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May 04, 1999 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1999-05-04

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T uesday, May 4, 1999

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Tuesday:,ay 4, 199 Onehunded ei V 1ttp:Veare of edo l // www. mach ganas ycom

Symnasts h6W I
Men, winless three years ago,
take national champinship
By Dan Dingerson ifying score, Michigan earned the right to
Da iv Sports Writer choose its first event in the finals -- the
LINCOLN, Neb. - For the first time pommel horse. ,
e 1970, Michigan is at the top of the "It was a very strong event for us, and I
mnastics world. On April 23, the was very confident that we could get off to
,volsertnes ased their best performance of a real good start on it," Michigan coach
thyear to secure the coveted title of Kurt Golder said. "It was really important
national champion.' to start strong."
Joining Michigan at this year's NCAA The championship was almost over as
Championships were Ohio State, Penn soon as it started. The Wolverines did start
State, Nebraska, Brigham Young and strong on the pommel horse and jumped
Stanford The three Big Ten teams, who out to a quick lead. The next two events
had traded the No. I ranking throughout would give the team a nearly unrelin-
the vear. were all favored to advance past quishable lead.
* qualifying round on April 22. The On rings, the team scored 38.975, fol-
Wolverines placed first in the qualifying lowed by a team high of 39.075 on the
round with a score of 230.5, scoring more floor exercise. Michigan stood nearly a
than 230 points for the fifth straight com- point-and-a-half ahead of both Nebraska
petition. Ohio State placed second, and and Ohio State halfway through the com-
Nebraska used the home crowd advantage petition.
to claim third, edging out Penn State in the The Wolverines were not completely
final rotation of the evening. content with their success though, contin-
those three teams advanced to the team uing to top 38.0 on every event and fin-
finals on April 23. Because of its top qual- ishing first on all but one,
Inside: Micigan's jusi Toman takes The final tally left Michigan with a
ph thonors on parallel bars. Full 232.55 by far the team's - and the
, tge from Lincoln, Neb. Page 16. nation's - highest score of the year. Ohio

n CAA titlA Ues

m m m w Imw ff wx TA mmm wm low

motions i
By Michael Grass
Daily News Editor
The University filed two summary
judgment motions yesterday in federal
court asking judges to make a decision
on two lawsuits challenging University
admissions procedures. -
In October 1997, the Washington,
D.C-based Center for Individual
Rights filed a lawsuit on behalf of two
students who claim their applications
for admission to the University's
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts were unfairly evaluated because of
the use of race as a factor in the admis-
sions process.
CIR later filed a second similar suit,
targeting the University Law School's
admissions procedures.
University Deputy General Counsel
Elizabeth Barry said the summary
judgment motion presents the
University's expert testimony, outlines
main arguments and asks the judge to
form a decision based on the motion.
She said that rebuttal motions will be
filed for the next few months preceding
oral arguments in the cases, which she
expects will be heard in July at U.S.
District Court for the Eastern District
of Michigan in Detroit.
Terry Pell, CIR's senior legal coun-
sel, said he would not comment on the
University's summary judgment
motions until he had a chance to read
Pell said CIR filed its summary
judgment motion in the Law School
admissions lawsuit yesterday.
The University's motion yesterday
also serves as a response to CIR's sum-
mary judgment motion filed in federal
See LAWSUIT. Page 8

The No.1 Michigan men's gymnastics team hoists the national championship
trophy after winning its first NCAA title since 1970.

UN chief addresses grads
Commencement speech includes Kosovo, human rikhts

By Michael Grass
Daily News Editor
Even though the current conflict in Yugoslavia
has dominated his schedule during the past month,
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan
addressed the estimated 35,000 people who
attended the University's commencement ceremo-
ny Saturday morning at Michigan Stadium.
Talking to reporters before the ceremony began,
Annan said peacekeeping troops are necessary in
order for the current situation in Yugoslavia to be
"Without that presence., the Kosovar refugees
will not want to go back," Annan said.
With intensified NATO attacks on Yugoslavia
continuing, Annan said European leaders told him
at a meeting in Brussels last month that they will
"stand firm" with the alliance.
Inside: Graduating seniors enter Michigan
Stadium for the last time as undergraduates
Saturday for commencement exercises. Page 3.

"I have intensified my own efforts to find a
political solution to the situation," Annan said,
adding that lie has appointed one envoy and will
designate a second one in the next few days. The
envoys are scheduled to be dispatched to Belgrade
to attempt to find a peaceful solution,
Unbeknownst to Annan while he spoke,
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic decided
to release three U.S. prisoners of war, held since
they were captured on the Yugoslav-Macedonian
border early on in the conflict.
Annan flew to Michigan after meetings with
Russian leaders in Moscow on Friday.
Once the ceremony began, University President
Lee Bollinger told the audience Annan has been
'trying to find a road to peace."
He said Annan could have canceled his appear-
ance yet "chose otherwise and through a long and
difficult flight, chose to be with you."
In his opeting remarks, Annan said he was glad
See ANNAN, Page 8

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan addresses an
audience of 35,000 Saturday at Michigan Stadium.
BI called in to assist ITD in an Frank Wilde
investigation of hacking Musical 'Je
incident. Page 3. a high note

: , , 77 , . , .." 7 - 7 - ,


ehorn's Broadway
lkyll and Hyde' hits f
. Page 10.

Women's Gymnastics team
places second at NCAA cham-
pionship. Page 16.,

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