.h ihgnDiy-niv~ersity Hospital ranked 11th in the 1 nation By Ginnefer Cox Dilty Stiff Repre The 1. xiiselsiiv of Michigan hlospitalis receivesd ain ovxerall ranking of I I among oiher hospitals in the nation. The ranking cime fiom an annuali hospiial asseasment compilrcd hy S. News and World Report magazine. The Hosiilis ranked high in fouiteixroist ofi tie sexentcrn specialty eategories mstr ed. fThese csteixies included kidney disese or thopedcis, geriatrics, and rehahilitation. sactors of thr specialty categori cxxeixxiexi ini the assessmsent were nursing care, itortality statistics, and the level of medical technology. 1Te Untxvetsitv tied for elevettth plaee with the IHospitaii tt thte University of Peninsylvania. The Univerisity of Michigan Hospitals ranked nintht in 1999 and twelfth in 1998. tiospitali employees and staff said tse raik- xng is flattexing. Julia Foo, a tesearch assistatnt in lie internal medcinte iinditephiologyv cepartmtent, said site feels honoird to work for a top ranking hospi- -I irs rth is pretty amazing, tax111realty proud that I get to leairit iid sxork in such ait outstattding hospital." Foo said. Larrv Warren, Eseatixe Director of Litiersitv tHospitals and tHcalthtCeniters, said hie feels the clinicians ar i ky roir to the hos- pitalis reputation. "The cliniticians are the inidixvialis xxhcise repxitaticins itfluence the raitkiitgs.1There are cthter mteasures, of couitse, hat thtat is one sif lie more important onys.x V stated out hecautse xx he mulontipie facilixtoyx toxt1111ir cerr-ing doctors xxonild send ther aiehrntsx'Warren said. In response to the htospital's high rattking, Hospital Coordinator Thomas MaT rks noted that fittancittg and management techniques aiso contrihbute to thxe H'ospital's top standing. "Management and finance policies eon- trihite to thxe 'esults in ai couple of sways, .Marks said. "First, we have heen ahiey to redace Our- costs attd stay competitive xith other hospitals xithout adversely affecting the quality of oar progrims. Second, xve have the finanicial strength to allios us to maintain excelietnt facilities, invest state-of-the-art technoloiigy, and intnovative programs." Daredevils B\ItsiNI iii' S lll Icl i s ~l . 01) ,!}~~t tilIl ti; cxi'c ~ 5l liti ll = ' po 111 Xl N xii7R lii 1[ 151 51 '.15tp 1 ni lf Eii RS C ri rC' ill C'xUVII 1l crr}t t i 1caltills, at I'Oupii i aic s. Lxix. basic haxikkceeti ) xxxi(t. ~ A ord helipiul. ()i~li xxx-ltxxa. Otherx s \ i (tEll lxi I CEES ixxxi lxxiiig ipart-imexx lR15115 to proxid i, 51iU1BJEC~T OR UOF Mi Det.siC riil.and si is\J M PressixxixStiss: Musit haxc xxiii iiiii ssrii riril iiinv iid to heSr iveixiC s-tseli sAIx sixrkxig, x i x Ix i xi w\ n i i ixog l orx m jo snit ltrxxhxlxi it s i } liai iii i xxiix ss I'xiii45 '15 mixnsxtvi. T nd I T poxiion : P " sctt 5 ( "1. F r ixrru tol Pub, sxd wnssishii i i ciixxixxx' iiillx tixi iiiii 4)i 047-87612. ;0 S.00/1t1.,iiriirxisih iI 5 x N i) ii Fivx i icx snrstt 5ir iIo i xlii cixSx WANTkEDi forx2 Perception iiiir55 55heAiiii Slindedland5hale visionx Ill nec' 1' iFiiiuiirii xxr. ckn xx xxxsixc dxxii iii houi;, ) tt h * CNiii OStliCNo\xix lxxix o out ilxi is.l ly ear. t xiii r , -,,el iyouri (1k\ 11 itii.1 ,I. ' It C ihu5rh15 utcI F try, iIo1 xf ail api ai n, ,,x t:x lt I xxxi xxxix iii,, ix 1111111 1 ' lt .i I xxxii xxii, 747r-()094ti 111x x k xii ,lx li I cxidl i ce am a nt ry Ll lxxii lxxiii iii c xkxxrethren 936-? isa I1X:i41 FIMSEEIKS: ixartsixtsleLr a y,1xii x.1\al~hc 1r runt0. ,ir /Wek Ca i t 11,'Ix xiii andiixxxoolxx IC. li 5511 ,1111;,11 Si Sixix ixilsixi iii x d laii Mll Ii Xl XiX iaii ch 'x(111) 1,1I 'I I txi %1 iiv ir, xxxi. xx1-1.111 1111 Ixx1 i C 11:,61 1PAIDnux-,U . 'I1kS i C(11 1111 1 .xcvii xxvvit11, 1 (= mi iiit h ( i till a0 xnxrx3 11 is tl art, ii k l'WIt 1 1101i i xx lxx ,sixclxxirrxxxexi i l; i xxit , iis.ll_ iixl dxllfix xxpxx. iixiixe Paxxxirx 5 xra xxx lx5 t711IllI., x1 : s l i .Lsil~ tsit 1 V(iti.tN''TERSXIRI.: St'tiII'Uliraii xiix t ii xiv aixixet 1'xv 1irsixxi C'x iiii iiixx x hei lxvii coii01vxi i lsy antld :hc t i e i n 111iisiixild i ptcr ilol Ixi)-')() ( livisIiis txl311I iii t 7 xx vssst lxxi WxANTE D: IHEALXI I IN 1501)1(NIL.IcRS l xxxvii ;n 'iik1xtxtxiris : 1xi'sI 65 ,hix axe n xxx'll ix'11 lI{_I x .iii k \ais xl xv ]aixsi al-C xvtr' ed I')xxx ia1xxrsl,xir xxx1 a stuxii xca xiii iiirrxe ;')Ii rsxxsxisxil user:d xxxd'11;11 i rIvI/\ r i ssissisi xxIll he lter and iii ai s ircIi, tu\rylsisirs'a physical cxxxix xxxiid t 14 'Li." xx:; xxi;n xth e xercat !x t ixid a il ixll (Ixi 'xxi ,xxi i - l lxxc Moosd li'ixxsii 'ixxixx s iiI' xiit oixir xxssxx' 1t)K, 1M lxii i(xnt Srl txxhesxiic xx i x ~ \ ) II'c ii iiiii lii FIy tisxI v. 1, 2.,1111 ukI.11 -'1 7.l 311.3()ti xxix f lix xvi%'s 1& l xx -I:ii. 'ii. rie xxvii Sies 3 [I'LL-TIIFltAXSIT'II"R ineexded cxxr a cilll.ivIALCes;'I5-toIII\ Bxxxi'cie lle. S11TTER1NEEDD: (Nig t lexorsi forxxi3 t~idelaocs 7-12Axlii'i xxxix nights andi xslivixsxsiixic Wexest. SunixII xxxiii' 11:3{iipin With the weather oscillating between sunny and rainy all weekend, Brighton residents Matt Phillips (left) and Brian Stachel take advantage of yesterdays nice weather to perform ike stunts on the Diag. MILLIONAIRE Continued from Page 1 "fTe plxan is xxoixmake the monsiey last:' lie xxidi. CGoodmsant giaduaxted initApril frome the GeratldFiord School of Public Policy, landed a joh in the WashxixngtoxiD.C..area woxrkinxg fir a cosnsulting fixmi. Goodmaxhn said he prepared for lix xappeairance xxiithe pr'ogxiiihy waxtching a fewv shxows and experimietinxg ith different sceintrios -- when to poll time audience. ixheix to call a friexid, axnd "It's a combxinatione of good fortune and a good hase of kntowledge," David said. "I tried tot to keep track of 'hat the value of the question wvas and dilt focused on the question itself. When the millioxi-dollar question camixe usp, he said, he exam tot really sure of the answver. Using his fifty-fifty xiith- odut exeix sruicyixig the qudestidon, he nar- roswed it dloxvn to itwo tnd polled the audienice huit withoust success. Finally he called his friend Haggai Elitzur, ia PhD student at the Univ'ersitvy'Ito had ahout eight people gatiered around the phonereiadv to coistributie. One of thxemx knxewi the answier. Followings his suxccess, David nude the rounds on the TV showv circuit, appearxng on "Good Morning Amierica,"F"Eiertainmnt Tonight," axid "Live sxih Regis axnd Kathie Lee" amiong. otheis. Hut uponx coining hick fiont Ness York City, David wntt right hick to work, anxc said lie planis to keep it that xaxv "I like xxx jobi and I like the people I wnoik witt, he said.