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July 06, 1999 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1999-07-06

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Tuesday, July 6, 1999


Smith's athletic scholarship terminated


By Steve A. Rem
Daily Spors Writer
CALUMET PARK, Ill. - Michigan foot-
ball player Demetrius Smith, only days after
his alleged participation in a six-person
embezzlement ring from an Ypsilanti Kmart
store surfaced, received notice from the
University that his athletic scholarshin has

been terminated.I
As a result, his athletic aid for the 1999-
2000 academic year will not be honored,
according to a letter signed by the University
financial aid department and sent to his
home in Illinois on June 29.
"The coaches never even asked me what
happened ..." Smith said. "They just got rid
of me."
Smith -- a Kinesiology sophomore who
was personally recruited by head coach
Lloyd Carr - was already under suspension

for violating team rules during spring prac-
Smith's mother, Diane, said she believes
coaches and officials wanted to use the inci-
dent as a reason to withdraw her son's athlet-
ic aid. "They were waiting for the right
opportunity," said Diane Smith.
The letter stated that the University's
grounds for scholarship recall were, "... in
accordance with the NCAA, Big Ten and
institutional regulations."
This was not the first time Diane Smith

had heard of her son's release from the team.
She said Offensive Coordinator Mike
DeBord called her two days before the letter
arrived, notifying her verbally of her son's
Bruce Madej, University associate athletic
director for media relations, said Demetrius
Smith was still "indefinitely suspended,"
adding that he had no knowledge of any let-
ter sent to Smith's home.
University Athletic Director Tom Goss, Smith
See FOOTBALL, Page 13

A2 celebrates Independence
Day with parade, picnics

By Sava Guntskly
j -Daily Staff Reporter
The thunder of two passing jets started off
the ninth annual Ann Arbor Jaycee's
Independence Day parade to the cheers and
applause of the local residents.
The parade featured a wide variety of com-
munity participants, including the Ann Arbor
District Library troupe, complete with an imi-
tation Queen Elizabeth 11 and the town
Bookmobile. The Ann Arbor Civic Band pro-
vided the music, with a little help from the
- drumming band and the kilt-clad
- The bright colors and honking sirens of the
Clownmobile created entertainment for the
children, who also profited from participants
throwing candy into the crowds. Other
groups handed out flowers and propaganda
Like many across the state celebrating the 4th ofTEuIly, leaflets.
three year old Maia Diliane of Grand Rapids relaxes One of the parade highlights was Miss Ink-
Saturday after eating ice cream in East Grand Rapids. Stained Wench of 1999, riding in a car
Chinese delegation visits 'U'

emblazoned with her title and the proclama-
tion "The First Amendment ... It's a Good
Several of the groups were delegations of
local politicians, who could not be present
themselves, opting for larger parades in
Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid Sheldon was a
notable exception, beaming smiles as she
passed the crowds.
Streets along the parade route were crowd-
ed with local citizens, cheering and waving
Some locations were teeming with celebrat-
ing populace, making it difficult to even find
a suitable spot..
The Ann Arbor Police Department provided
security for the parade.
Approximately sixty patrol cars were
deployed along the parade route, as well as
miscellaneous officers on bikes and on foot.
See PARADE, Page 7

for State
Street area
By Nika Schulte
Daily News Editor
Although University students con
sider Ann Arbor's South State Stree
one of the city's best places to ea
shop and watch people walk by, fc
the last nine months Universit
researchers have been conducting
study on how to make it better.
Since October, students and facul
ty from the University's Taubma
College of Architecture and Urba
Planning, the Business and Industris
Assistance Division of the Busines
School, as well as the School c
Public Policy, conducted focu
groups and interviews trying to deter
mine ways to revitalize the area.
Last week, the preliminaryrsultsc
the study were presented to Ann Arbc
officials, merchants and business cor
munity members.
The study suggests that portions c
such roads as Liberty, Maynard, Stat
and Thompson streets and Nort
University Avenue should accommc
date two-way traffic.
Architecture and Urban Plannin
Prof. Bob Beckley said the one-wa
street patterns of the State Stret
area make it "difficult to get t
because (drivers) are continuall
Karl Pohrt, owner of Shama
Drum Bookshop, said he believe
See STUDY, Page
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By Seva Gunitskdy
Daily Staff Reporter
After weeks of waiting for
their visas, a delegation of
Chinese public health officials
finally arrived in Ann Arbor last
Their visit was halted by the
closing of the American
embassy in Beijing, which shut
down after hostilitites broke out
against American diplomats
after the accidental boming of
the Chinese embassy in
Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Despite these difficulties, the
15-member delegation arrived
in town ready to learn more
about the United States.
"Our goal is to make more
people understand what the sit-
uation is in China," said Zheng
Erli, deputy secretary-general
of the China Population
Association. "We also want to
have a chance to get sugges-
tions from the United States."
The visit is a result of an ini-
tiative on part of the Chinese
government to improve the qual-

ity of care and family planning
in China. Started in 1995, the
program now encompasses
eleven pilot counties.
All eleven program directors
from these counties were mem-
bers of the delegation, as well as
some national-level officials
from the State Family Planning
After a day of rest, the delega-
tion kicked off the visit with a
tour of the campus yesterday
morning. The group expressed
See CHINESE, Page 7

Members of the Chinese delgation visiting Ann Arbor
gather at the School of Public Health yesterday morning.

Uninversity grad and screenwriter 'Wild Wild Wt
Adam Herz awaits the release of Hayek doesn'
'American Pie.' Page 16. Page 10.

...x.' _. ... ..,.


est' starring Will Smith and Selma
t ride into the sunset.

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