4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, May 17, 1999 Edited and managed by EMILY ACHENBAUM NICK WOOMER students at the ,r * Editor in Chief Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan t IWW a t~ild Unless otherwise noted, uns igned editorials re legit the opinion o *the 420 Maynard Street najoriti of the Dails s editorial hoard. All other articles, lenersand A nn A rbor, Mli 48109 (SartOOni /s 101 noS nCssii/ re//eiS te oiioni of T/eic igan Daili T he raid of booster Ed Martin's home last week by the Federal Bureau of Investigation once'again raises questions about the integrity of intercollegiate sports. Although the focus of the current Boo FBI probe is on whether Martin ran illegal gambling operations; the possible financial connections of Martin with former University basket- ball players could result in serious repercussions for the University. Martin was banned in early 1997 from having any association with University sports teams after attempt- ing to provide incentives to athletes and their families such as offering plane tickets to players' families and improper contact with prospective players during recruiting visits. If the outcome of the current FBI investigation points to impro per payments to former University basketball players from Martin after he was banned, this would be a devastating blow to the reputa- tion of the University. Athletes competing on University teams need to realize that, because many of them are relatively well known, they are some of the University's most important representatives. In 1997, the University escaped with minor penal- ties after launching its own investigation into purport- ed violations on the part of the ind ividuals in the bas- Booster's bc ster scandal has negative repercuss ketball program during a NCAA probe into the events. Even though this investigation concluded quickly, it nevertheless caused a lot of problems for the University basketball program. Recruiting suffered due to this investigation, leading to the decline in the qual- ity of the University basketball team. Furthermore, for- mer University basketball coach Steve Fisher was fired. The University has since increased its efforts to pre- vent further incidents that could tarnish the reputation of the University. The current ongoing investigation onl involves former basketball players, The University and the athletic department have taken every step to cooperate with the authorities - this is reflected by the fact that none of the current players and coaching staff on the University basketball team are currently believed to be involved. University President Lee Bollinger and athletic director Tom Goss should be commended for taking the initial steps to cooperate with the authorities. In doing so the values and integrity of college sports have been upheld and the potential for further damage to the reputation of the .nUniversity has been at least minimized. ions aIntercollegiate sports have always been an important part of life at the Universit and have been instrumental in shaping t University's reputation. The success of the University's participation in college sports relies on the athletes who compete, but just as importantly, they must honor their responsibility as the University's ambassadors to much of the world and uphold the tradition of integrity in college sports. Every year, the University's alumni donate millions of dollars to their alma mater. Gambling allegations could force alumni to be less generous in their annual donations. Boosters and gambling may have provided quick cash for some players, but it is the University that ultimately suffers from stories of shady exchange regardless of whether they are true or not. Whether individuals within the athletic departmlent were aware of Martin's alleged activities or not the entire situation paints an unflattering picture of the University. Administrators must continue to work dili- gently to diffuse the booster situation in order to main- tain the University's reputation. Talking back Youth violence summit gives hope for dialogue D2 i4 nn' 46 o one was pointing the finger of blame," President Clinton told reporters of the spirit that made last Monday's youth violence "summit," in Washington succescful. Clinton held the three-hour long "summit" o identify other potentiaI fac- tort, besides ea:y access to we'pens. that mayh'yrtri edto t r 1 cme _dra- maticrie n oo.a yn ln ndto to the nro onec ad threoup d ers, industry alf'sentatives and enter- tainers whooattinded. Among the issues cited were inappropriate use of the Internet, movies, parental guidance, domestic violence, lack of religious faith, and a culture that has grown desen- sitized to ruesome violence. Thank lly, the issue of gun control was not forgotten entirely. Gun manufac- turers responsibly endorsed Clinton's proposals to raise the legal age for own- ing a han un from 18 to 21, require backgroun checks of people purchasing guns at un shows, prevent convicte juvenilesom ever owning a gun, crose- cute parents who allow their chil ren to use guns and expand the government's gun tracin program. Des ite the cooper- ation of the firearms inustry, officials from the National Rifle Association were not invited to the conference. t Technically "People may kill people," not guns, but the loose laws that govern the sale and purchase of firearms make it simply too easy for children to obtain access to weapons. Guns clearly play an instrumental role in the frightening climb in youth violence around the nation, but many of the smaller elements discussed at the summit have also con- tributed to the recent outbreaks. The Administration pledged a cam- pain agaitnst youth iolence. which will incue sugestions for parents, schools, cossmssunitie the mdia, aid un iman f 'Leers to adsi aid xotk to th constrctively tsw rd Ic chin s cois ing th cle.telaewoc~ry oris poierstoneSI or tso imadxn thie attit eds ofchild tiioxareds vio- lence must take the time to seriously reevaluate how their products are received by youth. A rational discussion free of blame and emotionalism is the only effective way to address the com- plex factors that contribute to juveile delinquency. While the role of culture in the recent shooting tragedies is undeniable, but lawmakers must first act swiftly to address the most immediate issue - the availability of firearms. There are no quick fixes to society's destructive fehaviors. The social olls that cause youths to act violently should continue to be addressed in the productivenspirit of Clinton's youth violence summit. By maintaining the types of constructive dialogue between social and industry leaders, long term solutions will be arrived at sooner. As long as industry leaders, lawmakers and community leaders maintain an apreciation for the complexity and dets of the cultural issues that contribute to violence rather than relying on politically charged scadegoats, a comprehensive solution will be feasible. t Seat belt law could Last week the state snat passed a bill enabling police 0ficers to stop motorists for sot wearnag ilheir safety belt. Tshemasni nox les iIhlc ands of iox. Jisaihn msgl 'r xwls isaist elceue xxleiticm he xwml xi'n ma mino law Atfs Igl5uI lh' bill seias bh~mem 1tmi le s lie mt was propxed xx ils"i meiat am is The ilmo mril tib lx sl mind rs athe The xxaill oi ea belts, miakinalaw b1 iso t eIns rces use to this exhent is ridiculous and unnc-. essary. There are already laws that aro- mote the use of safety belts. Currenty.it is illegal to ride in the front seat of a car without a seat belt. In the back seat, all passengers under the age of 16 must be strapped in. If either one of these laws is violated, the driver or adult passenger can be ticketed if stopped by a police officer for some other violation. The proposed law does nothin more to promote safety beyond what older laws already cover. Considering that officers can stop drivers for anything from driving a few miles over the s eed limit, to changing lanes too abru e y on a freeway, givg police an addiional reason to sto stofeanea wIf a person decides to drive without a seat belt, they are only putting their own lives at risk. Their decision does not make the roads any more dangerous for others, and if violators get caught drivig too fast or recklessly, they will et an extra ticket for not buckhngi d fese drivers know that they are brea tig the law by not wearing a safety belt and shoul' invite police abuse alr ey realize that they are jeopa'rldiimg their Sifty 'l'awhen they drive withoutione. C nsi dering the media's alenlin to recem mivil rights violations oms he part Spisice fflicers, one is Lead ho xondrm if lme pmpose of the bill is toe" ii i'se hilme shopss by 'isw emahameemeistendm 'e ol lel mlimay Aimo tme _ y pub1'i. { ' m a uity ii Iuie m lasrl x l a i i er Is ix i e s i eno m ;btm epatc ponce more carefulhyis iepro- posed seat belt law could prove invalu- able to any polce officers accustomed to ldss than professional behavior on the job. To characterize the new law as a plot by unscrupulous pofice officers would be irresponsible and sensationalistic, but there can be no denying that most police forces suffer from a degree of corruption. If signed, the bill will make it easier for bad cops to conceal illegal or abusive actions and the problem will only exacerbated. Lawmakers should be work- ing on legislation to root out corruption, not hide it. Michigan motorists should always consider the obvious downsides of any legislation that grants law enforcement greater powers it the name of safety. Not only is this measure intrusive, but it is unlikely that, given the motor safety laws currently im lace, a reat number of Iives will be save . Consi ering the abuse suO a law could invite, and the likelihood t it will Ihave little impact on individuals attitudes towards seatbelts, the benefit of this measure would be negligible.