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May 01, 2000 - Image 18

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-05-01

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The ball bearing.
Just think. Trains. Planes. Cars.
The world couldn't run without it.
If you'd like to learn more about a career that fosters this type of
innovative thinking, consider this an open invitation for open minds.
Goldman Sachs welcomes U Michigan students to
attend the following events this summer:
Minority Reception and Presentation
Thursday, July 6th
In New York City
Undergraduate Student Reception
Thursday, July 13th
In Chicago
Women in the Workplace Panel and Reception
Wednesday, July 26th
In New York City
Please e-mail: summerevents@gs.com
Indicate which event(s) you would like to attend and include your name,
summer address, phone, school, year of graduation, and e-mail address.
Invitation and details to follow.
Us p
Minds. Wide Open.m

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