6 = The Mlchigbn Daily - Monday, July 24, 2000 for sale automotive frrn # I WEIGHIT LOSS PRODUCT'I CARS FROM $501) IFor lo~tngis oyoyl no) o;ui4triehtl{ i.on. Nutriionnal lit til callt1-800-119- 323 eni4-41)4, !PEI SWELCOME'!!! Cotemiporary ~2 hdrmn ipi on sei t(; ; >!s31 }ilot7.41-99)9) noo n 1 inbinona 11 )ON T WASTIF. MONFEY ON KFNT10 0A IXt,2AG n et bmdcotito tBEAUTIFUIL itooiooi teinirfurniture 200n w 141 r Cmpo hAU.dEn 2eptnI iomnmCliition. Nie Div tionAnn Arbor.00ner edC.Cms(Menhr. T\\ '() SPACIOUS bedroomis, 2 FELL bhbo.ips -k Itr.A/C. Ldry.. Balc_ Furn aid all :oioacic lum~ded.('Cininniy habooake/ sturn.9)0) Fulleri 769-7529. nir uaand (lab honor yintl. Price is ILARGE' ROOM on Hilli & Stot. itch.. _________{) ____(__17) __456-6602 ___________ h rm ono Miltopretoerront On1i50)95-3276. Xl1:oi ALICA 'TICKETS bin nsle. 2 tickets CR\F TMATCIC recliner. 9/I?{ioo.2husnt- fl52 ow in(oltumnbusnO. 140 eah94)) et 0olorcd Lion Bovs on. tooonet &84" Conchn oto)(nin tt6tn99 99 ol i ot rb cotorod) 691)1) iihii724/426-5942.---FALL PARKING--- IOX INC; SALE-osiofa. tabtes. &Kotore! Central aind NothtiCanipon 605-7 141517) 724-6)095 X'PSII .XNTI- 0)71t7 Harbiurn Cone Ci.-Fioid ' - 'I 2& 2 B)RXI. attin ii so iimoternt.i Lai tr uio utCoindu. 997K or 9)))in X t'i. ,u, oH i9 r 0)7) )tr oil 0000 treeitet i(7b3-)5743-9429 AlI . 'ak 0.-353 r t97(2> (02;)587-982t1__________________ AXNN ARBOR'S WESTSID)E Anvaitabtetle trimmiatote ocupntcy oat) acceptt ngappitcationtueorttl. Beatititttt idut2 beitrioiims. r/totlocatont.24-h itnscetr sttarktitngohimittittoo calttfoi details 7))-1897 AXRE'YOU LOOKING itt tosingCountact ti n t tie nob at wnna.attnoesotttttttne t) tt ATTENTION GRAD)S Contempotrntary I S 2 bed rotititmoet o n do nitotwit. 4 tltcationto coetntteionti. 74f-93/I) AVA.IL.. SEPT. E.WittiaimDiitin I bdeat, Attis.n/nc buzzoer.ldry. nitoag. Gitaatin Realtt Cot. 994-120t2x23 AVAXIL. SEPT. Packard/Dtvisoni 7+ hdrmi. tine wo/ottrage. 2 bathso.ldry.. hg. yard. Gallatin ReiltyrCit. 994-t20)2 eni. 23. BUY FORCLO)SED HOMES tetti S9 n9/tto 404( ditwn, tour tinstingo aiid taynt dtetaito 1-800t-7 19-3001) ten.h884 (ENT RAL, (AMPUS. great solctioitot stdo.I & 2 bittin. aptts. ifiin. tokitty. tiaiundroicl.Cat)l t663)050itt 26))-9611t DELUE.t LI BEFDROOMt APT. racquietbatl. indor pol. auna new catetso & aplnes 99)X)/tmo. 794-327-4695 ote St17- F XII 2001))1 )RNI. hibt roe) .unts G/teot ltcattioit. intct.woter &n. nkott llo663- t00or 734-260-)611t FAL XII 0: 1t & 2 botet ti aiatmottbte in rm oaio666-829. (GRA X)STUDEtNTosharetiooe. Ak.9t1tno ttokooing.Neat 1 Ott' i Camusitoalltti Fottpit 01)2-8789 ortt51t)4t7-3675. DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Joyce Nich1ols Lewib ACROSS 3 Touch-- 1 Timber wood atternat 4 One over par 4 JesseJ 9 Hand-dyeing religion! technique 5 Hooter 14 - de cotogne 6 Sociat 15 Cognizant loll awkwat 16 "-Nana" author 7 Than Zota 8 A neryw 17 Sotar syntem 9 Night-be center 10 Rockgi 18 Software eqaiper instattatton 11 "- I K): catchphrase Yoa": E 20 Eight-member Brother ennemble 12 Doncket! 22 Reef 13 Lock ot cnmpnnents 19 Scraff 23 Stckty 21 BaretyE 25 Vichy attraction "saC' 26 '- it something 24 Pat is I said?" 26 Drip dr 29 Bird in a tree, 27 Heatec often 28 Trapshc 31 Board, as for a 30 Incar, a nnyage 32 Msn'm 33 Note taker's degree, need 33 Rigator 35 Connex molding torteltini 37 Oat-nt-date 34 Phase1 38 Chatet locate welt or1 40 Cranking denice 36 Horrorr 42 Ctoset ftoor itew e.g. 43 Grab a few z's 45 Continentat cash Stumpei 47 Tiny bitt cimber 48 Poputar breath 1 2 3 mint 1 50 Long-tailed towtl1 52 Want to know 17' 53 Neither's partner 55 Dionysas' bride, 20 in myth 68 Doctrinal rift 23 60 '50n TV star Sta 29 61 Elementary school actinity 333 65 Approx. landing boar 38 66 tntamatic maker 4 67 Woanded, as 48 with a task 68 Pendalam path 52 69 Goodnight girl of song 70 Mtigates 71 Decay 61 62 63 DOWN 66 1 Greek fabalist 69 2 Martnara, toe one B lhnae -yping Jackson, isly rdnes long time table light maops' tent issed nverly 'as hit os gp. soener earn, with ahold d crime? looting is debts 6i or betore torgtnen monies, 39 Game-match 56 Explnnive staff, connection briefly 41 Icy coating 57 Make official, an 44 Breakfast item a law 46 Swordmen's 58 Gracefat defenses swimmer 49 '-Walking in 69 Greek portico Memphis" stnger 61 Vacation in Marc Aspen 51 Cnrn namving 62 Nnt nnrt. 54 Pntato chip 63 Keats creation featare 64 Peggy or Brace ANSWER TO TODAYS PUZZLE 2 tttDtIt I' IPT. in a-iedulxFrc I ctt i 90)28--43)70 titiRNt, II RNuuihw, roosil cinoi ot-' Iy C)Cto r h iinj il6,}'niia. 17to 0/111ot 24/)-440 n07 6 tIUNtlt,11 APT. nnidupex0o f itO tttt 6 ti t't'tt, XIke t -11111, i ps- O o f-st re t2 tark tic: -. Set 90)9 ea9 e. i980 u11 I Cill 7)---It5 97 it tted 7 tRIttt. 1106S1. tear thletic ciomoplex ,1:Iaroneirly Iacinstartiin"g Sept. 200 X200 ;1t1o I tothots ec. letoi),n Otto) 'oCl 4 '1-41-51)1lS 80 It) lIRV I 0)0to net le 03 ~19loo t il Mo1 r ottO hilcn ttin.boot) lice ottoNot 'to nit Ko,o\)ml Se0tI I. ?0))uoto)73)4-4I5- -4 '4 111,11ap uio)oo todo tot t ie ac In9 n41 PARKING SPACES AVAILABE 665-8825 ROOMS TO RENTiottabe fott titoetti. hdrmomtoiesn ieare ntentSchoitol atto)Centra Camnpus.14)) 6-5765 SF;PT!!! Sttttlnitaiable I bitrmi at 131)3 Wilmt ttti,2&3 hdrii. apti ott162 Pcki tod 2 hdrt utit ti416 W. Lbery.- lll P1St 734-66)5952 SLEEPING ROOM FOR RENT 'ottS395, Utlitien intuded. Sepi.-Sept tetse Peae ecoitact Oaktand Manaemet(t?6761-749t. SPACIOUS 2 bdrii. Apti. ant. ne('etti Cattp.n$4001/n.U.In. -t nro )677774 STUDIO APARTMENT Anailabte (tor fatl, 2X)11 itoh tinitittenti U. otf Mtcentrat cmpitttsoantIdooomitomnoti Flo furnished with hra, hoti & etldt notc protvided. Fr additinalititort nttott attdtat appoitmiienit tew, pleas otn tattct 9ilsonti White Cottipanyim. ai 734-99-9200. Esqul Hotinina Opitirtunirtip THE SEAR('H IS OXVER tu ote ynnFAtLL. 2)))))) eot eaoao rtment AtV tilsnttWhite Compa~noy.Itt c ottc't 0on nttliy atettp nareaoat tne t%iio iia feoatueotid Iroolc'nntsertinetotcc' t o infortrion an otd an apoitmut toon viewout0) ne ottu htoiltoly tutnitioteotetfictie n iiitne otnobromth'n tii tOtailO 00). 0)000 cl 74 09902)))Eqtua HouttsingOplptut tut t TWO BEDROOM AP'T w/Oliharwtod ftloor. firlcinii R.dit tutuoooo) stiedt utrkouto 21t6-6)i) or 711n90,1 -- sublet 2 BDRM SUBEr t. mt) te 5450/intt oititpnstocaoeotio.'t'-4144/n LARGIE 2 BDRM. 2 hasht m Apple0T100 apt/tohittluds A/C ree partkig pemt) Cloe ton Camtttit. Pesntt Occpat m00tti reocate. Sublease otn 1001) Ine ont h iouly tee.1 Thoutohl331/1ll (ot447877 SUMME:R SU/BLET I//Ito('hootIt ('ol Erc at 734-747-7482 services C'REATIVE RESUMES o 0ilOt rrto oibcleoC all Shach. 441 176 'IHEFSIS EDIT ING All 010c0)liO otd formttt.un25 yas U-M cxpcricc,73-4/996.n 1566 oe aritisotizsehio.ceoot help wanted e OFFCE PERSON:Parttiittote.2/)fit/tk., fextble scheduele, tpleant evironmt. miantagemntsr kils & retute bitldttg D~ownonnAA: Mote skill a muti)71-72)4 ANN ARBOR'S BIGGEST SP'ORTISBAR isnota hirig cotk. notntolt attd 1 oonnen fornrigte& ooumetm. Hard-workinig ttienootOtal/tcmS toldit appnly @ Scorekeepern. 311) Maynarod acrotns frottitBorer. ABBOT'S nureryomanauogr- Lantdcate crew Helptwatnted call Re6 734-I/tn 03o 279)I Sciot Chuach Rd, AnntrAbor't d? Call 1-900-933-5155. 99 cents a minute 45 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 445 4516 4 53 24 256 7 2 56 59 66 64 65 67 68 70 71 "The highest quality a artmrents aitd service for tieote laffordable price" Walk to classes. Studio, 1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments, sivimming pool, gae& exercise rooms, study gamne, laundry facilities, lobby attenda'nt, 24 bour maintenance. Univer~ity Towers 536 S. Forest Ave. (' 761-2680 Mon-Fri. 10-7 " Sat. 10-5 " Sun. 12-5 Upiversitytowers-mu i GREAT (CAMPUS LOCATION \Xilsontto Wlte Citiolnoy, . tuesloonicienicy aptenotsoavailatoble tt 3/17 Thtnopsnt S. withnt f ewntuinutouc walk to thU Cott M Centtol camututtandtd totwntonuThislumpoierb locaion inthe earto tall.IThese toothy futriohoolapatrtmniotsincluh eanot,Inoti & cold toate.uor additionao matonooanotd out aponmn oiew, InteeConttact \ Vtt "t Compautunyu.Ic. at 7340)095900)) Equaliiotl (inOtto O-unituoi (REAT' REMODEIE) 2 botrut loon. avnil. nowu & Foll. 2 locatiotn:Ftrst, 9300)0ains on to ccc' Blotg. Second. 3 minxtuo tS. Quaod. Mny ex~cota.979-7966. KERRY TOWN opts. 2 bulotn.,apts. oval. to. on -mtoot. hbybbbIottuootl cuout LARGE: F'URN. 2 botnut. ap~t. uotl S. State NecotUM boonstop. 500000. to* Mich. CUion. Aovout.I-all lcose. Heot & wattou ich.,2-osink paut. Intercomor/sec. hoCoZernewriafurniiturme, itew ottpplttn4. hate. A/C, Pnkg - todry.. loon2- 4. 950))-515))),tro t nkgtto tse. 734-996- 9939, ebincts tten~oon,).000 in to . LEXSE ('ANCELLAXTION 2 lolnnapt oiotto ll t. otBeautifullhy remtoodeled Ig. Modnolotkitcncoiloeuunoor toouuntsnuosn741-93tI// LU1XU RY ROOM in tmnt housoe.Point. Poivto theboh, potot,.woork-t outootm. Chose ro tooth I nd 194. Pank tote o ooronolino. mrmdit ccupanoocy 'b729/ttoFemalte gmad. ontolcoprfereot 794-996-59992 N, DIVISION, 2 BDRM. XPTS. , heat tincluded:Peons1OK. &I100t0oon12)00.Annil'Sepit. EaloootIInlotoka -hoteait our.a ' lerwood C52006IlosrninrnmnTimes Syndircate 71241O