The softer side Go online for the Searrs Cup fimril Standing;s. Isports SftPAwtolmoaORft'T'S MONDAY 1 JUNE 19, 2000 PROSAGASQ Byaha a a l) en tlchasmn duldreamu etl So St s maeu InIhrlidar it's 9(1 95 eery day and it ta tatll. I like going to tre base- hul l rowst On itiis div, Benson p1layed bcfcore a \V dneay 'afrernoon crosed if 4885, us thre Nasitors played iS'- first ol rlrrec- gaitte series against tH a lrrishrg Senrators, a MontrcalI eos fili itie IT,(her stlet nssand _balliks ini the fart Scott Bragg, a ntavs ofkReading. Pt, who has begcn to follow IHeneion froit garne to game, fromrrtocwn to tosen. "lieI's cdoinrg alrghr,"Betggsarid. "Scomie of thosse kids ruse heent tip 1Irere all sear aird only hate three homr:.uns.. andc tlt' s whlat (IHeensn has got. lce got to