IMnday, July 19, 1999 - The Michigan Daily -11
L /
Courtesy oftPortrait/Columbia
"Look Ma! Ratt is back with a familiar sound and a slightly jazzed up new look!"
With its new self-titled release, Ratt is
heading on the comeback trail. The
group was one of the biggest rock bands
from the '80s and has, in the '90s, fallen
victim to being the punchline to the
same jokes Warrant, Poison, Motley
Crue and other "hair bands" have had to
Regardless, Ratt has its chin up high
on this one and confidently delivers I1
new tracks. If only confidence alone
could make for a good album, this outing
would have been a winner
Ratt, in its effort to mature its once
rough and rocking sound has opted to
tone down its aural attack and adopt a
more AOR (Adult Oriented Rock) style
with some of its songs. Not unlike the
contemporary style of rockers like
Bryan Adams and Rod Stewart.
Consequently, the album has an unfor-
tunate number of boring wannabe-rock-
ing-but-mellow songs. The first four
songs on this album is prime example of
Due to this, "Ratt" does not quite get
the listener's attention during the crucial
first couple of songs that decide the lis-
tener's choice to continue with listening
to the album, or not. It is not until track
five, "Breakout," that the album picks up
and the group actually lets the goods fly.
Why this song wasn't seen as an obvious
albutn opener is puzzling.
Other notable tracks include "Tug Of
War," "Dead Reckoning," "Luv Sick"
and "So Good, So Fine" These songs
almost elevate Ratt beyond the formula-
it path it charts.
Sadly, as Brandy puts it, "Everybody
knosss, almost doesn't count." Perhaps
Ratt will learn to exploit the winners on
this one and use them as reference for its
next outing.
ain n 50
"Would?" and "No Excuses'
What is curious is that the fact that
despite the inclusion of these tracks, the
album is not a strict singles collection as
singles such as "Heaven Beside You"
were left out."Them Bones," "We D.
Young" and "Grind" all help to remind
that Alice In Chains has always had that
ability to aggressively strike at you musi-
Inclusion of non-album tracks such as
"What The Hell Have I" and the brand
new "Get Born Again" certainly acts as
an added incentive for die-hards to get
this release.
But being as the tracks chosen for
this release are supposed to all be or
the upcoming boxed set anyway, it
would seem as though the die-hard
fans are not the main target demo-
graphic for this release.
Adam Gaio
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ntinued from Page 9
dried-up art house fare like "Open Your
Eyes," "Limbo" and "Run Lola Run."
So what gives?
In all likelihood 1999 will go down as
the summer of blah. There have been no
really entertaining mega hits like "Men
In Black" or "Lethal Weapon 4," but
plenty of okay yet forgettable movies
like "Notting Hill" and "Lovers of the
tic Circle."
And the worst part is there is not that
much on the horizon that looks interest-
ing as we head into the dog days of sum-
mer. Maybe there will be a movie that
comes out of nowhere, but until then
we're stuck with what looks like luke-
warm crap.
Who the hell really thinks that the
Garry Marshall/Richard Gere/Julia
Roberts reunion "The Rinaway Bride"
will really be as good as "Pretty
)ss an?"
d what about the remakes "The
Haunting" and the "Thomas Crown
Affair?" Will the Jan deBont special
effects fest "The Haunting" ever come
near the Robert Wise mind-fuck? When
will Hollywood and deBont (the
"Speed" movies and "Twister") learn
that special effects can't replace pure
psychological terror?
What makes Hollywood think that
00 can resell "Thomas Crown Affair"
with Pierce Brosnan, who has never had
a hit outside of the Bond series, and
Renee Russo if they couldn't make it
sell before with Steve McQueen and
Faye Dunaway?
Then again, movies are usually aren't
really noteworthy until late fall or
Christmas. One year of inovation does
.t n idmtrv ri in
Continued from Page 9
riffing and its tasteless lyrics about muti-
lation and zombies, Mortician has creat-
ed an album of immense intrigue.
Similar to Merzbow, whose releases
consist completely of noise and chaos,
Mortician has successfully created a
collection of heinous sounds that have
been produced with such conviction
and love that the listener is forced to
listen to it. Regardless of whether it due
to delight or disgust.
Like a raging Floridian tornado
destroying everything in its path,
Mortician's "Chainsaw
Dismemberment" is simultaneously
horrendous and beautiful, thus earn-
ing it its well deserved zero or four
star rating.
A word of warning for those who
wish to attempt to take on this beast
of a record, with all the low end on
this album from the severe detuning
of the instruments cranking it too
loud is at the risk of blowing your
speakers out.
Adlin Rosli
Nothing safe about Alice In Chains.
Alice In Chains
Nothing Safe
With only three albums and two EPs
to its credit, Alice In Chains hardly
seems like a band that is already in a
position to already be a subject of a
"Best of" compilation CD or a boxed
set. "Nothing Safe" however ushers in
that exact notion into being.
This new Alice In Chains release is
supposed to be a preview for the band's
upcoming boxed set and plays just like
a "Best of."
Most of the band's essential listening
numbers have been included such as
"Man In The Box," "Angry Chair,"
D I P eou t
GTbe 1Aidcign BaiIg
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creepy "Blair Witch Project" scene.