One /hundred nine years of edi~rizl freedom Monday, July 3, 2000 B LiaKohvu the press con ; re tce to tell tshe notld of makes each person different from the ii Ni t5steir fitndinsta. nex t , -'cions is asorto c fx ltion, ii( Jac ixon, Minor b oon professor ro it i s f Di s si c hs iisc o ii is 7 it la' !i_ i, taw iii( i sic i rir tosh 1 trfr ss si r t~O 5s~its P cis i A t 5 Si 5st eli~ iieiinic ic C(i 5 5 c 0 p e Ii si s5r\ilittig in I i a Iii so a 1 i~ 1 ii s Ci i i i s sicrici he ike 'ci a s i nh s Os i 5tc~s. 'sass tie s e isis isiiihcl nil ahie o sitOiti s ritiso I it' isi'ci ii 1st 'si' tie- n- k' t Ii iii cr~iissiicii e q a ti ety Prsien f wip o dreco of th H_ at :en. in .ro . '1 '5' Li issr~tty ptotesor or p oss conference Tuesday ir J. C i i oodi ie t Iy trips 'ii ii. as n L ot runi~i for re gent By Rachael Smith Daihy Staff Repoiter SSpecuiatiuor about the run of T eon 'DiS' Schemrbechier for tire University Doard of Regents came to an cod as tire Liiersity's iegendary football coaiir said Friday tirat he wsiil not be seekinig the Repuiblicanr nomrinationi. The Repushisiasn Party had airnouniceil catlier that they sieri uirginge S zbriecirier so ' Scissiembcb' r "is vvcii-' kirowsni andu wseii-iiked;' Repsiblisias Party f'omnisriiais Director Sage ?. isssro ii 'JD's kirissiho edF:s'c t r the Li? ess sin k. Shih "ft css etie2r has a decp Uusi rst Tnivensty and itsisl -h i : Eastoan addd exiithrei s~sn Ripuicsasis feei ire 1-osii t e o candssirdate. "Hei iro bi it si isis great leadership skills. "1 ci its's- ci re right out anrd say no, Schensbecisiir sasit. expiatirig his asmhi- gisity otier it sas irAis. ieeks. "1 ihave sitz- stasi isis goinrs for umic. hse added. As for fsstsre 'eiections, Sciressbeebier said lie -ill not he runnssing for Reget, bitt added,."I'm not sayitnp Irsm not going so change Regensiwiho btave aireadly antnosunced their-bid for re-elections are Rebecca McflowsantID-Ann Arbori anrd Lasirence Deitchs iD-BosomtfieiciHilis. "I feel icry strssngiy' aboust tse saisses tisat this adisnistra- tiunstisd tireDBsard ihoid," fIcossvatisaid. "come ifr a poiicy hr{ bakgrsndsc. VesI casie toAstirArbor.,iiis itseci sit most coirpeir i t h isepoi- iii555isitsisstaeio ire it"Wred w in. ~v isi i V I:n__ as r iiisis'itisi tests thitfI.,spit'i s tali a-tinsits irsi iii jir pats isais re'ciii it t1-sitsiii'ii taikinig sits sic stints I h i is iiic by at sirs s< ii is- _)f 200 Run its s Sate 's i itii i. isiticirisIII sir '.] itDetrit. eight in daft By Dan Williams - in May, selected bins with the yDails Sporns Editor eighth pick. "I shoughiri swas a imistake. I did- , rMINNEAPOLIS -Vitib the nit believe it utislMr Stemn (NBA ยข unusuial circumstatnces hounding commissioner David Stemn) called . Jamai Crawiford froirrtire iroment my name slitCmawford said. f he first dottned she Maize TIhen, few minutes anrd Biue, his official exit into his first profession- from coliege basketbal was al basketball press con- decidedly fitting ference, Crassford was In Wednsdry's NBA draft, interrupted tsr the mriddle of a sPPO7 he Cieveland Caalsets a team response by a oran shrouting to New NBA draftee Jamal Crawford stands that he irad not ,vorked ot for him thrat he had been traded to with his new conch. Chicago Bulls' Tim Floyd. sisrie deciaring hinmseif eiigibie See CRAWFORD, Page 7 'U'jceves 30t fromalu~m ByNtalie losk uortseD Tei iserss irs s sirouced ins Janie tihat they sad receisved a disnationirir 'i e fsrrmrsoria istsfrsoms Lincoiss Knrorr; an aisus of te BIts tiers isi isSchoois. Ih ishift, initisalisyistindedithbapprosimattseiyr.x30 iriiion, ill bce ciociie5 s its 5ersits's encissis sit ud hefsoi ittos1 sa iriiisset ip inilate i1998, after Knrorr s death buts bacasrie ps.shiis kitowrliedge onyrecenrtiy. Lniisersity NssistatGienrerai C osei Gordon Beemran explinted siratirhe gift is differenrt from other doirati one. Vileisirostsgifts are donated in a issnp sumr or over she cose of a tess seats, it wsiii sake irany years for Knorr's diossatsiron obe ciistributsed so she iUnisversity. Lach year, five percent of she irst5's irarket vaisie will be disirsiuted so tireUoisversity by Dank (Oe, tire trustee of Kisors's gift. Once ste slimss of tire yearly paymiesrts asid she current mrarket s sine oathsie trust reaches a totai of $1 billion, the resoasining funds managed by Dank One wiil be scans- See DONATION, Page 7 m ething's Bruin ?homore center Andy Hilbert was Rted by the Boston Bruins. U'R ,Pate 12f Show us th money Stars and Stripes After squabbling between the StateIlors and Senate, Daily Arts reviews Mel Gibson's igher education budget has been presented. new flick, The Patriot.' SNFWS Page 2 -".":1 Page 10 ,,