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July 19, 1999 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1999-07-19

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Monday, July 19, 1999 - The Michigan Daily -,5

'M' icers announce 1999-2000 schedule

CCHA matchups inconsistent

Fri., Oct. 1 Blue/White (Exhib.)
Sat., Oct. 2 Wilfred Laurier (Exhib.)
Thur., Oct. 7 at Notre Dame
Fri., Oct. 8 at Notre Dame
Fri., Oct. 15 Massachusetts-Lowell
Sat., Oct. 16 Massachusetts-Lowell
Fri., Oct. 22 at Alaska-Fairbanka
Sat., Oct. 23 at Alaska-Fairbanka
Sat., Oct. 30 Yale
Fri., Nov. 5 Ohio State
Sat., Nov. 6 at Ohio State
Fri., Nov. 12 Miami (@ Cincinnati)
Sat., Nov. 13 at Miami
Fri., Nov. 19 Lake Superior State
Sat., Nov. 20 Lake Superior State
- College Hockey Showcase -
Fri., Nov. 26 Minnesota
Sat., Nov. 27 Wisconsin
Fri., Dec. 3 at Bowling Green
Sat., Dec. 4 Bowling Green
Fri., Dec. 10 Nebraska-Omaha
Sat., Dec. 11 Nebraska-Omaha
- Great Lakes Invitational -
Wed., Dec. 29 vs. Lake Superior State
Thur., Dec. 30 vs. Mich. Tech or Mich. St.
Sat., Jan. 8 at Michigan State
Fri.,-Jan. 14 Miami
Sat., Jan. 15 Miami
Fri., Jan. 21 at Ohio State
Sat., Jan. 29 Ohio State
Fri., Feb. 4 at Ferris State
Sat., Feb. 5 Ferris State
Fri., Feb. 11 Western Michigan
Sat., Feb. 12 Western Michigan

Fri., Feb. 18 at Northern Michigan
Sat., Feb. 19 at Northern Michigan
Fri., Feb. 25 Michigan State
Sat., Feb. 26 Michigan State (@ Detroit)
Fri., Mar. 3 at Bowling Green
Sat., Mar. 4 Bowling Green
- CCHA First Round Playoffs -
Fri-Sun., Mar. 10-12 at campus sites
- CCHA Play-in-Game -
Tue., Mar. 14 at campus sites
- CCHA Tournament -
Fri.-Sat., Mar. 17-18 at Joe Louis Arena
- NCAA West Regional -
Fri.-Sat., Mar. 24-25 at Minneapolis
- NCAA East Regional -
Sat-Sun,, Mar. 25-26 at Albany, N.Y.
- NCAA Frozen Four -
Thur-Sat., Apr. 6-8 at Providence, R.I.

Continued from Page 13
overtime affair at the Joyce Center in South Bend.
A sweep in this year's season-opening series by
either team could establish an early CCHA favorite.
After a non-conference weekend back at Yost
Ice Arena, Michigan will take to the friendly skies
as the team travels again to Alaska-Fairbanks and
the outskirts ofcivilization.
This will mark the second season in a row the
Wolverines take a trip to the last frontier. But
Kosick thinks the early-season sabbatical could be a
blessing in disguise.
"Fron a school standpoint, it's a lot of wvork,"
Kosick said. "But from a team standpoint it's very
beneficial. We really get a chance to gel together,
especially with the new guys."
That may, at least in part, help explain
Michigan's first-half tear last season that left them
atop the conference and ranked in the top five going
into the holiday tournaments.
And this season's first-half schedule may offer a
similar opportunity to get a headstart on the pack.
Despite the tough opening weekend in South Bend
and a Nov. 6 elash with Ohio State at Value City
Arena (where the Wolverines remain winless),
Michigan has a reasonable startup slated.
The only other CCIA first-half twin-bill
Michigan faces on the road is at Miami. A split
with Bowling Green and home weekends with
Lake Superior and Nebraska-Omaha all before
the break could gis e Miehigan an early advantage

in league play.
The Wolverines also hase the luxury of ho'ine
ice for this year's college hockey showcase, hosting
both Minnesota and Wisconsin over the
Thanksgiving holiday.
But the addition of Nebraska-Omaha this year
has tipped the scales a bit in the CCH A, and
Michigan could feel negative effects.
Since there is an additional team in this season's
conference schedule, the Wolverines have only a
single series with six different teams.
Of those series, Michigan has the pleasure of
hosting only two - Western Michigan and Lake
Superior - which could be considered the least
challenging on the slate.
The Wolverines must travel to Northern
Michigan (who last year advanced to the CCl IA
final), Notre Dame, and make the long trip to
Alaska without a chance to play them at Yost.
By contrast, conference nemesis Michigan State
hosts both Northern and Fairbanks for their only
series of the season and has only one series with
Ohio State - both games in East Lansing.
Michigan must face the Buckeyes four tines
this year. and twice on the road.
The Wolverines' other single-series matchup is
late in the season against Ferris State, and is split
between Ann Arbor and Big Rapids.
Michigan State also has only one series with the
Bulldogs, but it is early in the season and neither
game is played in the "Dawg Pound" of Ferris
State's Ewigleben Ice Arena.


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