Monday, July 12, 1999 - The Michigan Daily - 3 Chnee eat > 3 1 rBy -Soya 'unit b y + I ; xn I -es js"er_' i_ nc ',n t " ou t ss , itn n lieletf ninoinc nontechrcjno'o ks fr Ksovr reirecyeroo For thousands of Kosovar refug_ e,. ~turning home after month: of vio'l tee 'ill he rchtilenging. But a Uiniversiry hrarian, cull'aborating with otlter org-a- izations, is workittg to ease sornc of buse difficulties. The conflict thai has persisted in t frmer Yugoslavia most of this decade as caused destruction of libraries antd thtet soure of demographic inilori s- rs wevii as tape population shilts. s~r ult ireingees ma findit diff iut prove residencv ai m prof ~trio Janet Cravne. tUnvetsity asociat biariats of'thr Si isc te nd FEast E uropian ivision, and ibrir-ni ns frorn otbnr un- icr°,uore Auern its pp-eancisto tin itin pnfn P(riojci a got nintitiittti ivc 1'>ii'dyin ltu unt(cs ttcnii l'irnprotcfamily iftitinnonfitis tg to usaketitetel oiuivs slati si tourcars lateiss h cd.eitio n cai goals tndis nnttousv tim rare mksits , -tsatroutnd ft tth. tcd of itidis tilsi m i States, the proram!Iat sbeen e Ti'sWe rvritig to traeaisr cr1tc, toicrrefieivt\ it ;'tesis, n c.foi rtiettls sad Thgo ar 1 z id ttnniAtborut;Lst ",Zitn istung Xiv an11. associa'te vekthfisstpinia 'i i -,,irr ek rs irrhctiiatim 2('iti Population jociri-te Oeros th istiomi "he s sit linfuttuiiation ti sarhCenter flcused oti't Ateextt\l:igin-- ideas add fhe mits"oal of the project is to gathecr sigestiun rlons thinr steer thy pub'lic fin ., sctor toward Amr ican co'i 'leagries. postdtng sLrcist nattsittply obeying Ruth Simmonns, a iUniversitypof sta1 tistics. sue at the schottl of public bratith "he goaif is > lsift the program helped to intitete visittard a msorc hiui ittized perspective, Simmons hits beett part of the and try to cupantd tim range of services Quality of Care Project alnmost since~ provided,'" Simmnts satid. its inceptfion, that begain wvith a seres Tue plan strives to achieve these of' lectures on cmhalhcaire tin C iti1L:,, ci:through iibetterserv Ie facilities oiffIiils itt}19}. iiti on of 'mua pieand A professor of htealth b,:itr ),offering counselig and tr alunin for Simmons has visited msany of the more patients. I amm F :Ittrspn Addritiotnaf booksite com ro rtitnP 5teindiviuals, tontsguy- crutnmntal rtgcti, atioinrind libraries wxorldide.f Whcn ihostiities escalated in Kosoivo nitte moths agon, Crayne and her col- leagucs zdnctdcd to htastent their efforns to cotupli thy roiect. Thc ptroject's citllection noiontcludes approxitmately h0 volumes froirn across the regionrtnd botiks diatitng from 1968 to 1995. (hnt sources of infosrtmatiton hnve also beetsnisi if itciudina busi- ness dtrnrtotnnsancuu dt roin 1971, 1981, atid_ 1Tb fisrspt \i isliitrti.-d T thetfor- Naio ntmpmtnbosuismco satoni 2sstreaddacitpeunnaneisi, it tae unf ,aet cisie thait microfilms, and is ecasily trinound,? Rrt (Crctyne said. Rus s' cisinritt~ will also handle th:e diiiaiti ftetata, atnd is eunenilo itivoltecd in neg.)itititis with an und'is- closed foireign gosemitnent to obtain funding for tim pIrinc rf tire. Russ hopes us cinplete the digital,,.,datritbase withini the nest months. Once com tuplle. Cinyneatid Rs expect the diialitfottiisn to be use- . ful in effors ts turn refigees totei kuitd aton hghcoinnmtssiunon reges. NlO cic nctgforces. ati biruiniatta ru tsizlinshave -J ',i r . : .: i er Test Pre ration9610 6 2-19 -y ' ' ' x . "