The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 17, 2000 - 7_ I Students to have personalized web portais By Natalie Plosky Daily' Staff Reporter This fall, students will be able to access the University's ncw personalized tortal Web environment, [he site uses the same techsnology as ommercial portals offered by Yahoo!, Rte, and America Online, but sith a ,We University-based focus. The new Website is not intended to replace the xisting University Gatesvay, but rathter supplement the Gateway's capabilities. The Project, also ktnown is the Janus Project, began in fall 1999 at he request of University Provost Nancy :antor, and is sntsored by the Office of' the Chief Information Officer The goal wvas to create a persootalized Web envirott- ment to provide Customizable infotma- tioti, services and resources for students. Project members worked with MSA to determine what services to provide through the Website. Thte Janus Project conducted intercept testing to gather stu- dent opinions and curretttly is performing usability testing with orienstation students and staff. Student testing of myoumich is expected to continue into the fall. Project mmbr Linda Place, co-man- ager of the University's Website coordi- nation, explained that studcnt response has been positive so far "tust btealkitengto rtndrernr ,wto thave had an opportrtnity to get itnto the envi- ronment and look around a little bit, they are very excited about everything being together, Place said. The unique characteristic of the Website is the wide accessibility of its resources. Once a student has entered their uniquename, the student will be able to access their customized resourcen from anywhere in the world. The only requiretnents to use myomrich are a uniquname, tights to the University's basic computing package, a computer with an Intermet connection, attd a Web browser. The target audiettce of she fall lauach of myoumich is undergraduate students, but project leaders hope to extettd the service to prospective students and eventually into the non-University community. Initial services available in the fall include personalized bookmarks that can be accessed from any computer at any location. Another feature will allow stu- dents to post or read classified adn. The site will offer Web-based e-mail and a peronal information manager, to help students maintain a calendar, their course schedule and a to-do list. The Website will also offer a news service to students, displaying headlines from cam- pus news resources like the University Record, and offer links to specific arti- cles. Help resources for services provided. by myoumich will be available and there will also be a feature to allow students to submit comments and questions about the site and to suggest new features. Project co-manager Gavin Eadie, director of strategic planning for the office of the CIO, stressed the impor- tance of student feedback to the ongoing development of the site. "Myoumich will never be 'done', it will be constantly improving," Eadie said. "As soon as we start to get (myoumich) out" there and have people using it, it's going to be really important to get feedback, because what we do next will be entirely driven by what pople wnt" tisi I 4 I- tt c I t all I II ro 734 605i 57 It , 7ioro S, lllhurh(R(An A (10r SI I. BO I ID tide\4il;)tt khu ll Il \m 511111 IC 1 1id 51t> rr lt r. ' I i iiiiiiit r it ocs'cl l 5_t702 11T. 7IiNuiiif-ii l iiil) kcp ?) o" 01111111\'loll. alld ; t llic c \p"ricllc . i (()m;lrcl \t ur rc"+ 'Cllr'(r;it(mildc; llllpw'll :4111111:l ll\ 1" rc kjolred. \\ 'A i, lit urll rilc Atli i),),)1WILill Ih Its 1-!;tin in 111t cl }t Itl fi lci. '+tllll (t) II14 . t)I11. 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Comphcer747 0, f-C 4 pass. bDANC poEISI lethl CalORSe, l&si ar t ti mewilmtail.txpeiecei helptur l h 71.11 Nill tr oi llAy 7-1o1-9040'ttlv GOLF'P CORS24POSIATIOit4N11 51EDICAL 1 11IL1ING ANA5LYSTS l're imiedical bill ig Icptm nt if Trinity Coinu/rringre tic riiceOss xpandingits bligoraiosin SAitni//hin 'Wc tic seckingequltiiedtimediicllbill tingaaltitos ticriiiiiiihle lfur hill iiiad" olctos reot.Mi ceo cilia ti iccinccote Prrmaryirs torirsrtrrtcs iniclud metin mothirl S() trot, ptoiingti"monirtholy irrltuiorationrft he stairis oft billing anid A/It. ari tl prtingii"hr inch ltrionin iti relatedl to reimbuhrsemenrt and olt tos ttccltiwis tilt schoirtolitplomiriequialOtt succesftd omplei oftceelBsiniess ii ossora sociatics degreis oprefecred. ti11'1ltIcel itt under stitiditicofilliW fmtciott and ffeciveianlyricait. iirniiiciiiiootl antI Ft skills aetic nedd Weoffteiri i cpetioit tlry rid tierrehts andIoi iccltiirciremcnito: iiInity Coitinuttitng ('atre ServicesAtnr V. ltaiitti/DMI, 34605 TIwelver Mile Rotad, Fatriigtoin Hills, MI 48331-3121; Fix: Ittalt.ttrg TCCS values divr sity ini the itooklltie/FIOE. NOV\ 'AC7CEPTING AIPLICATIIONS lfor I jo sp r inuts trnt ticoot//i tc ii itt lifo the i000-2(i01 schooirl yectr.1Please orwiorid wscmic nd refrencesto tRony Clcd, (rirtrrrriiiioScthoo lt109. WriterRictit Ant Arhoir. Mt148 t06 OWVN A COMPUTER:" Pit it trrk' S25 S75/Ito. FT/ 1-888-788-1033. P'ART T11ME1 fron t idcsk intl asa unrait o its avaian hle. Flex. hos. Apprtly ii inrontat 1ENDLESSP SUMMEIZ. 189/6 W. Stadiumi.i PART-TIMIE, .CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. neied olr a iproprrlty casualty agency. Lits if orpporrrtnty. F rleas, reply ton 7340971-11301 Scud rsittte too 734-971-0546. PLAY A t;AMEt I I I'PAID $I5-$301. Paid sitbjoctsoneicr or iexclopeornsits sptrinig tndtill sirrrrier. Cioteti'd S1l0/1Plo. or moricfort1-2 hturtexper imts.tFlexibrle schcdlttinictlini"eveing= tlanwekend times. Oct oinourt rnlii"tro lisiordaticsan itro'"Senirtetailto:iiexlerimients O unimch edto Or cill 0647-773(). 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Tic situdy roytris t phrsirc it exmo dati 14ili daty sirm ini tce(Gcnical Clinrical Rescarich Ctriaiti0the ircioriittO Mrichrigani Hospiiitlatiipnts wi tillItke uric nit 4 stit 0 tt issit i tir n ott. htie bloiioi irt t andt titulerOicttnihcalpoecn (7irrtersation is+ S17 .0.ii [,-,oitr imot inf/ormaionrrrcall Jdcc Catic it i7i-1)7/it-9tooti WORK ATI H105,1 ln-t toeStn ir e I C fror Sh//S No investment. Totai l lls rvae Rtealltysimpitle.I t1i/800-9+)-1 "BE1YOlUR OI~iN 11055 Eattn thouitsandts on thInrecritefti ll 2d too. SOO-9079-8548 coo 1749I magic Join the Magic CAREER OPPORTUNITIES General Managers, Asst. & Shift Managers, Hourly Team Members It exchange for a wsinning attitude arid stronig performtatice, MAGIC WOK offers a great comipensations package, advanceenit opportutnities and inore! We will he in the Michtigatn Union Food Cour on August 16th atid August 17th from 10 am until 8 pm conducting intervieais. 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Ages 45-11i inmy Belleville omett N/iog ots o -5tun.C nlt734-440 15ll IN IIOIE'C HILDC ARECI' ,maur on c t or 't-orirn4tunth itt infatrnt run Nunorot StrtAnnrh tute.Ilackrtu n d ctnrln chldhnltooodndeloetntuuroattntdexperiece m Liforun inuts idesired. Attlrorsini trI ,0it1Ion snot.01ttu' Setipt. Refrences tutor iPlas cll 734-332-6107. I.()()KIN(;tutu enuerg"etic otntan toiicarenoro \0,)Icilren 3 days a weeck inn tutuSoutht ro home.Fle. rs tins10yotuschecdulec ntan"r:Solt. 248-437-1401. NANNY \SAN II D -Fun deltfulint0 run ouiruin Ant Arbhome.,uni 30(thrs/tk rtin1.Infitatnttprece, rslInroeskids. I \rcommiunutment desnned. NatoieItalin. Frnchur Spanush opeakernptefrrednutd hntrout rtqutorecit Cotitive twacroe + vsion.iill 11)1 1) N uny I daitctk ttur0 chlren. 7a I nut i 5p.11rsponusible. reliabe n trut S, st/tin747-7000. P'ART-TIF HELP WANTED inhm etnecae 332-9719 roommates RO (I51.SF. 5WA5NTEoD tour te ()/1 ti-ou etno ' lrSe iii 0100 tpus. 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