Monday, June 28, 1999- The Michigan Daily - 1 .Petty deli~vers the goods at 'Knob'. By Emily Achenbaum Dily Arts Witer The anonymous and the dangerous Thce stagc swts set for Tomt Petty and the Hleatbreaikers, who pct'oiiocd at Pice kicoh in Junte 18, tic diottcli a little difIferct , i iiad alittlc T ta. t lietty,'s st daaV 1 I's "Stor i, nlr ccis Picr T hugr i *ctrantkcc r toik lies t db'ic ic ltike iispi iceorinate i glb s, andC iti i t and blue i s csthey Hesar treaker I slowid burnd as sPin no inchose, cit uing Julie k8 199 kiol te st ticec TerPtt g cesilig ovtier a he th ud lienisces Heartbeakers Sure li it tesd little tews-age. But this is Totim " Petty. Atnd lie ~tr~shss. was going into dlvrarock vitntage black overcoat, took the stage lie mcodestly opetned with say- tag, "In case yoc, arrised late, we're Tomt Petty atid the Heartbreakers, andc swe'll be yocur designcatecd tmucsicat enttertaicmcent for the rest of the es etictg." lie thcenc pirformiecd "Dcoiii Do Me Like Thati," a scong that, like Petty citd h andi. teeds o Intraodccioun cci Withl licts set cdesignt andc ccol-ais- a-cuncume deme cciianocr, the cectire shtowt elt lke lie isas just licacgitng out acd jamincci g f i is laciiies (ini ti'e iscitigi t: " i'ts ia ciried andc ithe a cli- We, especially those siccting Ott the lassic utider a clioud cif st-poke, cowled in cigreemcent. Petty tihet ipp ed ititou "Last Dancce it Miisarv tlane," hisi presiotis eictccecc coifitoting scispi- Nothing petty about Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' show at Pine Knob. cncitisilac "Macv Jane" is ccoi actual- ly about a loug-legged Midiwesternt gi rl. Petty follossed wit a sleepy, secductisve. drassn-ocut version of "1 Wot't Back Dossn.' anid delisered effortless sersions if favsorites like "Breakdlossn," "Refugee," ice classic "'Amtericant (Girl,"'recenti lii 'It's fioodc to be Kitig" ftrscothle "Widiclioss " albuti, andci"Learnintg to Fls." ITle reniditiontiof'"Lcaritnctetoliv" ivs a aperfeci cxamtple cii silt tmackes lItse slccas itiltittprt e tiitc' st acts like' Pcttv sulch'Not ocnis si lt he tc _l t t cit!, ci cc Pecso laccs I u clv andc "Amierican iiiic 1 fetaIturedc lety,cls playivlis c I igcuiccariis. I leatareaker Mikc Ca,tibc thetc ci', ikCentlrsiage ssith twos iisolocs. itiiltg itlong iistrumtenttai picce siccicPetty cccomipaiecd ssih an elecrifsyiharmionitca iac k-up. But lie Iighlighit of the esvettitig set to comce. The lights suddenly wenii down itatidcute of the carted ssooden chests ontacge wvas illcumsi- tntted like a mysticcl jack-o-latntern. Petty opened it, pithed out otte of his signtture tiphatis, atnd sloswly placed it ottliis head. TIhle stage seas itnstanct- ly re-lit its Petty poured himtself itnto "Dotit C.omie AroutndiIere Nit MVore",'cicdiing a spuntky guitr bit at te cnd.'lie scong ended itica crescendo acid Petty removisedc his tat. T he lipits isect outonciy to rise eltest 1, treascicic iccti I on tc hul ccl 5 ec-tae toccI a _cc 1 Af t ato g cci !t - t' c wait ci cit licoce citric(a isct"Faeecal ili'caepcock extra tenciiuites. ali ct h C cci, il t~Citlt Si ktit.I 'i cclitr 'aticic c cci- h?_i thecliikaclle i iri c lidcciitter a l o dsuriugtak anad don't cii cinythitng in public sitih- out tcciiiott, thenitchere's the hiand's cathtartic msicsc that scents to disturb as muich as te tasks atnd finctily, theet's thte fact that they hail froti Des Moties,Iossa. Des Minies, Iowa? C'ertaiuly sometiitg like Slipkoot would hate come ouitiof Los Angeles or New York or sonte oilier crazy city like that. The band cotnsists, of two guitar players, a bassist, a singer, a drcumnner, twto percssionists, a sattple mcaveti atnd a D.i. all prefer to go by nuttber cssignmcets rather than their real niamtes. NcumcerTwso, aka Paul Graty, spoke icc"f'le Michtigcin Daily about his biand's ratlier untique situtation. "Des Mointes cs a tcicsshcre hisswn. Nobiocy tired for cit or vicat sedid tandi ce saicdc. c, uddcddt iicopscntuscually large cot- lecctive o1' tiacetbrs is somaetlhing tliiitfGraty ficcdsniore of an adsvati- tage thani a nuisattce. "I tate it i ceit a bcand sicunds one way ott their albumttiatid sound comapletely diff'erent swhen they play live. With all nitie of us together, we tever face that problem as we can recre- ate every little tiny nuatnce we tmade ott our album," Gray explained. With all the different memubers attd all the differetnt sounds the group is capable of producing it seemns sonic- thinug short of a miracle that the group's tmtusic does tnt conte out a cluttcring mtess. Gcray cotmtmeted on this sayitng, "ste're real good at kttowittg when to hold backc and wvhett to just let a couple of us do the work. No otie really has att ego about it, we just twat to niake thc best mucsicste eatt." 'New Owners, Moder 'M chns, and Spa ligCla 14695 AWashternaw I between Guifside & Hogback across the street from Spicetree Apts., in the Kroger/Rite Aid Strip (L g Am~~~~~~iSeriapGauae t eetr US and abod Traste stdet cosd e a. ere, elerkebpe , qvall . Allyou need 9. s vACO 4435514 12qj) or 770 465 9966° ,1 ' we can be Cantaetedsi aa eaall at 32 S. Stt t 120 E. Liberty atFourth Ave (lowe leve oStDecer Drtga Carry-out 7 days a week 662-1945 aEXOTIC DRINKS - WINES - COCKTAILS . *,.