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July 24, 2000 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2000-07-24

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, July 24, 2000

Elvis takes over Ypsilanti
By Seva Gunitskiy throughont the afternoon.
Daily Staff Reporter "As with all festivals, we'd like to He is a ,egend
see a hunch of people on a nice sutnW and no one
YPSIL ANTI-- Quentin Faggr is a day, enjoying the concerts," said Tracy else
relative newcomer to the world of Briggs, an event coordinator.
Elvis impersonators. He is only 17 Several hundred people gathered on 'a''d his
sears old, and he belts out rockabilly ilte grass to enjoy the festivities. A level.
tunes with just a cassette tane instead Grand Blanc coulle exchanged wed-


of a band.
But when he came off the stage at
the Michigan Elvisfest on Saturday,
about forty people lined Lip to receive
his autograph, a testament to the lin-
gering devotion of Elvis fans.
Almost 25 years after his death,
Elvis Presley continues to inspire fans
and musicians alike, and the Michigan
Elvisfest was a case in point.
The first ever Elvis festival, billed
as a tribute to the King of Rock-n-
Roll, took place at Frog Island Park in
The day-long event featured hot air
balloon rides, an antique car show and
an array of Elvis impersonators per-
forming some of the King's classics

ding vows at the festival, and ReMax
Realty offered free hot-air balloon
rides in the evening, but music
remained the festival's main attraction.
With seven singers performing two
shows each, the music kept playing
until late at night.
Sherman Arnold, a co-founder of
the festival as well as one. of the per-
formers, said he started listening to
Elvis because the music "had a beat
and you could dance to it."
Arnold has been an Elvis imperson-
ator for 45 years, and has met many
other people in his profession. Once,
he said, he met an Elvis tribute artist
who had told him that he "felt the spir-
it of Elvis sinking into him when he

- Tracy Briggs
Elvisfest Event Coordinator
Arnold said he believes in a differ-
ent approach to his job.
"Always do the best you can with
what you got," he said.
Other events at the festival included
a karaoke contest, bingo and plenty of
Elvis memorabilia for sale.
"Elvis really broke a lot of barriers
when he came on the scene," Briggs
"He is a legend, and no one else has
reached his level."

Elvis, portrayed by Fred Wolfe, sings to a large crowd of Elvis fans in Di
at the first ever Elvisfest in Ypsilanti on Saturday.

Continued from Page 1
end, I believe the courts will under-
stand that policies which discriminate
against people based on their race and
ethnicity are not only illegal but also
anathema to American civil liberties."
Miranda Massie, lead attorney for
the interveners in the Law School case,
said she disagrees. The University ben-
efits from the stated support, particu-
larly from GM, she said.
"For GM, a historically very con-
servative corporation, to have taken
this position shows two things,"
Massie said. "First, it shows the
extent to which the student move-
ment has changed the political con-
text. And second, it shows how iso-
lated the right wing racists at CIR
Bollinger said he believes the exten-

sive effort to recruit support is worth-
"We're putting in this effort because
it really makes a point," Bollinger said.
"It shows that mainstream America,
people from very different perspec-
tives, believe in what we've been sav-
ing from the beginning - a modern
education requires students to
encounter people different from them-
He added that diversity itwludes a
wide variety of aspects - "geographi-
cal, socioeconomic, and, yes, racial and
To continue its efforts to recruit sup-
port throughout the trials, Bollinger
said the University currently has its eye
on the United States military.
"We're working on the military,
Bollinger said. "We're trying to show
that they have an interest in the case,
when their diverse officer corps is put
in jeopardy."

in 20 minutes
Participate in a consumer research and earn $10 to complete a survey that
takes approximately 20 minutes.
The surveys will be administered in Business School on the following days:
Place* Davidson Hall
July 24: 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:00, 2:30 D1220 (Davidson)
July 25: 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:00, 2:30 D1220 (Davidson)
July 26: 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:00, 2:30 D1220 (Davidson)
July 27: 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:00, 2:30 D1220 (Davidson)
July 28: 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:00, 2:30 D1220 (Davidson)
* Business School is located on 701 Tappan Street. For easy access to
Davidson Hall, you may use the entrance on Tappan, near the corner of Hill &
You must be at least 18 years old to participate.
You may participate in this study only once.
For more information please contact Christine Branigan at

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STAFF: Stephennanniingame. Anna Clatk
Ahmed Hamid. Nataie Posky. Nika S{huW e
STAFr: DaneBarnes. RyanC.Moloney. Racae

Hanna LoPatin, Managing Editor
Deneu Sara Fedewa. Michael Grass Rachel Green. Seva GWh En s
Peter Cunniffe, Josh Wickerham, Editors

SPORTS Raphael Goodstein, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Arun Gopal, Ryan C. Moloney, Dan Williams
STAFF: Rhonda Gilmer. Albert Kim. Jeff PhM16s. Da %e Roth. ion Scmrwart z, 'of, Smith.
ARTS Ben Goldstein, Editor
STAFF: Ed Baraf. Jason Birchmeier. Dana S. Burke. ChistOphe Cousino, Joshua Gross. Christian Hoard. Andy Klein, W. lacarl Menron.
Erin Podolsky. David Reamer. A aron Rich. Jon Un. Ted Nat tS Jaime Winkier. Curtis Zimmermann

STAFF: nrad Qwf NormanNg
CONSULTANT: SatadrunPramark
STAFF: Toyrn Akinmusucu Alexandra Chm-elnc k DJana Golderg. Pact WOng

Marjorie Marshall, Editor
Rachel Berger, Managing Editor

BUSINESS STAFF Mark J. Thomford, Business Manager
DISPLAY SALES Kelile Kinney, Manager
STAFF: Sarah Estella. Jacob Fenton, Smon Hui. Nicole Lazarus. Jeanine Moutlaeseaux, Revati Mummanemi. Henish Pulicka,
Brent Traidman
CLASSIFIED SALES Bryce Kiug, Manager
FINANCE Elize Yoon, Manager
SYSTEMS ANALYSTS Mike Bibik, Satadru Pramanik, Anthony Reed

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