FTU. wwwhorie-at 1-988-788- 10B3. PiAID INTERNET intertship. Lead cttpupts prtn for rr online company. 888/42-9(X) ex. 314. ar adaimtoteykurtnoaihoin ]Does yoir resume imeedl somle serious help? The Mchgan Daly is looking for a proofreader for the Fall/Winter terms. The detals: *Work M-F for 1-1.5 hours per day between pm & 4pm * Salary-11 95/month * Great resum booster 9 Work study accepted Interested: Call Susan at - 764-0556 for info 01le- bgl tl~&iIU PARI TIME3d1yt ny md weetkunsF Saiizmulsh Coiii aLniU)73499 521I PAR.-TIIlE CLERICALIpesonieedd tI ititiniarnt. 11'd~yint uAnn Arhorm1li0 Iu/k, Si i/him histt Nun )inhtypt. miii 40 eiuuknow MrnSothOfflite, Qickn. SWould lkestivernhrm oun irrucisnm kall 734971-03801mu annrru~n inn971049. PART-TIME POSITION PlegantuiNen ,ottk enumnraunuit7998511I PROFESSOR SEEKS hell, uning soc mci engines ard wrd prcessing noftwaere (eword Iereni. Compieene nullelerie suru. $15/lr. Snitiieiiitnh.ed PT GARDNER July-Oct 00i. Apr-lotte Il. Care kite yard whilwe re otimabatnial. tll 994-551L RESPIlTE2 WORKERS rnd minrsa.4-311 mrs/nmk-I te youth whmeotioalu iirmrinunun. Flex. hoinurs. Transprtatriion req. Nuhe workers in ight eieuatd. Next traitig Mnte 21.(tll C(rolyni a 971-9605. SECRETARYI.EGAI.: Exiericem preherred hutl wilt trout. Cummuletire ceinusation. Call Kelly, 734 42-0(H)horu e-atuil hredelhetredel.cotn SEMINAR ASSISTANTS-eveninugs, $7. li0hh. Peane cal Allan 99-I117. SHELTER ASSOCIATION. ofering pt/f entury level ad tuauaetettotpunuitie hur dedicraed individuas. Call Moitaio @ 493 9363 toinqiuire. STUDENT MESSENG;ERS 21 deliver caimtpus unail on riunen oher mine.dities. Prefer UM sudent famiiliar wlcouuupum. Valid driver's license. 211 hr. in-f Wirk eiher 9- nmmiii tie1-5.9.SI0ihe call 74-7234. STUDENTS! NOW HIRING [ori spitugsototuer luch shifts. No wvekeid! $6.Xlhhr. and frveeuchs. Apply tin perontt th Michigan League Bffe.I I ami-2pit. 911 N. University.- -SUBJECTS FOR U OF M Deptm of Pyhiatry Perceptiont Stdy Must ae visinrntretedito 21311.benative Lglih speakers have nit neurulogical or tmaor psychiatric diagnoses. Tunne 45-7 runitue. Payment $ 101-t5. Ftr inkonentinn schedulinig. al uthanti 7341 94A7-872 SUBJECTS EEDED FOR epeimten in conitiive psycholotgy. Must e 1-31. niie Englishm speakers. right handed, w ormalutor correced visiont. normiual coutr ision,.annu turnranl herig. Py in$ l(hir. tus in un hbased mut perkormaunctie. Call 93-21139 or emauiil MHRI-Sohiects@uttiihedn SUBJECTS WANTED for Perepion Experimtent. Takes appro. 4 hen., pay 2. Must e righ hnded and hae visiomn correctable In21121. Clt 93-2823, SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITIES The missinofrutcircle uof iten col)rrum iier cenrim in mu leach peace. justice. eology. and coopmeratinun. We nre liokig hrorruari omit entusniasiic petpe to wirk whm chidreunitn ioiir 31111beautiul acres in SW Mihigani. 19 623 3333 ir einil SUMMER MONEY. Hve tn in tie suit and arithwn. $31h~t-53109)Hiriig hiusepaintiersenneen. Col1-88-277-977 or wwwetilegepeucottt SUNDAY HELP NEEDED in the Cheleal area. Sturiday o an ther weekday aviale Ligh fod prep od service. Sote experience needed. Must b reliale andim ae persntal and wr rfeences.(Ow-r traunportaioni. Private hoine. Please cll aue a1 734-4-9799 tr 734-475-7534 SYNAGOGUE PROGRAM DIRECTOR Teimpe Beth Luneli an a half ninte psitiott lore director of pnmgrotrnttitg oith respornsiiities itcludig adli edcaion. holidy. atd seial eett prgrimts. Judaic kunowledge event progrriuuinug eperene. an oti umputer skils are ieired. Send rennuMCn to: AdumnnirltorTmplelet. t n clhi 23111 Pckrd Rd Ann Aurbor.Vl4514 Fun 7341 699-9237 ASSISIANT COORDINATOR. IMHS Tombtict Cotnsultatiotn Service. Cottn: Linta T Ihitmas c/ot Nicttle (itiarti. Ca 17341975-43817 x 236 ttr email lain asmnuun PuuLmilrmC(t F ioiti:w 3101 NIII 71)[7 le-ulkirug dirsr-unne li-uini ai cantiuin. 2 pttsitiotns availabtile immediately: ill hu/ink flexuile innhirs.Iek, wlhettefits. Skills: F nntlemiita i imi ional notntmuniaiiu skilln. Iinnucitint run 55 med. Pirwelmutit, Acenn: ,gsmin n iii 0 winttr ighly/ eut-ereein Iernitti ltTENIION ALL. STUDENTS: Connie nhMntid int. sumrnrmunrIiii ire country SUurunnurleiM try N~ tyrilk ai( pti bulic lakes. A C ink NI nilnmruutiI nckkscnci-rni stiunutumer- lelperS run rmaairmunr inmdcrnn. hnrnuin helium conrur nun( 4yjc-l\ it-liti iii kChelseai. Mt. Enccienrr my mmii rmnnvpf rinru a tnw . Comrnact Chauees Shineci 7)4 h45-5710