5B DRM HOM E, can lease out single units
for sale ( r e t or whole house Furnishd p kg lndry.,
near central campus Call 248 65176
s ^ ® -5 BDRM HOUSE availituredfor
~ * ~ $160/inn or $190 in Sp. Dshushr,
disposal, free ndry failiies.leaso conac
Chns at 214-1946 or 546 6178
On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. A VERY QUIET place for Fall '99. Perfect
BGRAD STUDENT ALERT!!! Old West for MBA's & Grad. students. Studio & 1
2 BEDROOM CONDO, on campus, Side 2 edrooms, fully farmished. Mast see. edroom aprttents. Close to canpus,
$103,000, clean. Call Mike at 734-658-5400. 668-1100 qualit living C668-1100.
WHITE ELECTRIC stove, good condition, I HUGE BDRM. in 3 bdrm. apt. Great ARABIC TRANSLATING NEEDED For
$41 00. Call Mike at 734-658-5400. location. A/C, prkg, pool, ldry, bale. Avail.rarAB octAnsaTING iNe .fo
Fall 99 Call Stefanie at 623-9842. research project, need several arices from
Egyptian newspaper translated into English
Good pay. Call Frances 665-3141 g
autom otive 3 BDRM. APT. avail. mid-July 998hruA
Aug00 ff tret pkg, tdry, p-fan. ARE YOU LOOKING for housing? Contact
Aug. 00. Off-street prkg., Indry., part-furn hgb'.
Thayer & Catherine, 5 min. walk to us on the we at www.anvestropertv.com
Rackham, Med., Nursng Schools & State St. AVAIL. SEPT. I-E. WitliatDvision. Eff.,
$1235/mo. incl.heat & water. 930-9761. & I bdrm. apts. w/sec. buzzer, dry., storage.
AUTO INSURANCE. Buying a car? No 3 MIN. TO SOUTH QUAD I and 2 br. Gallati Realty Co. 994-1204.
previous insurance? Call 663-6655 & save! remodeled, everything NEW, parking, AVAIL. SEPT. 3: Studio apt., furn., heat &
HONDA CIVIC '89: cd player, a/c,156k laundry, A/C, heat and water included. Call water incl. Large enough for 2. 2 blks. from
HOND great car! $1200 obo. 995-68r, 973-7368 cmopus. 703/425-3637 or email: chappells
NISSAN MAXIMA '17, $1750 oho. 179k 3 MIN. WALK to S. Quad-lbdrm. (single Cerolsom
NISAN AMA/8, , $17/fmocas.179- occupancy) & 2 bdrm. apts. All remodeled. AVAILABLE AUG. 1 AND SEPT. 1 99:
mites, tan, auto. a/c, power, am/fm css. 769- Park., aconies 9737368N e.Cr ms oe dm
2463. Near Med. Ctr. Cmps. Modern 1 & 2 bdrm.
apts. Prkg. A/C, Ldry., Bale., Fun. 800
Edited by Fran & Lou Sabin home, FREE parking & laundry, close to
central campus, $350/o. + utilities. Cal
ACROSS DOWN 31 Long-plumed 47 Flower holder Erin 623-9051
1 Diver's gear 1 Ticket part heron 48 "See you," in CENTRAL CAMPUS FALL '99. Bi-level
6 - out: betray 2 Manage 32 Land measures Milan I bdrm. apts. near B and Law Schools. Fum.,
10 George 3 Apartment 34 Key military 49 Musical idry., prkg. 663-3050.
Bemard - 4 Storage box group pause FALL 99 CENTRAL CAMPUS. Great
14 Gin's go-with 5 Demi Moore, 37 Promise again 50 Rim selection of eff. I & 2 bdrm. apt. furn., prkg.
15 Entreaty e.g. 41 Defeated in the 51 British gun & dry. Contact 663-3050.
16 Domesticate 6 Deliver an pool 52 - -up: FALL 99. Lge. 4 bdrm bi-lev. penthse. unit.
17 Not settled or address 43 Short snooze bottled-up 2 ceramic tile baths, 2 bales., track-lighting,
A/C, dishwasher, disposal, heat/water mcl.
decided 7 Spirit 44 Afrikaner 53 Bohemian parking, & laundry. 665-8825.
19 Buffalo's lake 8 Maui wreath 46 Rough wool 56 Negative vote FALL '99
20 Gamble 9 Generous fabric 57 Past I bedroom apartment in prime location.
21 Brown with gift-giving ANSWER TO TODAYS PUZZLE Furnished. Heat & water included. 665-8825.
white streaks 10 Brat Pack film
22 Gold-covered of 1985 A 1 N O W 0 3 A 3 H 1 0 W FOR RENT. Central Campus, near
I N 3 9 V 3 D V B 1 S V 3 Law/Business school, unfurnished. Including
24 Student's 11 Difficult -1VM 30N 3 util, prkgandtidry. Efficiency $555, 1
place 12 Lyons friend 3 VM 3 N B3 I bdr/2hdrms $800-$850. Avail 9/99.
plaetrN 12 Cygren. Vd 5 S 3 M 3 S d V 1 73 0 Edward 313-201-8742.
25 Jea or Nets 13 Cigarette: S. 0 0 101 3SV3 M
26 Set, as a fine 18Nylons SiS a f1la v V N O A V S
29 Wrong name 23 Author Fleming 0o a 3 - 0 ±1 I 0 3 1 S I W
33 Cat calls 24 Sensible O B V d 3 3 N V a N 3 01V
34 Taxis 25 "LostrHorizon" 00J 3 S S BV O S M O3 V
35 -lily land a3PW ONNS I W 3 S O d W
36 Yemen seaport 26 Muslim leaders W V 3 .1 ?35 3 0
37 Raja's wife 27 Radio and 0 3 0 1 I D N V 0 B .L 3 B *Walking distance to
38 Gambling television, e.g. 3 BI 3 hIIV 3Hil N I d1 U of M Medical
game 28Rhythmic verse 3WVI V33d INO1 denter
39 Haze 29 Craze; fad MV H 8 11 33s V Ba 073OBS *updatedKitchens
40 Work on 30 Dinners, e.g. 716/99 + On-site management
manuscripts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 * 24-hour emergency
41 Did a lube job maintenance
42 Brando-Buttons Ildottrs :
'57 film 17 18 19 n 1-ri 9 7
44 ExplodesStv 10-6
4Epods 20 21 22 23 S~na~y 125
45 Comfort
46Oe ada24 a5 on 12 mo. lease only On selected
46 Open handbag225 units. Must bring a for discount.
47 Fare for Fido 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
50 Rams' dams
1Rsrt 33 34 35
51 ResortdasISLAND -DR I VEI
54 Opera house 36 37 38
level 39 4o 41 A P A R T M E N T S
55 Where
submarines 42 43 44
18 Bridge seat
59 Fury 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 KERRYTOWN 2 BDRM., remodeled
10 007, .. 54 kitchen, parking, large bdrms, new furniture.
,1 It g.ar 4e eatHistoric remodeled house completely
> 11s larvae Oat 5 renovated, 3 and 4 bdrm apts. 973-7368
clothes KERRYTOWN UM GRAD and Medical, 2,
12 Looked over 61 82 83 3 and 4 br. very nice, remodeled, parking, al
13 "The Full -" NEW. Call 973-7368
LARGE FURNISHED 2 bdrm. apt. on S.
State, 5 Min. to MIthigas Union. Avail. Fall
lease. Heat & water incl, 2-sink bath, s
Interco/sed hazzer, New appliance, Bale.,
A/C, Prkg., Ldry., for 2 $875-1075, for 3-4k
$1050-1325, No snkg./no pets. Call 734-
996-3539, 9 a.m. to 8 ptm.
Fal 'EA99N ! ! HUGE, CLEAN 3 bdrm. bi-level June
Famishe apall mes 24-Aug. 16. Prkg. Idry. 3 bales. A/C many
Stop by for a brochure windows. Rent cheap. Debbie 216-751-7848.
Campus Rentals *LARGE ROOM & suite on Hill & State.
1335 S. University Kitchen, laundry, for male. $210, 995-3276.
at Washtenaw
665-8825 1 BDRM. in 2 bdrm townhouse. Near
AATA. $500/utils. Prkg. furn. ldry. A/C.
ONE BEDROOM AND efficiencies. Near 677-4383.
campus, quiet, clean houses. Avail. now and
Fall. 994-3907. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 1 hr. and 6
br. home summer sublet. FREE parking and
ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS laundry, close to central campus, $300 +
available for fall, 1999 near U of M central utilities. Call Erin 623-9051
campus. Furnished, heat, hot and cold water
provided. Basic cable TV service also HUGE 1 BDRM. avail. July & Aug. Nr
provided. For additional information and an Law & B-School, fully fun., utils. incl. $4W
appointment to view, please contact Wilson o.b.o. 734/665-5620, ask for Duane.
White Co., Inc at 734-995-9200.Eqa
Housing Opportunity. Equal NEED A SUBLET Aug-Dec. I bdrm studio
or to share a house/apt. Call Ami at
TWO BDRM. at 1600 Packard. (609)799-9544 or (609)799-3637.
Unfurnifurn., modern, A/C, balcony 913-
5387 or 769-7025.
TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished apartment services
currently available near Yost Ice Arena.
Please contact Wilson White Company, Inc. K r
at 734-995-9200. Equal Housing " ' e I
Opportunity. -
BRAIDS! $65-125+ Latch bob twists human
9 M O N Hr "corew silkydreds. Sheila 483-5425.
LEA SES Cleaning and Free Summer Storage.
Basement at 715 N. University. 662-1906.
TIME IS RUNNINGOUT... organization, format. All disciplines. 25 years
U-M expenence. 734/996-0566 or. writeon
TO LEASE @bizserve.com
FOR T H Ehelp wanted
OF 1999
O1N CAM PUS circulars. For info call 203-977-1720.
Govt Refunds Ar Hum-! No Esperience
INCLUDED Necessary.800-696 4779 cxt. 1763.
*SWIIMMING POOL recreation is hiring staff (certification not
*EXERCISE ROOM necessary) for the following summer
*9 & 12 MONTH LEASES programs: Instructional Swim ar
Instructional Tennis. Immediate opening'
*24 HR ATTENDED weekday and Satarday hours available. 994-
LOBBY /MAINT. 2300 rut 233 B.O.
ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant for mid-size
WALK TO CLASSES Ann Arbor Architectural office, proficient in
word, Excel and QuickbooksPRO. Friendly
creative environment, competitive salary and
OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK benefits. 734-9979444
Mon Fri
a u m 8p needs model. No experience necessary.
Sat l0am 5pm ',Tower Interested in all types and especially full-
Sun 1pm 5pm figured. Excellent pay. 665-2521.
761-2680 ARE YOU CHINESE and born in East/S.E.
Asia? Earn $12 for I hr.multi-cultural stuar
at U of M. 647-8014 or ianleu@uiuich.edu
WE HAVE FULLY furnished efficiency,
studio, one and two bedroom apartments near ATTENTION STUDENTS!
U of M central campus with great features
and professional service. For more MI TELEFUND is hiring!! Create your own
information and an appointment to view your schedule, gain valuable computer &
future home, call Wilson White Company, communication skills. Paid training, fun
Inc at 734-995-9200. Equal Housing atmosphere. Up to $8/hr. Bonuses galore!
For application & info stop by 611 Church
#4F or call 998-7420.
Large 1 & 2 bdrin. aptmts. available for July CASH AND CASUAL. Are you tired of
& August. Low rates, free heat and water, working oo hard for not eanugh money. P
sure location! 971-2132 time hours, full-time pay. Excellent
students, guaranteed 8-10 dollars an hour to
start. Call Ian at 913-5995.
CLERICAL POSITION. 10 hrs/wk. Other
dF. hrs. possible. $10.00/hr, for more info call
Honey Creek Community School 734-994-
, - .' 2636.