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May 08, 2000 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-05-08

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7 V .


One hundred nne years ofedtorialfreedom w

Monday May 8, 2000


FT " , Timmommom


Martin backs out of plea bargain

By Usa Koivu
Daily News Editor
After signing a plea bargain on March 9, which
would have precluded him from a long jail sen-
tence and large fines by disclosing all his deal-
ings with the University, former athletic booster
Martin suddenly withdrew from the deal
Martin has been a key figure in an ongoing
investigation by the National Collegiate Athletic

Association for various rule v
gifts and loans to University b
the early 1990's.
Federal prosecutors told the
that as a gambling boss and fig
area basketball, Martin "dispens
and cash to some people who p
the University.
University General Counsel
he is disappointed that Martin

iolations related to "There isn't a lot to say. We are eager to get it mer basketball player Maurice Taylor crashed
asketball players in resolved and are disappointed this may delay the while driving from Detroit to Ann Arbor. Also in
process," Krislov said. the vehicle were former basketball players Robert
Detroit Free Press Krislov said he is not sure about the implications Traylor and Louis Bullock, as well as then-
ure around Detroit- Martin's withdrawal could have for the University. prospect Mateen Cleaves. Officials found that the
ed gifts, large loans "We could speculate all day about what this could four had all visited Martin's home that night.
layed basketball" at mean. We know that any process we have of talking According to the NCAA's Statute of
to Martin is delayed and may not happen at all," he Limitations, a University can not be punished for
Marvin Krislov said said. deeds occurring outside a time span of four years.
backed out of the The investigation of Martin began in February Next February, the University will reach the four-
of 1996 after a new Ford Explorer driven by for- See MARTIN, Page 2
ZBT faces expulsion rom
IFC for hazing incidents

The honorary mascot of the Women's crew team cools off in the water Friday
at Belleville Lake during practice.
S SREes dean,

By Tiffany Maggard
Daily Staff Reporter
The Interfraternity Council's Greek
Activities Review Panel has made a
recommendation to IFC's Legislative
Body to expel the campus chapter of
the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.
After a near five-hour trial and an
hour of deliberation, GARP made its
recommendation on the-basis of sub-
stantial evidence of hazing practices
within the fraternity.
In its recommendation to the
Legislative Body, the panel stated
'GARP decided that there was signifi-
cant infornation that several hazing inci-
dents have occurred in the chapter and
dtd not fcel there ssas sifficient remorse
or proposal to change these acts from
occurring. The panel feels the Greek
Comramtunity cannot endorse this chapter"
IFC Vice President of External
Affairs Jerry Mangona said IFC execu-
tise officers voted to temporarily sus-
pend ZBT in late March after they were
notified by "three separate, anonymous
sources not affiliated with one another"
of hazing practices within the chapter.
"It vvas a unanimous vote to suspend
the chapter and begin investigations.
After the investigations began, the itmes-
tigators tried to find as much information
as possible"'anirona said.
In addition to its recommendation.
r \RP decided to uphold the current suss-
peas in of" ZBT and also included the
sip ion tut to member of ZBT may
join anotrer IfC recogiized chapter."

By Laura Deneau
For Theu 1)
The Sihool of Natural Resources and
Ensmironmeit is currently experiencing
nraewuIrs etisnges of function. I he res-
aion i SNRE Dean Daniel
Ma ianm .t and subsequent appoant-
mracnt of Barry Eabe as interin dean is
lates amir urntese
BUt \r ancy atrr I ther e
is no connection between aaman itt'
reiiatin and confusson about the

future of the SNRE in the University.
In fact, Rabe said, Maxmianian began
the renovation of the SNRE building,
one of the many changes the school has
recently underone.
Maharnrii. dean of SNRE since
I 996, is iakrrngrp a position at the
Unriversity ato therna California as
he frindin~a cean if the school of
Pclrcy. Ptnn ing n DcteLsrlopment.
"Tihe schot has flOurisAed under

The Zeta Beta Tau fraternity house on the corner of Hill and Oxford Streets. A
review into hazing policies has resulted in recommended expulsion from the IFC.
Mangona said this motion was wished to remain anonymous, result
encouraged when IFC officials in permanent scars and irreparable sk
observed that many current members of damage to one victim.
ZBT joined the fraternity after they IFC President Adam Silver said
belonged to other fraternities that were addition to recent hazing allegation
sanctioned for hazing. IFC had other reasons to question t
Alleged hazing practices exploited by integrity of ZBT.
ZBT include the act of pouring or spray- "They had two social violations a
ing bleach on ness mcnbers of the frater- in the previous semester a few paren
nity during a tine ip in which they were called in and said their sons had be
also verbaly and physicaly abused. hazed," he said.
The actions, described by a member Silver said the Legislative Body w'
within the Greek Community who See ZBT, Page


Sen. Rogers proposes education bill 'Gladiator' conquers
ichigan Education Savings program aims to Crowe kills the competition in this
make saving for higher education easier. weeks top-grossing movie.
N V.Page 3 '1 Page 14

, ' ,

Giant Deal
Michigan signs 7'2", 315 lb. basket-
ball recruit Josh Moore.
SPORTS, Page 19

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