Can 1 get a witness? Reverend Horton Heat burns up Detroit's St. Andrew's HaI tonight it 8 p.m. Call (313)961-MEL' for into. ARTS MONDAY MAY 1, 2000 Nostalgia can't save Smashing show at Hill By Jason Birchmeier Dai Arts Wtiter For many students, the recent Smashing Pumpkins show at Hill Auditorium was a nostalgic escape from finals. Much of the packed crowd were twenty-something students who had spent their late teenage years rocking to the .s band's two undeni- Smashing able masterpieces, Pumpkins 1993's "Siamese Hill Auditorium Dream" and April 19. 2000 1995's "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness." Altermative rock icon Billy Corgan'sband did- n't come to Ann Arbor to revel in their past success though. They came to promote "Machina," their wonderfully creative new album that features conceptual songwriting and a dynamic array of blar- ing guitars. They put a heavy emphasis on the new material by playing only songs from "Machina" for the first half of the show. Of course, not everyone in attendance' was interested in hearing songs off "Machina." In fact, the album hasn't been doing well at all by Smashing Pumpkins standards. Since its debut at number three on Billboard, the album's sales have dropped exponentially, most recently falling to number 93 in its eighth week. For an idea about how poor of a position this is, consider the fact that it's sandwiched between a children's album "Radio Disney Jams Vol. 2," and the relatively unknown metal band Kitte. It's difficult to explain the lack of interest in the new Pumpkins album. "Machina" has some great lyrics penned by Corgan that focus on his struggles as a waning pop star. Furthermore. the music sounds amazing with the double- barrel guitar attack of Corgan and James lha resonating with fuzzy distortion and soic brilliance, mostly due to the pro- duction genius of Corgan, Flood and Alan Moulder. A few songs into the band's perfor- maice at Hill, one got the sense that Smashing Pumpkins are a studio band. Their shows during the Mellon Collie tour before the infamous drug overdose had been monolithic moments of erupt- ing guitar hedonism. But besides that interrupted tour, the band has a reputa- tion for putting on a lackluster show. No matter how much tile group invests in sound equipment and how much they concentrate ott their music, they cannot possibly duplicate what they achieve behind the doors of a big-budget record- ing studio. The best songs off"Machina" such as "The Everlasting Gaze" and "Stand Inside Your Love" didn't come close to matching their original luster, sounding instead like generic overdriven guitar rock. The mediocre songs off the new album sounded even worse as Corgan put more effort into being theatrical than his singing. Until the band entered the second half of their show characterized mostly by their past hits, the show was just plain sloppy. It was at this point that Corgan strapped on his acoustic guitar and went D'Angelo delights fans at Fox By W. Jacarl Melton Dal his Witer "Hoss Does It Feel? "Thats the ques- tion D'Angelo poses in the similarly titled song off of his latest release, "V o o d o " Judging frorm e D Aingeo female members Fox Theat re of the audience in the Fox Theatre Apri 22 2000 on April 22, the answer was clear: orgasmic. Froim the start, it was obvious that the audience wod be as enter- ing as the perfor- nance by the main attraction. The evening began with the hip-hop act Dead Prez, a two-man group that may best be described as a less sophisti- cated version of Public Enemy. Their lyrics promote ideas of black power along with a challenge to today's popu- lar hip-hop, which seems obsessed with sex, money and greed. The presence of Dead Prez's revolutionary stance 4 D'Angelo's sultry persona on the same bill seemed a poor combination consid- ering Mos Def was originally listed as the opening act. Yet in their 20 minute set, Dead Prez held their own despite the apparent contradictory nature between them and D'Angelo. After a 30-minute break in between See DANGELO, Page 16 courtesyofsVirgin Recoras The Smashing Pumpkins, here striking some very Goth poses, tried out their new material at Hill Auditorium on April 19. into "Disarm." This instantly attracted the attention of everyone in attendance, many of whom had become quite disin- terested with the new material if not for the wonderful light show. It must have been quite amusing for Corgan to look out at the crowd singing his song like a gigantic choir of young twenty-some- things thinking that they were teenagers once again. The nostalgia ran deep. For "Today," Corgan pretended to sing the first verse, instead letting the crowd sing for him. Other classic songs from "Siamese Dream" such as "Cherub Rock" and "Mayonnaise" also turned into cute sing- a-longs. Here and there, the band played a few new songs such as "Try, Try, Try" and "I of the Mourning." To Corgan's delight, the crowd reacted positively to these songs thanks in part to the linger- ing euphoria generated by the preceding crowd favorites. Throughout the show Corgan also managed to spew ideology to the crowd centering on the sort of topics he deals with much more lucidly on his new album. In other words, he rambled on about how popular culture and the cor- porate-minded music industry is trying to replace rock with new trends, speak- ing specifically of Britney Spears-types and commercialization. See PUMPKINS, Page 16 WolverineAngels. com"' is the first on-line angel investor network linking entrepreneurs and investors from the University of Michigan community. Apply now at the Law Library *non-Law Students *Law Students *S.I. Students Apply in person: Room S-1 in the Law Library's under- ground addition, B-noon and 1-5 Monday through Friday. 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