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July 12, 1999 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1999-07-12

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The Michigan Daily - July 12, 1999 - 9

photostory by
Michelle Swelnis

Every year, hundreds
gather in Saline for Scottish
athieticismn, dancing, music
and good old-fashioncd fun.
This year's Ccltic Festival
h ghc d professional
Scottish Highland athletes competing in
events including the sheaf toss, hammer
throw and caber toss.
The public was invited to participate
in a traditional Haggis Hurl and a
Farmer's walk.
Also popular with the crowd was the
Society for Creative Anachronism who
performed Medieval tournament fight-
ing re-enactments and various other
Throughout the park, a number of
pipe bands could be heard and an
acoustic stage provided a place for
groups to showcase traditional sounds
and dance.
A great day of fun was had by all at
this year's Celtic Festival!

Counter-clockwise trom upper let:
Brandishing weapons, medieval fighters bale it out
in one of the festival's most dangerous attractions.
A professional Highland athlete competes in the
sheaf toss.
Historical maidens share their celtic pride through
A man, dressed in traditional clothing, pauses to
enjoy the day's sights.
Gear worn by one of the fighting men display his
warrior colors.
Xander Judge, age 7, tries on a helmet and strikes a
fighting pose.

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