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August 07, 2000 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-08-07

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2- The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2000_

Bush rallies sup rters at MSU cam pus

By Joselyn Gingrich
al No vs Editor
EAST LANSING -._ e'pite late mhills and d's-
fieorge W Bi]:t1oh as l'fe twelet'o toss MF'ht i
State lin \, itcs' eailpus oilttSidas 'to se Boh as
he stopped atr 15 minutes to iddiess the rils.
"' Te goold tnews is that the polls hlook go xif os
stidl to a chteerittg crossde. linttte [adl tesss isthat
thte electiots aent tomtorrow."
Busht spoke to attetthusiastic issetIIhl , ahttttltts

pledge ts "to uphtold the tonosr'tnd itegriwtt f thte
iTe mtaint pointts Busht outlined itthits speeclh
wsere rebilintg tmilitarsy power, raisinge the stall-
dartds in edueation and givitn the gmoseenit stte-
p1_is h Che leAttianp l Yi l lal-
gedlte ,:ts uo Bshsad i set" io t
Nlteltigalt ist sa,.r tte Epu<: t o sit
ichligan will I-L aciilateI itt imNse te, ee
tiotn tndit uaseasisot arthof BoshWto teiselaihro It't

Wkeisert said. -Michigatt is still a toss-up IThis tells
people o i chligant stere imipoetatto tillr."
But te assemblhed crowsde seemtteldtthe lprmtarily
coiitpromtised of people wo ohad alreadys madeteir
op llit mnds ahbut tltetr so. l''
"Vi ilis 'eis'st'sis tk oo tlt se 'saidisjggi
rt ddtaB ysi sdet
Mieftel liaa grduae s deit atollsee.
Mucha nnisrsa. sttdIteltkd \ ta Boh hd t

satdIhe stasn't so sure ahiout Bush's olessleerc
"lie spoktie a lot ahouit integrtueliIe tealiy did-
n't stayswhat thtat mtent'" Vattlke said.l "lie sas
5 trLite
Not all of those presetnt wereo Bush slipporters.
',boct 75 plrotesle Ers chatnted th-ltrs 110itt th e ehes,
of .t,_v NIR, antonlpo-chice.' iieelinizatao
.,',ete hre to leti wmn ?kttttss that a Etsh prs*
Ndes ii at etteSopreme ('eoit l h still ha Nn
al> l;; ahtic its," said Ann Arhor re ilett IFinn, a
N.RAL soilnteer. "] think nouns tiieneon't real-
tze he is so aniti-choice.

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Monaghan to open private
Catholic women's dormin-toiy

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By Ginnefer Cox
Billiottaite andtd ceotit Catholic
Tomo Monaghan recently purchased
a fraternity house and w i fll he open-
opg a dorttitory for Catholic women
The Domnto's Pizza fountder and
fortmer Detroit Tigers ownter bought
the Sigtma Phi Epsilon fraternity
htouse last year, attd will he opening
the dormttory on August 25th.
The Sigma Phi Epsilot house was
privately owned by a local company,
and was being leased to the fraterni-
ty, according to Luke Rat lin, presi-
dent of the fraternity.
The fraternity, forrnierlt located
on 725 Oxford, will now he ntoving
to 1601 Washtettaw.
'The Catholic dorititory, which
will he called the Oasis I-louse and
will not he a part of traditional hous-
333 E. Huron " Ann Arbor
M; ki7h Daly reades
Son It h'i MJhi7t, Mm -Sht1 o t i l1'hI s

tog at the 1_nI\ ieritt, has heen adser-
tised throughrl local venues such as
local churches and ntewspapers.
The dorimitory is geared primarily
toward Catholtce women at the
lUniversit,. but is also an option for
Catholic women at other nearhy
institutions such as Eastern
Michigan U'niversity antd Madonna
The Oasis [-louse, which has a
fourteen-student capacity, will offer
daily prayer serv ice and commiunity
meals. The house will cotntain a
chapel for prayer, as well as a coot-
puter lab, family room and dining
room. Rent for the house is 5475 a
month, which includes all nmeals antd
Brooke Belisle, house director for
the Oasis house, said the household
will encourage the women to not
only focus on thteir acadetrtic growtht,
but their spiritual growth as well.

'I really hope fot the girls to he
nurtured in an ens irottotent itt which
their academitc and ittoral dexelop-
'nt can grow, and alt cut mroment
in which the girls catn deepen their
relationship with Christ and the
Catholic faith," Belisle said.
Monaghan sold Donino's Pizza
last fall for one hillioit dollars, andf
has dedicated himself to prmtn-
the traditional hasicstif ite Roman
Catholic faith.-
He founded Ave Maria C ollege in
Ypsilanti, a four-sear co-cd
Catholic college, and tas plans to
open a Catholic law schtool ini Ann
Arbor for the fall.
Monaghan, who has said many
Catholics are being incoinsistent in
their faith, is opening these institu-
tions in the hopes of rebuilding a
solid Catholic educatioti system.4
Other Catholics hate not always
Sue DORM, Page 10

p i'i' lb I
T MchiganODiy SSsNta4596se puiutseuMndaysdigtesprng and summerteemsibystudens
atieniesit feiciga. Susciptionsr alltterm. startin i ete muertvaUS.mitsrlits 00
W~ier er (sJa n uythrughAp)ins$10t5.yeasrln Setemrthroitug~h April) is $1850 ncapsu -
tstinstr fall term at 35tnusiptions mnstbepepad.
Thnigan Daysui',ai m"b'riofthessoaed nresssd the usociatedCnleiae Pres
ADDRESS:.tie Michiganil40 i aynaredmSi.. An or iitu ugae 4810n-13aa.
PsHONE NUMESt stllaelioe 7tautews7600DAILsettAtss737:Spourts s47-3336:Oinon 764-0n52a
'ircunlatn715-0555' Ciassitiedusvtising 764-n557ODsplyadvuertising 7640554:niling 76t-0550n
NEWS Hanna LoPatin, Managing Editor
EDITORS' Joselyn Gingrich.LsanoRivu
EDITORIAL Peter Cunniffe, Josh Wickerham, Editors
SPORTS Raphael Goodstein, Managing Editor
EDITORS:SAn Gupal Ryan C. Moloney, Dan Willianms
ARTS Ben Goldstein, Editor
STAF: Ed afas i rcmii er.DaiaS. urkttud pc-r ' n.Roet se,JohGss.iei Cia5i' ,55Hoard. Aty
Kei. W.Jusaiteilsil Ein is icame.uArn RJan Uhii. Td Wtts. ii ikersrisZihm'ermann
PHOTO Marjorie Marshall, Editor
STAFF- Bad Qt r t
ONLINE Rachel Berger, Managing Editor
DISPLAY SALES Kellie Kinney, Manager
STF:SrhEtla. acobFenon.Simn u; icol-. azy iiies eti Mummaneii. . 55
FINANCE Elize Yoon, Manager
SYSTEMS ANALYSTS Mikce Bibik, Satadru Prensanik, Anthony Reed

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