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August 14, 2000 - Image 15

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-08-14

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2000 - 15
PSU students claim double standard
Byrne is appealing a one-semester sus-
pension from Penn State University for
his role ii a mini-riot near the campus a
month ago. Nittany Lions quarterback
Rashard Casey is a guaranteed starter
this fall despite pending assault charges
in New Jersey.
Something is wrong with this pic-
ture, Byrne said. "It's a double stan-
dard," the senior from Upper St. Clair
near Pittsburgh said. "It's just because
Casey brings in millions of dollars. This :v
whole school is '
about money. FOOTBALL
It's ridiculous." Notebook
Byrne was
one of 28 peo-
ple - including 18 Penn State students
- arrested early July 16 for what
authorities called "riotous behavior.
The most serious charge was aggravat-
ed assault for throwing a rock at a
police officer, but most were accused of
failure to disperse and resisting arrest. OPPHOTO
The trouble happened at the conclu- Students at Penn State feel that Rashard Casey, the Nittany Lions' only returning
sion of the annual Central Pennsylvania QB with experience, is receiving preferential treatment for his run-in with the law.
Festival of the Arts, which draws thou-
sands of Penn State alumni to State is his only guaranteed starter this fall. Brashears could still win the starting
College every year. RAZOR&ACK QB I LF AVES TEAN: job.
"I didn't think anything would hap- Arkansas quarterback Gary Brashears, SUN DEVILS' KEALY INDICTED:
pen to Casey anyway, him being a foot- who has been competing for the start- Arizona State quarterback Ryan Kealy
ball player," said Robert Belkowski, a ing spot, walked off the practice field was indicted Thursday on two misde-
Penn State senior charged with failure early Saturday and told teammates he meanor DUI charges stemming from a
to disperse. was quitting, a newspaper reported. July traffic stop by university police.
Casey was charged May 14 with Arkansas coach Houston Nutt said A report, also released Thursday,
assault in an attack on an off-duty Brashears did not speak to coaches indicated Kealy tested negative for
police officer outside a bar in Hoboken, before leaving. alcohol, but that a blood test found
N.J. Police say Casey and another man, The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette amounts of carboxy-THC, a derivative
with no provocation, kicked Patrick reported in its Sunday editions that of the active ingredient in marijuana,
Fitzsimmons until he was unconscious. Brashears told team members as he left and traces of diazepam, nordiazepam
Casey denies the charges. the field that he was through. and oxazepam. Kealy, who had his
While Penn State moved quickly to The sophomore drew Nutt's ire when fifth knee surgery in the offseason, was
discipline students arrested for the mini- he showed up for fall practice with a suspended from the team after his July
riot, the university has yet to initiate dis- beard and then failed to complete the 23 arrest and did not report to Camp
ciplinary action against Casey. Penn conditioning run. Nutt said Brashears Tontozona with the rest of the Sun
State Coach Joe Paterno has said Casey put himself in a difficult spot but said Devils on Tuesday.

0 Carr was all smiles as he fielded reporters' questions at the annual Michigan
ledia Day on Friday.
LATE HITS: Carr wished to maki
6ntinued from Page 13 clear the fact that offensive linemai
aams duty. Thomas averaged just Todd Mossa did not quit the team
oder 20 yards per return, and his contrary to a published report
ngest was 30. Recurring back injuries have force
Walter Cross led the team with a
'yard average.
takes a lot of pressure off me
ting Fargas around," Thomas said.
owed poise and confidence in
dressing the issues that have beenti o e
it to tim a million times -his s
ans for this year, next year, and
yond. X ,
Henson reaffirmed that he's glad
be back in Ann Arbor after a sum-}
°r of playing minor league baseball :.r
th the New York Yankee and
onati organizations.
"It is a great experience and that's
sy I came here," Henson said. 'If I
tted to play baseball I would have
lnt after high school, but I wanted
s experience.
The junior said the high quantity
travel that miner league baseball
tails fatigued him this summer,
that's why he's happy to be
will at some point in my life
e time to relax. But while I'm in After two years backing up Tom Brady,
middle of it, I enjoy it,' Henson the starting quarterback when the Wolv


Mossa out of playing action for this
season .... David Baas, a freshman
offensive lineman, will miss the
2000 season with a knee injury and
rehabilitate with the goal of being
ready for 2001.


With a maximum of 8 students
per instructor, The Princeton Review's
GRE class is almost like having
a private tutor!
Classes starting soon.
Spaces are limited.

L inceton

Drew Henson is looking forward to being
erines take the field this fall.

1.800. 2 REVIEW

". ' .

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