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August 14, 2000 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-08-14

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Santana Para siempre!1JtdtuPa1
Legendary guitarist Curios Santana
brings his band to Pine Knob tonight 1,20

Chli P* eppers ignite
Pine Kobin
eardrum-busting set
By Gautam Bakal musicians listened, learned and enter-
Daily Arts Wkriter tamned each other throughout the band's
twetity-sotig set.
It's long been known that the key to any Throughout the night, the RHCP kept
good relationship is communication. in close watch of each other as each
Open lines of expression allow thoutglts, member of the band took turns soloittg
idcas and ceativity and exploring new sounds. Itn a show of
r$::<.ti, to be sharcd ssithi untty Ila, Fructante and cead singer
out houndaieis. Anthony Kiedts all graced the stage at
Red Hot Chili Maybe that'sawry shortly past 9:3Opm with spiked Mohaswk
the friar members hairdos.Dirurncer Chad Sithl wore his
PePPers of the Red I-lot customary backwards, orange cap atnd
Pica Knob Chili Peppcrs Itais matching shirt and pants. Wasting no
August 7, 2000 reunitcd wstu at ire in tiiining up the heat, thre hand
ness album anI opceed ssth thiclcad track offiteir receiit
tosurswhilc still " lifor sicaioit lbum, "Around tire
mntanng ii t he W iic Vorld.-
fietce, rcnowndcc 1)ancinigsand jumtping n a smtall stage
performtances ofi set uindei eight oramge cacl blcue TV on-
te eairly parti of lic irirsitic band took i trip dowsirnitemoiryx
pustiiecass.l ne iihis like (rive It Assay" ciffitecir
Oiiste aiticlli 1991 relesec Iloctod Sugar Sex Magic"
te stuiolc, bassist Flea antd guniit iJrr aris cr id ittmoic recciti songs tiff
Fruiciamic sci perfect standaitds lfii corn-Cailifornicairoir" Kiculis spoke little icr
muiticatioti. In front of a sclid-oct cririr itrie audienccc. grecting itemrtsithcte
at Pitne Knob on Monday nightr bott pointrlcss ciiiark, We usc our cocks for

rC. es y tf ie o:Cx;,i'c
The alwaysimpressive Flea rocked solid with the~hili Peppers last Monday a Pine Knoh.

Eri~n B.
hi'ts DVIN
By Matthew Barrett
Daily Arts Writer
"Eric Brockovichi" is yet another
"based on a true story" iegal thriller
where, despite every imaginable
problem arid against all possible
odds, David takes on Goliath (in this
casc a uarge coriporation) and conies
out on top.
The iswist here is that David is a
sworiani and she's nor even a lasvyer.
Ini "Eric Brockovich," Julia
Roberts plays rte title character - a
struggling, single mother with art
affection for inriskirts and right
tops --- with as effortless case.
Brockovich turims a secretarial posi-
nion at a lisc firmt into the stuf
mosies are naude of as she assts
lawsyer Ed Masry (libert Fi 'y)
uaid gathers evidence for their case
against a corporatiort who's been
kntoswingly pollcutinig tire water of a
smrall icoswn.
Director Steven Soderberght, who
rose uricfrom riear-oblisiona with te
uric-two punch of "Out of Sight" arid
"'The Limiey," gives "Brockosich" ai
sharp and stylized appearance,
pcutting Iis owt' spin on the usual
hallmarks of films dealing ithr
courtrrooms and te law'.
Thte DVD version of "Brockov'ich"
is loaded swith extras including two
documienrtaries lotte on she film and
te oilier a vers' dry look at rte real
Erini Brockovich) arid a boatload of
deleted scenes.
In his commentary traek for the
deleted material, Soderbergh
explains swhy niuch of it ws ct ( lie
had to wshittle air tour off the fi to
miake its current rcninrg timie) and
provides plenty of insightfurl comi-
meteis on te editing process.
Really te ottly titanic here is that
Soderbergh doesn't reave a coitttert-
tarv track for tire frrll-lerrgrlimonie
as Is thoughts ciiitle deleted scente
leave us hungry for more info fromr
rte director.

. Ami

H o egro o v ,

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Saturdaytor'.rr."i ism., 5usdr

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marion -www.toisdomdisutsorge

meticliipurposes itnly."Rcfcircnccs ito
enirralia reicthtankfuills limtticd event
thoiugh leaIchclosc tctsptcak to theic ic-
cce fcirmttof the rnight. Intthiler- our-
pisii'grmove, all metbcrtics oh thyehbandc
chose to rrmin iiclothcd (i c. t cltsastwear
pants), in stark contrast to notorious
srowts of the paist.
iThrough songs like "Scar Tissuc"arid
"Othecr Side, Flea and F rucrati stood
faicing etch other bchind Krcdrs as each
played withi intiense ferocity. Fruciantc
hcent oser hackwcards through emtiorral
"guitar solos and Flea leapt ini circles
'irounrd the stage, sonmehow alsways man-
ainrg to produce miind-bogglingly fast
bass litics. Sound lesels swer' extraordi-
na rily high us each pounding nte of
Sith'lrs bass drumi echoed through tire
amrphithecatcr, commrianing rte attenion
of cvcrsontc present. Eseni alter seeing
cdcrecns of shrrstrourrgh rte sitirrier,
mainy Pinc Knob stall' rmembrers iwere
tiltec by thc sound levels ettartirin
1-mtheiiclhi Pcpptcs' IpckcisI'Fear's
Iliiitlc andrcmpitllit.ccted bass ntes
wercic ea rlycauirlblc, somecttiseseen
powiserlrul enoughcliticcar rvyli therly as
Fr uictesoloicd.\llthori''lsometiC'hill
'etper' s'tudliongiis cotsta iilulilas-
''nrtco iice srt ''a. 'eeoriIellbr
o1 li theibndl intinediclniticand rifien
rcliile 1c1closxco icr h iliothrcirtn stae.
iic' v: \~letaixe itclIchl-onathre
sir iii'-cutnIis Itas' or ioil in te'ics gi-
ni ic lieacppccaitedticavlurisdilctlion
o th ulclcruatnofnIeach song.
I"'hc sct list wsrgiely IrrelmitetothIe
trccalbanums ruoilunllcli iFruc i s ai
Chilt Peppcer "artainst I-"Mothcr's Milk,"
"Blcood Sugir Sex Magic" and
Call forticaitin").lcHswever, unith a large
sillt ofi songs no chocose fronm, ile baued
c rrcd, in ph yrig'sevceral loud, thrashing

scongs lmtuaiverginagontthe level nif
In a veine swirtcouni openiflinr.sucih
as Pite KRub, rte audience had cdifficulty
responding to this type of music. A fewv
funts stoulci stand in place rind attemtpt to
itoshi sith their neighbors, wchile others
triedh to dunce or clap along, burr found thc
lack of rona frustrating. It wsyrnxohviouns
Piric Knob ivas not uapropriate for high-
energy muntie like the Chili Peppers. A
better vetiue, such us this State Theater is
dowsntoswn Derroit, scoulid havne provided a
large opera floor to alloiw the fans arc out-
let for their enersy anad enathusiasma.
Toswards the end of the night, with
Emis' curs ringing swithi loud hits like the
Wobodstock-burinig JiniiHhcndrix cover
"Fire'" thne hunchhecamie maore engrossed
inc their mcusic titan ini enctertaintinig the
croswc. IHowever, eveni with energy levels
fluctunatinig, tine Chili Peppers did mianage
tco close nice eveniimngithmarsecondchencore.
Oseruhi, tire greatnest highigi of time
night wsthicscipremelysci clayd1991 it,
"Undertmi re iidge.-Knechrs'svnice ws
cler, emotriionalimud ncsornatei swieetlv
riurougi tire entire song.~ howiever.
Frniciaiui's bancking" socals ihrusghntime
chournslierc motnoctonoruns arid ralways
slightly rilirnucIn is xstinll aplcasurre to
see te suae nun mmcatbers nf tine band
iwhro wroite tire song nearly 'a decde earli-
er playing it onuce mgai
'ihortughlsoundccevcsiswe ra tohight
andh lie rciricisas nom lei t relerase
nil if Irenudrcience's pocaentiral energy,
tire erueri isris aihurge success. Farns
seceuted cruonenitrimprayintg less rican S40i
hfr pavrilionu seais) no see SIP amid
Chnili Peppers, twvo hands re-unnited
afr- o nius ithliheroin adcicitionns.
Andc eseinrafter nearry 10 years apart,
Frurcirntce mcnine Chili Peppers proved
horiw cintirnouns commiunication rind
energy ire tine miost imiportant ele-
nests irn any, ive performance.

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