saingocai~ TheMiciga Pro wrestling invades Detroit with Daiy eploes hephenomenon. SIORTS August 9,19 1.3 r All that litters in South Bend By David Den Herder Dauly Sports E ditor Did you hear that? A quiet exhale mixe wcitiih a half chuckle, coming from a secluded oifice huildling in suburbau C hicago. No mrthlan six monthls cgo, Big. Ten commtissioner Jima Delanes 55 is SPORTS prepaing forii thle poi~i bility thl 1t7C't~l~ Nottre Damte wouiild--------- leud its saute and lii til Ii im to le historie eotierence. I wer aos some serioius talk --aud it dow ci uteiito a votcby tlihe oaerd ii rscc. Als the rish esere a tit tioi piiiudi anid 'iiued to miti ei heinuepjendcut sanice. But. ,- sI. tP, ikecs so eloqentily put it, that xxsthent. TIhis is . .. swell, this is quite a tiLes theysve gottett themselIses itito. Back itt Iebtriary, Notre' Damte presi detit Edward Malloy talked about his uttiversity's "core idettity"- somte- thintg lie called Nuotre Datie's "oserarcht- tug defintitioti "At the core" saud Malloy, "ire these liaracteristics: (Cathiolic, prisate, ide- etident." Ittdeed. After all, thts ts Notre Daiie --thte fairy tale utilversity. Rudy, the Gippet, the four hiorsemati. Touchidowti Jesuu. The golden dotte.'AWalkittg across a grassy carus field itt auturrut, watch- tttg the leaves twirl to the groutid atid wafting the scetit of football easoti, youu cati alttout picture yourself itt a movie. Such tradition, these Irish. Sttch *tttegrity But the NCAA tas been deal- itig with some different characteristics of late: sports booutitig, enmhez'zletieint, rules violations - characteristtcs Malloy cettaitily couldn't swant in hits "overarching definitiot." Wheti Notre Dante is setenced later this fall, they could he put ott NCAA probation atid even lose televisiotn rights - sottethintg neithier the BigTeti tnor ABC would Iaxe appreciated, had the Irish joitied. But, perhaps these tiew and imuproved Qltaracteristics in South Bend tiake o' Nre Dame a better fit thati ever. Bell, they're sltavitig poitts itt Evansville, cheatitig on tests in Minneapolis, stealing heer itt East Lansitig, passitig out in loses City, pay- itng off players iti West Lafayette. duck- itig classes in Columbhus --atid iti Ainnt Arbor ... ohli. Anti Arbor. The truth of the amatter"? There's to such thiitg as ati indepetident, holier- 1han-thou university ita Dixvisiott I athlet- ics. Not atnymore. Maybe these violations tartnislh the itmage of the goldetn dotme. All I can say is, join the club. Varsity is No.*7 as Iig House awaits The ohr Big Ten teams I^ FA eL appear '' ยง t 'y _ rx ' y. 5 iT'> a , V^" ,. in T j ,. a o p 10 M ihig n pays the al By David Den Harder Jut t sIN SN li rite Associated l~ress still ce k etV t' Pr. to ret s' ~' its pies as itt I - co. be u f ih N('AAs hJis isicni I Is I i'pu etaiuist ii's d 'Stictii ii'sui '7 ii ilo ii 1 SI~N I se his Ci' ich h'cII efil ' 1911 se, in I - i 'p 1 ' i s us cit e t ' cities itt t 'I 25 Ii lacuiti - ite - , i it5' irs cet iN I (liii -'sit I S . is. i ri deel ii Ic I I III cit tud lieu The Siiis.c t TodaylE PN - Ta 2 w? 1,4 I y ,N- 711:. 1 0117 Stadm Friday aftero, - On et4 h veie tdh h hretefnd 2,7 daysa lat couin quarterb ck une Will Henson start against Notre Dame? *Controversy reminicent of weeks before 1997 Rose Bowl season By Chris Grandstaff Bathl- Sporss Fditor Baven't we seetn this onte hefore'? Back ini the spritng atid siummner of 1997 Michuigant coach Lloyd Carr wvs faced with the dilemmtaa of choosing between Scott Dreishach, the seasoned tuttior quarterhack who tad started the first 11 pattes of the 1996 seasoti hefore being injured, atnd Brian Griese, who tad denmonstrated great poise itt orchestrat- itng a comie-froma-bhintd victory over Ohio State and a good shoxing in the Outhack Bowl. Carr tmade the decision to go with Griese, atid te Wolverities wound up with a fairy tale enditng hy winnitig the Natiotial Chiamapionsxhip. DOne lgain Carr is forced to miake a difficult decisiotn at the quarterback positioni heading itnto the 1999 seasoti _-but weith a newv cast of characters. Wheti football practice hegitis text Saturday, sophotmore sensatioti Dress Bensoti snd last year's starterlTon Brady wsill miake their final auiditiotis for s posi- lion that hasu heen tip ini the air since Bettsota's arrival last seasoti. The decision will he a touight one for C arr, but otte that lie's happy to tmake. "Bavinig twso great quarterhacks doesnit bothler me,'Ctarr said. "Belies-c tre