14- The -Michigan Daily. - Monday, August 9, 1999 [f/hdenlyrngpoolside, light schedule tastes great SPORTS +3Y Rick Freeman Vll, natoa ron o Am- viiv Daily Sports Ediitoit CHICANO -FLloyd Carr under- stands how the wttrld otfoleg football coaches works. Motie 0,su ;tAn you could imaginte. Estyo i oh thy can do your jibbet hty es(hy cart't). Arid eversh ly lii atop:iott about the shdI Some li, ' gte rt l7t- tttg wittbptdeatMi ais.eii i .tough seheieu;:le Wc sor t ii chatmpionsliip -with trlt phe ,_ ltsscited- ule in the coutitry that si They sneer at schoilsIke Florida and Nebraska, who wo their national chain- piottships in part by punishng the likes of Central Florida arid Cetral Michigan. They taunt Norre Dame forr selredi'- tng a tune-up to their tilt with Michigait- by agreeing to pound Katnsas for hour quarters. Well, the Dorners knotw where th eir bread's huttered. Since they elected to remain independent, they dribt a Iling way if they don't make it to the BCS ..shore. Withtout cotiference tie-ins to howls in talent-rich areas such as Tampa, Orlando, or even Texas, the Domers have to settle for trips to Shireseport (motlto: we're in the same state as New fOrleans). Which ts fitne, there's plettty of recruiting hay to lie made ini Louisiana -but try selling a trip to cetitral already fotreed to spend fotir yeatrsin northwestern Inidiana (moittotifiti weren't so pollint- ed, you cituId see Chicagi') Attie sitme tine, Inia". turdu e e i c l G uess who sell more travel pack- '-= ages to the alums ' Whichtis ,wh1,Notre lDame, c