4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 9, 1999 Edited and managed b y EII LY AcHENBAU M NICK WOOMER students at the Editor in Chief Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan l w 1 I#f fl lt I iis 1h/h iii' iiiih'd, iiiii/gtrc ih'd h iiiili ic/lc teoiicuhitiii u/il 420 Maynard Street mgjin-i j1'teDaiysito/ilhoi /)d. A1/ll/ue ricles I. l/cis'i a Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 cartoonsh doi)t iittcei.vtriV r/fle/thini oniiiiii 'T/eichic/i ii )i T he nation is certainly in the midst of very sad times when praise is due to a state panel for its rational approach to school violene. As if the problem of school violence wa's not sad enough, panicked school adinistrators have rubbed salt into the nation's post-Columbine wvomnds by infringing on students' civil libertics. Miehigan's response to the Columbine shooting~s,a 17-member SA.FE. Schoot: Task Forc, madle severa1 commonsee anti-school violeincc proposaIs in i ieport issued last weck. The rcport's rccormenda tions are a welcoin deprurme from the rec tionary policies of mainv schools' sdminis- ters. In the umonths itioss ox" tie{ olniobioc mxassacre a third grader Nvh o en oved murtia arts muvics was suspcodcd toi ~submiting yvou will die ain honorablcsdcxtbax aocxs sag fo a friecook;ic xcici.scliss had be {ilog Sveal dysi e h Preserving Ii rties School administrators should heed suggestions overhie-irdconxersin"gxwithfricods tbocit mnaiufacturing his cxxnIfirecitckers,'tatfxx da~ys all 'r his suspcnsion I I Ohio studentx were scispended toi coniribtinxto as"oth- ic" xveb site. ThcseIicncietsrc'flcct conly a fewv of the abusiiihit ctcughitpic-ss--one canx only specculaitcis tlxxrIxosmini adciio at civil-libcrties iraictioixs xcll"cil oixist- ed or unn~oticcd. By uialying succc'ssiiil Aiui ct cticait aixti-vicilcixce proix-rxxs i--hcoof diticis natiolxoxid, e ilc ix ixic xcuu/ut xxill aiicl 1.K oxi lxectolxxx exttcsxcc and parents cotucirepprt thrceits and for psy- chcoogit to conxx up kvithx a list of "wxarn- ing xiuns" to lx .p clxoot oficials idetxtify potentially xix iltdcnis.Additionally, thc rcpcotsca1cciloischxools to practice xio- lencc safty}chlstec staiblishing a way for tsvcholcgistx,.pli e Ixcd schools to share' uiorixi ticxi oo, siit whoxs coilcd be pronc to xiolcial otbii xix InI coosideiri~ixxmethxocds ,) liesvcnt timieedcies'likColio-lixcFoiml lpcii i Mih' i p P-xkcsii t bc x iJo01o /t t o: t ihn, li n ix iktic 0 /seeci such a youngster into a life of" eriie. O1 the riche'st students, whose parents cin affordI private sctool tuitioii. xcoulcd spared. Othe'r children svill findcltlxcmselM virtually forced into a state of ig/xoriiie , unemployment --- giving the/ulitile clioi besides crimge. The re'commendations o#if a task foru certainxly can not prevent schoicnl/iii/iistr icirs frxminringting upon stcleiiix'civil 111 eries.Bcut thi t commc nd hisaretIct r sult Of,'i xubstaintial eft totc cictil tl'vz prcootei Jicat Iefetixe c iixlle-, x Icicen5c/1" Ttmiii tho11dS scicclin seht's districts aioxtud NitchZi'i7 . (Iiiiiistratx/ an lcx 1 Haxchoxol ho ,trcls, l xii xxiis~ las i ik5clrs xxWitcctainlPc i t tig x S. ! 1l Schoiicls Tisk lxFoc I iiixliixex fi iiicl:1 - /incci/i~xlcy niak*It,igd lyx sic xIII s I iii ay rall irito! xlxit iic i thllccxxil citrlc)t it li o. cice; xixlxliioticacxxiiice so/tet a h1F _ SS ' n-x- ..C- . ( i .w r . _F .. + _ _ ._r_ t r_...,si qa 4 ,,, 'i3.''" 5 - z, 7 , ys' g N ;' .a .FY"f''=' _ 1., t t..Y. ! l4y s is y7 y, .( +yC' A t f rC R a y-1 y i p ,h .. RS V 3 " iS } a;T'?''' I! i HOB SH1'4 7ri} . F LIc.T'$- d'- - x R4eA '9. ., -: YW . ., .- M.. ' rt1 Cn .. y i: '. F T r49 y ' A 5 '. n ri 4 l 9 ° _ ,c a - - " _t : " s: .:* iAUf v Ys t Y - . + _ " - 'fie . c ' ,a' 2 :;. . 4 Hatch-Feinstein Act tramples First Amendment Overnight parking in lots should be allowe Ini a time when cytxi 'i>'m about the democratic process is Lt an all timc high, there still remnain inistatices that re inivigora te pciblic faith in the federal gov- erniment. Often inter-party alliances, xixhere a BDeiocrat anida Republicati tern- porarily ignore their fuiidamental dift'er- enices for the sike of the nation's general xvelfare, are considered to be examples of politics at its best. But a recent pact betwveen Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Se'n. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) to drive the Methamphetamline Anti-Proliferation Act through the Senate is nothitin Atmericans should be excited about. According to an article which rnn Wired Mag'azine's Web site Friday, if I-atch and Feinistein have their way, anxy- one who publishing a Web site wvitht links to information on where to buy "drug paraphernalia" could fit-d themsclves fac- inig a fine at-d up to three years in prison. Even journalists reporting on drug culture, who link their Internet sites to such xveb pages for informational purpos- es, cocild be prosecuted utnder the Act which is sponsored by nine otlier senators besides Hatch and Feinisteini. Additionially, the Mveth-an-phetan-ine A nti-Proliferatioin Act makes it illegal for anyonie to cistribucte information, "by any means' on "the manufacture or uise of a controlled sxibstance." People viotatinig that sectioti of the Act could be sent to prisoin for tip to let-iyears. Thec MIethianmph-etainue Anti- Proliferation Act sh-osvs a coixplete disre gard for thic First Aimeidimetiaixcithie princitxtes upni which it xvas based. Hatch at-d Feinteint's alliaice represents a desperate attempt to stop the Ilow of iniformation to a putblic tlat has growsn iincreasixlyt id of xxxir oix tirigs that atppears to both ill-retsonecl andiscocially hxarmxfcil. Accordinig to txce Ciited States Departmuettof Ilcalth xaixclIltituai Services, the Goverixoxeix's aiuti-cdrcig propag'at-da is bcing" iginorect by a large percetage of the popuilation. Thie ag'ct-cy's data inidic'ate's that almost 70 million At-iiericans have tied tmarijuatia at sonic point inthet ir lives at-d 18 million have smroke'd vithxin thie past year. Givetn this data, ut-ieixust ask "xsh-at are som niiti-icgovern-ietnt tryitig to hide'?" TI-i Hatchi-Feinxstein bill is tryintg to put an ct-d to tie alre-ady onie-sidcd debate as to xxhxther some or all drtugs should be illegal. Since it is evident that Anericans are not listening to whiat thicir government says about at least sot--i illegal drugs, the Metlxamphetai-iu-icAn-ti-Proliferation-iAct hias been drafted to juist shut dissenters up. As with all laws that attempt to regu- late thc Ititernt-i, the Methamphietamine Anti-Proliferatiotn Act xwill be impossible to enforce unt-iversally. Still, tle lass could be used to send certain bigh-profile dis- sentcrs to jail and strike fear it-to anyone wvho xvai-ts to distrib-ixte informationi somue kinds of drutg-relate'd informatiun. American-s should hasvc no toleran~ce for lawvmakers wvho dcmonstraIc sxuch1a lack of respect for th-i principlcs of free speech aIni-d a fre'c press. A dteiiocratic gos-ernmueno has rio busit-iess 'ensoring in-formiationi simiply becatise it contradicts somone-i's age'i-da. No matter busy xorthy one may regard itias being, no goat is svorthi tce sacrifice' of il-icfrec floss of informantion., U /xives its stiiceixix iaiclfacculty as xscll ts AniniArblxxi resichenuts cc/- s toutly ecu-ige ' In a xtrx/ Il' to captucre thic cxcicitive citalxiirkinxg shpace. TI- isscuc of patiking' loshxeenua nihtmare lxxi tthccutt hixiigh il-iccive lxax pxtteflid/ts into scligt his probhleum txy ti-itcbtiilcding' of il-icfacility att Southi IFourtlAxenuie tixc Iaxi Washiugtcon. Tlhat ptoject sxill add mouethxani 20th parking' spacic nAt-n Atlxor. Onixthe othcr hand, tue Etistiy li-s doxne lilt to hclp xtudciutsxxithuthe lxrobleim of patrking. Th current systemi cx txsrkingtixihxin Il-i University dixidcesil-icparkinug tots intoivte cdiffcretctlte lsx- old, Blue, Yellow, Orantge at-d(Gteen. These arc determinied by te proximity of the park- iug lots in relsatiotn to thce Lniversity C ampus. Gold Level parkingp lots arc located in restricted areas of campus, svhile Green Level lots arc situated on the perimeter of the 'ampus -lots that requiire a shuttle or bus ride to access. Except for Gree- lots, altloilier levels of parking require the purchase of park- ing permoits. Buittce costs of thuese tper- mits are often too expenisive for at-iaver- age student to petrel-ise. so manxy stut- detts are often left with no choice bcii Ic- park in far away Green lots. Even though Il-icUn-iversity providesi buis tratnsportations to lit-d ftiux1icheGreen lots, stuideits a re not allcoxect to pxark thir'i cars there cxverixighit. As a resuilt, stcudents anr' for'ced toxcompe'te xvithAnnx Arbor resideiits for te already liitied spaces wvithiit the city.,xwhile emupty Gree- lots are left uitiused. Iitomakes little setise to lease aix entire pinking lxii citused overnight. The lniversity discxtiinligestudicenti fnogi/bniging their cars dxriiilich/ne Ii Ann Anrcor, buit swlen stuideutshovixie c/t ofl ihieccrowvdtcdresideince 1/alls toi Icca aprtmienits, they eticouniter l/th prblen of findcing depexctdtable trn/sportint t aund li-ruicaruxits. Osver thec past couiple yearns, the tcix hits beeciithe establishmntioxf tangt chtaiii shores oeutside At-t- Arbxor. Ixncorde to puirclhase the necessities tlhesc store. pxrovide, sch as food, stuidenxts lxiv iticreased their reliance oti privitec trnis poxrtathion. Wiiliocit a Pepentidable soxurce ox usvernight pankingiaaiy stxideints art forced to leave their cars att hicnte deal xwith Il-icinconivenie'nce' cf Ixuhuic transportatioti to vetiture outsicde ox dbown-toxvn At-i-iArbor. The University has dot-i a lot to hel~ faculty ii solving the problem of pank ing, but huas neglected the needs of Stui dents wvhio make up the builk of ihosc needitig lotg-term parking splices. Thec ability to park overniiglit it a lot that is ailready a distanc'e awaly froti camipus can shill play a part in east4 parkiiig problems iin A-i-iArbor.t" oiity does this reduce the comxpetiiionx Foi parkitig spaces, it also allowvs stcidents to has-c a dependable source of parkitig. TI-icUtiiversity should allow stcidenuts to park overnight in Greenixlots. By lift- hng the b-it-iut-ioxvernight hakingthe Unxiversity looses unothing / lid theucsi- denxt body w ould betcfit significanily. Adiioxnally, such a muse xwouxld play note solsing tl-i proble-i of parkixg Arm Arbor. Havitig a carnduPaiphace' to hank it, is miore than just a frivohlxts luix- ury for anyone nxot living' in il-i dorms, aind the University inust recognize this.