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June 28, 1999 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1999-06-28

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Sam's edkilli .
"The Red Violin"makes its final run this
week at the Michigan Theater. Don't miss
out on seeing Samuel L Jackson in a rare
non-violent role in the film.



Ozzfest '99 showcases
the diversity of metal
By Adlin Rosil
Duily Arts Editor
Metal music is still alive and thriving in 1999,
despite all the music critics who have declared it
dead and despite the onslaught of newer musical
genres attempting to take its place.
The surest testament to this is the sold out
Ozzfest '99 multi-band
event this past Friday at Pine
Knob. With two stages, the
OzzfeSt'99 main stage and a side stage
located near the car park,
Pine Knob sixteen metal bands deliv-
June 25 199 ered their mantra of metal's
well being.
From the mediocrity of
Godsmack and
Pushmonkey, the primal
rage of Slipknot and
Slayer, the futuristic indus-
trial assault of Fear
Factory an Static-X, the
ethnically influenced
metal of System ofA Down and Puya to the clas-
sic sound of metal's grandaddies themselves,
Black Sabbath with its original Ozzy Osbourne
led lineup, Ozzfest '99 showcased the exciting
variety of metal's modern day incarnations.
There wasa distinct difference in atmos-
phere between the main stage and the side
stage. With its smaller, standing room only
anU Rsu/tae.
System of A Dwn rippn It up on the main stage.

Disney goes ape for Tarzan

Fear Factory shows its brain power at Ozzfest '99.
area, the second stage was a lot more intimate
and the interaction of the performing band
with the "mosh-happy" crowd was clearly vis-
Intensity levels peaked during Slipknot, Static-X
and Fear Factory's performance. The grassy stand-
ing area was quickly reduced to dirt and the crowd
soon managed to erupt a thick dust cloud from all
the epileptic maneuvers it was engaged in.
With its large pavilion sitting area and a lawn area
located after, the performance on the mainstage was
slightly less personal due to the large distance
between crowd and performer.
First four mainstage acts, Pushmonkey,
System of A Down, Godsmack and Primus,
despite energetic sets by each respectively,
were at a disadvantage at riling the audience up
due to the hot blazing lethargy causing sun.
The last four heavy hitters, Slayer, Deftones,
Rob Zombie and the legendary original Black
Sabbath line up on the other hand, solidified
their popularity and earned right to be the last
four groups to play as led the crowd into a
frenzy of screams, singalongs (sometimes
screamalongs) and flailing bodies in the lawn
Ozzfest has annually sold out venues like
Pine Knob and thrilled metal fans since its
beginning. With this past Friday's thrilling
show, the multi-band event triumphantly
restates why it does so.

By Matthew Barrett
Daily Arts Writer
After four years in the
making, "Tarzan," Disney's
new animated film, has
finally been release in the-
aters across the country.
However, finishing the
movie was no easy task -
18 months were spent on the
animation production
process alone. During this
period of time, over 1,100
different artists worked on
various parts of the film.
According to Bruce
Smith, the animator respon-
sible for designing and
supervising Kerchak, leader
of the gorillas, research is
"We strive on the tradition
of what itntakes to complete
a film in this studio. A lot of
this stuff starts with
research, guys really get into
their characters no matter
what it is, whether it's an ant
or it's a gorilla, you're
always going to do research,
to make them realistic and
believable," Smith said.
Smith also added some
insight on the process of
drawing a particular character
throughout the movie and
mentioned that, "a lot of times
the way these films work is
that we pick up in the middle.
And then we may go back to
the beginning and then do the
"Because during the mid-
dle part, if you watch
movies, you're probably a

little more forgiving than they've seen it."
when you introduce these Richard Cook, chairman of
characters in the beginning," the Walt Disney Motion
Smith said. Pictures Group, views
For the film's producer, "Tarzan" as a "culmination of
Bonnie Arnold, "Tarzan" everything our studio has
provided various challenges, tried to do for the last 65
"One, we found out early years." Cook also feels that
on that Tarzan is the second "from a technical standpoint,
most filmed property in the it's the best we've ever done,"
world, second only to adding that "it's the best
Dracula," he said. assemblage of artists that's
Arnold continued, "taking ever been assembled."
that, you think what piece of Regardless of the talent
that story can you tell? What gathered for the movie,
piece can you tell that you "Tarzan" faces sonic stiff
feel like we haven't seen competition at the all-impor-
before? Tarzan is sort of the tant summer box office.
double edged sword. The But Cook feels confident
good news is, you say in his product, and says that
Tarzan, people get it, every- "Tarzan" "clearly plays as
body knows it. The bad well as any movie that we've
news, everybody feels like ever had."

coretesywof D nterrises nc.
Taan gazes cautoos y hoping to find box office success soon.

_ ._.

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