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May 01, 2000 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-05-01

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1'be Eiripufr budg
y 1, 2000 One/ undred nine years of ed/toriaifreedom ww

Monday, Ma


University must
find new sponsor

President Clinton addresses the graduating class at the
Convocation Center at Eastern Michigan University yesterday.
Cli*nton places
focus on futurec

By Raphael Goodstein
Daily Sports Editor
There will be life afterNike for
Michigan's athletic department.
Nike severed its ties with
Michigan's athletic department
ThUrsday hy
refuising to
renew its con- Schools
tract because
the Universiry y e
ined th diet future

By Yael Kohen our stewardship of the envi- Work e r s
Daily StuffReporter ronment as citizens of the R i g h t
planet," Clinton said yester- Consoriumt i urn
YPSILANTI - As access day to Eastern Michigan and thus
to the Interet spreads and Uiiersitv's graduating class demanded that Nike conforr
personal information at their commencement cere- any demands made during
comes more readily avail- mony. life of the contract.
ble, President Clinton "We are in the midst of a One day after the break
addressed concerns that many profound revolution, the most Michigan was already be
may be having about their sweeping since the industrial pursued hy Reehok, Adidas
own personal security revolution a century ago," Puma - the three lar
"All the possibilities must Clinton said. footwear and apparel compa
be measured against the chal- With major advances in after Nike.
lenges of this new era. technology that include genet- "We have been in con
Challenges to our privacy as ic research and advanced with (Reebok, Adidas
individuals. to our pledge of internet access, the President Puma) but it's only been
equal opportunity to every outlined plans to ensure pri- day, We're going to leave
tember of our community, to See CLINTON, Page 10
Halberstam highlights
By Laura Deneau as both the keynote speaker and an honorary
and Tiffany Maggard degree recipient, saluted the University and
Daily Staff Reporters other land-grant universities as demonstrative
of the character of the United States in its eth-
At the Spring Commencensent exercises nit disersity sotioeconomic disst'ity and
that took pit. aurdiy motrrnio at \ichigan ahundanace sf educational pro.grams.
itadru otts S PtuIsioer Prn/s-s nnmng jour nahlst "WVe here, msore thatn ars a Iser stiety gisve
fDasd I lalbetsa ,rnd ts (nicrosry President ordintory eitizen' s h prisieg to deselop their
I ce lolls r reiloctod on the diltfclt of ber p otit sil rstas sald. tWe s I
passimsg its iscumuorslated ssoro ord a, ice it rigiht ts hisse asy prsi n s nd name to go
a singe airnmoon as s graduaton speech hy -Ihs is ss iseparates us frot rest oft
often requirerrs. the world-
Ilaiberstao, the highlight of the ceremony He sa d the str,"th ,sd osUthfuil eaes iOf
Committee makes recommendations Pumpkins sma
he Space Allocation Committee made its initial Hig.hly-anticipated c
recommendations to President Bollinger. defiver nostalgia toe
NEWS. Poirse 3 ARTS. Page 14

m to

options open." Interim Athletic
Director Bill Martin said,
Nike has outfitted Michigan
for the last six years, and the
two parties were close to agree-
ing on a six-year extension.
"I felt like we were on the
five yard line," Martin said.
Nike's dominance over the
athletic apparel industry is
widely accepted.
But its labor practices have
nor heen.
"They made the requirement
that they could impose stan-
dards at any point during the
contract and we'd have to adhere
to them," Nike director of col-
lege sports marketing Kit
Morris said. "I don't foresee"
getting back together with
The WRC - who has
accused Nike of forcing its
employees to work under poor
conditions - wanted to set up a
watchdog system over Nike and
other companies that have been
accused of using sweatshops.
See NIKE, Page 8

Nike had become synonymous with Michigan athletics - as seen
by the 'swoosh' emblems all over Chris Howard's uniform in 1996.
Bollinger gives $3M
to ailing department-
By Raphael Goodstein ly, University President Lee
and Hanna LoPatin Bollinger has expressed sup-
Daiir Editors port for the ailing athletic
department by transferring $3
Until the University finds million to it from the presi-
another corporation to sign dential gift fund.
on in the spot that Nike left Bollinger made his
open, the athletic department announcement Friday, the day
stands to lose several million after Nike announced that it
dollars in funds. While the would not renew its contract
prospect of a sponsor-less with the University.
athletic department is unlike- See BOLLINGER, Page 8

the U.S. is fueled and embodied by students of
ordinary backgrounds seeking to realize their
fuillest potential.
Halberstarr stressed the need to realize the
choies sth freedom provides, reminding the
sidts ta r hinei pursuit of happinss, which
Aseriats sO greatly value, is a cioice-mak-
sng process.
n i cOnrCisson Hlaberstam offered the
gradites tsr finsal qestion to ponder -
loss tart yost il thi difference between life BRAD QUIN/Daly
ind a erer bor n cithe authentic and the Graduating seniors culminated their college experience at
See GRADUATION, Page 3 Saturday's commencement ceremony at Michigan Stadium.
sh Champions
oncert fails to Michigan crew team captured the
expectant fans first ever Big Ten championship
SP ORTS. Pa e 19


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